Here’s a thought..... | Arthritis Information


I know we complain about the high cost of a lot of our meds.....


In thinking about where all that money goes, I had a question:

Who pays the nurses who sit at the call centers? Like the ones Humira, and Enbrel, etc etc have? Is some of the cost of our meds paying their salaries? Cause that's money well spent at least.

Anyone know?

Sure that is what pays them.  That is why everybody should remember to use them!

Maybe insurance somehow kicks in a little somewhere in there, maybe reimburses better for cos. that provide nurses?  Think about it - a call can save you a trip to the dr., and I've had nurse lines say go to the doctor more often than not, so I don't think they are in place to just to keep you away.  I think they are wonderful to reassure you are doing the right thing. 

Yeah I had just never really thought about it before.


Now, it makes you wonder where the hell all the money goes for the insanely expensive drugs that DON'T have that service....

True Katie.  Someone is getting rich and it isn't us.

I think it's great to have that service.  All meds should have something like that.  Especially meds that people are on for extended periods of time.

It probably goes to paying bills like phone, electrical, water, heat, air, mortgage.  Then some goes to payroll and employee benefits, insurance (bet they pay like razy for that).  They pay for groundskeepers, cleaning services, advertising, equipment for research must be pretty high priced too.  That's just what I though of off the top of my head.  Their's always so much more than goes into a thing than you see on the surface.That's true. Well, like I said, it was just a thought! [QUOTE=Linncn]It probably goes to paying bills like phone, electrical, water, heat, air, mortgage.  Then some goes to payroll and employee benefits, insurance (bet they pay like razy for that).  They pay for groundskeepers, cleaning services, advertising, equipment for research must be pretty high priced too.  That's just what I though of off the top of my head.  Their's always so much more than goes into a thing than you see on the surface.[/QUOTE]

Taxes - property and income; technical writers; medical advisors; nurse hotlines; research - both laboratory and clinical (many research studies have the test subjects checked into the hospital, on a separate floor, where they are monitored 24x7), animal care (I could never stand to go into the animal research building

She said that not only do they have to pay their employees from call centers to local customer service employees, packaging center, delivery drivers, scientists etc.  But the money also goes to future research for more medications and treatments.

This I understood.  But ,000 a month for some meds just still seems too high.


I once asked my doctor why meds cost so much and this is what she told me.

She said that not only do they have to pay their employees from call centers to local customer service employees, packaging center, delivery drivers, scientists etc.  But the money also goes to future research for more medications and treatments.

This I understood.  But ,000 a month for some meds just still seems too high.


There are economies of scale, and also some drugs are VERY hard and expensive to make.  You can make acetaminophen, aspirin, etc about as easily as you can bake a cake... but creating the biologicals is quite difficult and time-consuming.  And almost everyone takes tylenol... but very few people take Remicade/enbrel/etc, and when they do, it's not an every day thing.

That being said, the sales/marketing arm of the pharma industry makes me want to VOMIT.  They are some of the slimiest, nastiest, useless people on the planet.