RICHARD COHENS BOOK | Arthritis Information


I was watching the View this am and they had Richard Cohen on (Meredith Viera's hubby) about his book "Strong in the Broken Places". Its about living with chronic illnesses. I was wondering if anyone has read this. It sounded VERY interesting.I forgot to say that he too suffers with a chronic disease. He has MS. I know that his wife has spoken in the past about their struggle.anybody??

I haven't heard about it - but it sounds interesting.  Are you thinking of getting it?  Maybe order a latte at Border's and skim?


I saw this too and I think I am going to check it out tomorrow.  It sounds really good. Pip,
That latte is very tempting!!! I love those!
I think I will drag my hubby with me later today or tomorrow. I forgot all about those until you brought it up!! yummy

