Your labs vs how you feel | Arthritis Information


There are a couple of posts I've seen on lab tests and how they sometimes don't reflect what we feel.  I've been wondering how high other peoples numbers are and how well they reflect what we actually experience.  Luckily my doctor does check my labs each month, but doesn't go by that alone.

So if you don't mind sharing, post here with:

Latest sed rate
Latest C-RP
Latest rheumatoid factor
How inflamed/swollen do your joints look?
How inflamed/swollen do your joints feel?

I'll start:
Sed rate = 49
C-RP = 36.6
Rheumatoid factor = not taken since last year when it was negative
Look inflamed = mildly (3 out of 10)
Feel inflamed = moderate plus (7 out of 10)


My daughter just had hers:

Sedrate 17 (normal)

CRP 24.5 (<5 is normal)

RF negative (not uncommon for kids)

Looks inflamed - 3 joints

Feels - don't know

Her daily life/activities are equal to what her older sister was doing at this age, with a slightly better appetite.

Sed rate = 4
C-RP = unsure---it was ordered but I just noticed the lab forgot to do it. It's been within normal range all year
Rheumatoid factor = not taken since last year when it was positive
Look inflamed = no (one little spot on ankle)
Feel inflamed = slightly (1 out of 10)

Blood, liver and kidney panels all within normal range.

I forgot to add the "how I feel" portion. I guess if you went by my labs you would say "she's in remission!" (I am not sero-negative), and I do feel good compared to a year ago, but it still seems like RA is lurking close to the surface. No inflammation can be detected by clinical diagnosis but I feel slightly tender, and I do have spots that hurt when pushed. My shoulders flare up easily but also flre down quickly. My tendons often hurt rather than my joints, especially my hip ones. I am also incredibly weak and I feel like if I over exert something it will flare up. I have begun combating this with strength training, but I just started recently ago so it hasn't done much yet.


Gimpy-a-gogo39465.5386342593Sed Rate - I don't see this or ESR on any of my pages?
C-RP - 0.2 from 1/16/08
RF - 152 from 3/31/06

Swollen finger joints probably a 3, I can get my ring off today

today's a good day, won't take any pain reliever

Always remember, there might be an underlining thing that could make you worse or be doing something else to you if your numbers don't add up right.

A year ago when on the exact same drugs as now (except i am on mobic instead of celebrex this time) I had a teeny tiny sed rate and he said i was fine yet i was horrible.

I didn't find out till this year that it is dairy that is my horrible swelling problem and i can't have even a drop (but i have too cuz it is in all my pills).

But, if the numbers don't add up right, check for something else that might be causing the troubles.

I just had a follow up with my RD on Tuesday, and for the first time since being diagnosed in August my sed rate and crp are within nrmal range.  And I am feeling as though they are normal, as well.  Not much pain at all, slightly tender shoulder and elbow.  RD did not test my RF or CCP this time, but they were 18 (RF) and 10 (CCP) last October.  So far, I have not needed meds and she is still holding off to see how I progress, although, as good as I feel now, she informed me on Tuesday that I will someday develop full-blown RA.  Oh well, I am completely grateful for feeling so good at this point and hope it lasts!

Latest sed rate:   27
Latest C-RP:   3.4
Latest rheumatoid factor:  18
How inflamed/swollen do your joints look?  Not inflamed
How inflamed/swollen do your joints feel?  Do not feel inflamed

Bubbagump, do a search for compounding pharmacies. Sometimes you can get your drugs compounded without dairy or gluten or things like that. The cost depends on what you get so talking to them can help.

Regular pharmacists are pretty dense about those sorts of things.

I react severely to corn and the sulfasalazine tablets were loaded with corn. I was biding my time until I was well enough to go without (thanks to diet changes and new probiotics) and so far I am doing better than I was doing when I was taking them. Whew.
My labs don't match how I feel anymore. They use to when I was younger but now with having fibromyalgia--there really isn't a test to show whats going on now.

But I do know that most docs just don't go by lab tests anymore--there are too many "false" readings and what docs can see for themselves goes alot further then tests. That along with your symptoms.Interesting-my doctor doesn't share this info with me.  I am going to demand to know.I'm with Catnip.  My RD only sends me a note saying that my tests were "normal".  I need to start taking control of my health and request the numbers!!

July 2006:

SED rate =  90

CRP = 17

RF negative


Swollen left knee - this has been troubling me since May 07 and limits the amount of walking I can do. I received my 3rd cortisone injection 2 days ago.

left elbow swollen, pain radiating down arm. I received a cortisone injection 2 days ago... still waiting for both shots to take effect.


My doctor will give me copies of my lab results if I ask, so don't be shy!

When I was first diagnosed:


Sed Rate = 34

CRP = 13.9

RF = 330

Anti-CCP = 238

ANA = 1:1280 Speck & Hom


I didn’t think I ever presented with swelling, but my RD says I had mild swelling.  I presented with lots of pain in a migratory fashion.


My RD never retested my RF, Anti-CCP, or ANA.  Within six months or so, my Sed returned to normal.  My CRP hovered at high normal 4.9 to a 6.5.


My pain worsened and eventually settled in many joints but it was

never reflected in my inflammatory markers.


I always understood that the SED and CRP were markers of “systemic” inflammation and if the inflammation was confined to the joint, it wouldn’t show up in those tests.  Anyone know?


I’m glad my RD treats ME, and not the TESTS!



I always ask for the lab results from every doctor I have ever seen, including MRIs, C-span, x-ray reports., everything - its your personal property.  And chart notes, then I have to call to get all the corrections like changing the word "growth" to "throat" pain as I needed a total thyroidectomy from my growth pain.  Geez.   

Lastest results 11/20/07 (I repeat on Monday for 2 month recheck):

Sed Rate = 20 - on 9/28/07 it was 34

CRP = (*) or sero-negative - on 09/28/07 it was 2.9

RF = 150 on 6/9/06 when diagnosed and never repeated

Anti-CCP = 43.96 (high is 5.00) 6/9/06 never repeated

ANA = negative


Just for fun, my other diseases:

Scleroderma ABS Panel of 6/9/06:

ANA Titer:  1:160 high

ANA Pattern:  Homogenous (abnormal, no pattern is normal)

ANA Titer:  1:160 high (no idea why its repeated on the form)

ANA Pattern:  Speckled (abnormal, no idea why it was repeated)


Muscle Inflammation Testing/Polymyosistis (sp)

J2 SN RNP Weak Positive (abnormal, negative is normal)



Single strand DNA - positive, but in two second opinions, I was told you had to have the double strand DNA be positive to prove lupus.  My wonderful family practitioner who has taken over my entire care as I just fired the one drug rheumatologist ordered the double strand for Monday!  Let's run the right test and find out if I have lupus or not!)


Great thread.  Cathy





This is really interesting, as at 27 Nov 07

CPR - 3

ESR - 9

RF - down to a healthy 118

ANA - 1/40 speckled

Anti CCP - negative

Pads on palm and fingers swollen (fingers look like sausages

Right elbow hot and slightly swollen

Pain - Left hand throbbing with the heart beat

Liver, some tests gone up some gone down - GP happy.

My bloods have never reflected the amount of inflammation going on, so much so my RD actually noted it my last report.

Latest sed rate - 6
Latest C-RP - 3
Latest rheumatoid factor - 37 on diagnosis (dx. Nov.06) and never repeated
How inflamed/swollen do your joints look? 'Active synovial inflammation [My Rd's words, not mine!] in all hand joints' so anything from my wrists to my finger tips!How inflamed/swollen do your joints feel? My elbows, wrists and hands are very stiff and tight atm, so I'd say moderately swollen. Enough that I can't wear a watch, get on any rings and wear my splints as loose as possible.

At diagnosis I showed minimal inflammation with blood markers. I was diagnosed due to every joint looking like a sunburnt sausage and my RF.

My RD says that the RF is not used to determine RA.  If that is the case why is it that two family physicians used it to determine that I "didn't" have RA and neither even suggested I see a RD.  It was an Orthopedic Dr. who didn't do any blood tests that suggested I see his colleage.  If the Rheumatoid factor is so unreliable, why do they use it at all?



  If the Rheumatoid factor is so unreliable, why do they use it at all?



I think it is just a piece of the puzzle.  If it is positive, they have more to hang their hat on; if it is negative, oh well, let's see what else is going on? 

my labs are "normal" (except my monocytes are "high" and I guess that is "normal" for someone with least according to a lab test manual that I checked).


I've never tested positive for anything but ANA and that was years ago. But then, I went around with a rotten gall bladder for almost a year and my lab work was stone cold normal, same thing when I had a hot appendix.

So, lab work normal normal.

Fingers are usually swollen and red.

I hurt more days than not.

MRI's of my hands, neck and back show joint damage.

Regardless of the labs, I have RA.



rheumatoid factor is an indicator test.  It doesn't diagnose but can lead you towards one if the test is positive.  Once you have a diagnosis there really is no reason to run it again.

AT thois point in time my dr uses physical examination more than inflammatory tests.  I don't normally get full blown flares  any more I just have something always smoldering

buckeye (this is a little OT), my now-fired rheumatologist examination of me on a two-three month regular appointment was to squeeze my knees through my pants and squeeze my feet once with my shoes on.  Does your rheumy get you into a gown and actually look at your joints?  Just curious.  Please return to our regularly-scheduled thread.  Thank you. 

Innerglow- I can understand the need for retesting in your case. I bet you though that the 2 year limit on sero negative RA is appealable based on the diagnostic criterea set forth by the ACR.  It just might mean getting your state's insurance dept involved

wow this is so interesting! I went and looked up my blood work from a few months ago and it is nothing like anyone elses. I have always wondered if I actually have RA because I am only in pain occasionally and the symptoms just aren't consistent. Are there any other diseases that mirror RA?

CRP- 0.4



Albumin??-3.8  AST??-22

Look swollen/inflamed-No, just my 2 fingers that are permanently deformed (pretty bad) have looked the same since I was 10.  oh and my toes.

Feel swollen/inflamed- Very random-joints hurt (sometimes severe pain for a few minutes at a time and then it goes away) but nothing consitent. I get morning stiffness every once in a while.  I do have fatigue.
