Last Night | Arthritis Information


Well... I can for sure say that Remicade is wearing off. Last night... by about 10pm my legs were so stiff and hurting. I was stiff and hurting every where, last night. All of my normal swelling joints were puffy and warm to the touch. My back hurt really bad. My jaw kept popping and was stiff and swelled as the hearing in my right ear was muffled again. I thought I had water in my ear, but nope nothing. My shoulders hurt, my elbows would not bend, and I could not even go anywhere near my head or face. Even my toes HURT!

But I am a little better today... as my meds are doing there job for now. It is just the last few hours before midnight that I am doing so awful.

I was really starting to enjoy being non-stiff, able to move around a little better, but not this week. I felt it all coming back last weekend. Might be why I feel so tired.

Awww joonie, take things slow today and rest. When is your next appt? I'm sure the cold air isn't helping any. I feel like I have been living in my bed with my electric blankie on high for days now..

Feel better hon.

How are you doing, Deb?

