OT: My poor kid | Arthritis Information


This morning we were going to go buy some decorations and decorate the house and put a sign in the yard saying it was my kid's 14th birthday.

Well, we got a call saying she had a high fever and had to come home.  She didn't feel well at dinner either so she didn't get her birthday dinner.  It's either a cold or flu.

Poor thing, so sad to be sick on your birthday.  She got her gifts and we will be going out to eat next week with family.  She was supposed to hit the mall with her boyfriend too and had to cancel.

Bad day for her :(

Aww...that's too bad....hope she feels better soon!

Happy Birthday!!

I'll be sure to tell her you said that :)

Awwww poor baby.  I hope she feels better soon.  Nothing to me is worse than a sick child especially if you are not sure what's causing it or what to do for it.

Give her a belated Happy Birthday from me even if she doesn't know me.  I have a 14 yr old too.

Well, that's a shame.  When my kids were growing up, one of my son's always eneded up with the stomach flu on Christmas day.  Once my daughter joined him with it.  Try opening presensts and having the giant Christmas morning breakfast with two kids heaving in the bathroom! It sort of puts a damper on things. Hope that girl of yours feels better today.

She tried to hit the mall and a movie with friends today, but called early to come home.  She woke up just fine, but it hit her later.

Now she is resting, cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons lol.

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