Sleepless in South Dakota... | Arthritis Information



Am I the only one that has a hard time sleeping at night?  It's the same thing every night...I just can't sleep!  I have to take meds just to get a decent nights sleep otherwise I lay awake all night.  I hate it!!!


I have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep..and then once I do finally get into a good sleep I have trouble waking up. When I have to get up, then I am tired untill it is time for me to go to sleep again..and then the whole thing starts over again. If I take something to make me sleep or stay asleep..It usually is way to strong..and sometimes..just to make me crazier than I already doesnt make me remotely sleepy!!Hi Lori, if I haven't welcomed you before, welcome now!  I have a lot of trouble sleeping and on the really bad nights I have to take a sleeping tablet, so I settle down in a dimly lit room with enough light to read and I have a warm drink of milk or weak tea, usually does the trick, try it!  Kind regards Janie. Just past midnight local time and Morpheus is as elusive tonight as he is most other nights. It is not unusual for me to be up until 3 AM and then back up at 5 AM for the day. So, no you are not the only one who has trouble -they- say, you are in good company. *LOL*

Con brio! Happ
