Any ideas for a bad RA flare-up??? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any suggestions for when I have an RA flare up. My knees are absolutely useless and both shoulders hurt terribly when I move them.

Any ideas?

Hi there Traci, welcome to AI but sorry you are in a flare. I find spoiling myself helps

I always just go to bed with a film and a book or if all else fails and the flare is bad I contact my doc.

I really hope you feel better soon.

Take care


Hi Traci,

When I am in a flare, I do call my rheumatologist and he'll phone in a prescription for me.  Prednisolone...dosing pack ...that I take for 6 days...starting with 24 mg (6 mg pills) that first day...slowly decreasing the number until that last day.  It has always worked well for me.  It's like I am on fire and that med is the cool bucket of water that douses the flames.  Don't suffer needlessly if help is a phone call away.

Since I havent been "officially" diagnosed with RA and Crohn's, the doctors tried a 5 day treatment of Prednisone. It WAS amazing at the amount of movement I had. But, once I got passed the 5 day supply, the pain was back within a week. I was told I cant stay on Prednisone long term, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to function. I have more flares than remissions. Normally, if one part is inflamed, they all become inflamed. My knees, hips and shoulders. Especially, if they are stiff for too long or I go from bending to straightening.

I made an appointment today, but not with my regular doctor. So, I think I'll just wait until tomorrow and try to see him. I was just wondering if anyone had any great home remedies since the pain killers arent working ;(

Thanks everyone!

Welcome to AI Traci.  Sorry to hear that you are in a flare.  Lisa (PinCushion) had some great ideas for home remedies to help with a flare.  Heat is especially helpful to loosen things up and get them moving again.  If you can do it or if you have help, try a hot bath with bath salts. 

Basically resting with very gentle mild exercise and heat is the best thing for you at this point.  Have you had any bloodwork done yet to determine if you do have RA?  Have you seen a rheumatologist yet?  Have they done x-rays of your problem areas to see if there is any inflammation or damage being done?  Keep us posted on what your doc says!  Hope you feel quickly!

I like heat too...I stay in tub or shower for a long time. I like those heat pack thingies, they adhesive strips on them so I can "glue" them to wherever it hurts. I hope you feel better soon :)

There is a Whole Lemon Olive Oil drink APer's use to cut the herx - some call a herx a flare.  It was developed for AIDS patients and works for them.  They have no T cells, we have too many.  So, I think this will work for non-APers.

1 whole lemon, cut up, rind, pips and all, into blender.

1 cup water

1 TBSP cold pressed olive oil.  These are the only required ingredients.

Couple heaping TLBS frozen orange juice concentrate.  I used cherry as I couldn't handle the acid.

Little Stevia to taste.  (OK, shoot me, I used Splenda).

Hit puree'.  Strain thru strainer, mashing pulp to extract more juice.

If neuropathy is present, stir in 1 heaping TLBS of lecithin.


You cannot make double batches - this stuff gets bitter if let sitting.

If in a bad flare, I'd do this 2 X a day.



Edited to say 'strainer'.

Pip!39467.7107523148Hello everyone,

 Im not sure if I get this RA thing....I have been told that even if you are not in a flare that you will still have pain and achey joints?but when I hear you talking im not sure if I should be if the meds are working?I have had pain and achey joints all the time....


[QUOTE=EmilyP]Hello everyone,

 Im not sure if I get this RA thing....I have been told that even if you are not in a flare that you will still have pain and achey joints?but when I hear you talking im not sure if I should be if the meds are working?I have had pain and achey joints all the time....



I usually have some pain or stiffness in the joint areas, but when I have a bad flare-up (the cells are working overtime at eating away), my knees become so swollen and painful that I cant even walk to the bathroom. Those days that I only have minor aches, I call my remissions because unless I'm on Prednisone, I am ALWAYS in some sort of pain.
Sounds silly but those therma packs for your body work, I use the back wrap and wrap it around my knee  and either sit or go to bed and it helps alot in relieveing the pain. I don't know if it will work for you but it might be worth a try.  meme I dont know if this is the right place, but I was hoping that someone may have an idea  traciross1439469.9187037037

Yes, you need to go to the docs' first thing in the morning.  My Dad had that at the end (no relation to this issue, it was diabetes).  I can't remember the name of it, but it's something they need to see you for ASAP.  His needed blood transfusions.


My suggestion is to go to the ER tonight.  Large amount of blood loss and you can't be sure how long you've been bleeding.  LindyThis is not normal and needs to be attended to very quickly. The bleeding has slowed to only when I wipe and I havent had anymore clots. I had a normal bowel movement this morning. There was some blood, but it was bright red, so I think it was from hemorrhoids. I have a colonoscopy that I need to schedule, but I dont think it's an emergency situation. Am I wrong? 

Traci -

Yes, I think you're wrong.  Diverticulitis is what my dad had.  According to my SIL at the Great U - it's caused by an infection that causes a breach in the colon.  This is bad stuff.  His first 2 attacks were minor.  His last required blood transfusions.

Run, don't walk to the MD today. 

We want to keep you with us!



I called the GI doctor and the soonest appointment they had was Jan. 29 at 250pm.

What's strange is that my fiance, whom I live with, is having slight bleeding too. No big clots, but is this a coincidence?

Not if it's an infection.  But that's my take.  Your milage may vary.

TRACY (yes, I'm yelling) did you tell the doctor about clots etc.  Were you vivid?  If they still don't move you up as an your PCP and tell them what's going on.  If they don't do anything...if it starts again...go immediately to the ER, do not pass go, do not collect 0.  This is some scary stuff to me.  I am not trying to freak you out...but my Dad didn't last long after that.  Yes, I know it was diabetes, but if you've ever seen a hemmorhage like he had...

Where are any of the nurses/med types?  Am I over-reacting? 



P.S.  Take the fiance with you to the ER!

I did tell them about the bleeding and the size of the clots. I had 3 different referrals from docs in their system and they still didnt get me in right away! I hate Kaiser!

If the bleeding continues, my fiance insists in taking me. He's worried about the amount of blood loss. I'll go check my blood pressure right now and report back if anything change.

Thanks so much for the advice!

Good guy!  I like him already.

Seriously, any changes and go in.  And people wonder why we go to the ER when they continually drop the ball on us?



I agree Traci go to ER waiting may only make the matter worse.  When you are passing large blood clots there is a problem.  memeThanks everyone! I hope you're not right....