Dog fishing | Arthritis Information


I was feeling horrible this morning.  I went back to bed and my Tyler dog just would not leave me alone.  I had to make my car payment and insurance payment which makes me broke

I brought a roll of twine and found a nice log to wrap it around.  Then I stood on a bridge on top of a culvert.  I threw the "log" and Tyler, as usual, dove in after it.  But this time, I pulled the twine that was tied to log up the culvert where the current was really cooking.  POOR TYLER - he swam and he swam and he swam, but he just could not get that stick.  Someone walked by and asked me what I was doing - I said "dog fishing". 

Hee Hee Haa haaSwimming is very good exercise for dogs, and poops them out real good! When we lived in San Diego I'd take my shepherd to the beach. She would try to bite the waves and would crash out in the car from being tired. Then we moved on the lake here in FL and our dogs would jump off the dock into the lake to swim. Our golden would swim to the bottom of the lake and pull out debris and bring it to the surface..Good way to wear them out!

My weimeraner -Tyler - he is a high diver !  He does not care how high it is - if he sees a puddle below he will go for it

Taking Tyler for a walk is a joke if you want to wear him out. My sweet yorkie can get his exercise chasingTy around the house and biting Tyler's knees. (Dogs have knees don't they

Tyler is ready to go out again right now but I'M NOT. 

I have a puggle(new mix breed...part pug and beagle,actually she belongs to my oldest daughter).Her name is Alie and she is a wild little thing.We paly as much as we can and go out often due to housetraining.I am just glad I have a very tolerant cat that will allow this crazy puppy to play with him.Baxter is my cat, he is a beautiful black cat with green eyes,he loves everyone and will put up with Alie.Now our other cat Saffron, he is a tabby and he hates everyone but my youngest daughter.

I love our animals but when you feel bad it is work to take care of them.But when you feel bad and they curl up in your lap and seem to sense you need special attention, they so lovingly do it.

