update on our ’genetic’ link | Arthritis Information


Remember I posted that after nearly three years of being told there was no RA anywhere in our family, my dad announced that his father had it?  He had just learned about it?

Now the story has changed a bit, with the info coming from another uncle, not the one who fell out of tree and had to be airlifted, but the one who my grandfather actually lived with for several years in a basement apt. (but a different uncle than the one whose wife offered to help up while my daughter was hospitalized; big family!) 

Anyway, remembered I posted how mortified I was going to be, going back to the ped rheum after all this time, saying, "Guess what?" 

Well, I had forgotten about the ACR form I have to fill out every visit.  Has a place for family history.  Great! 

Wait.  This was my grandfather, and the form doesn't go up to great-grandparents.

Okay, I'll just make an addendum.  Wrote in caps beside 'RA' line:  NEW INFO - GREAT GRANDFATHER

Never came up. 

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