1st shot of Enbrel | Arthritis Information


Shot went very well,i have the kind you have to mix in vial(25mg.)took shot in stomach-didn't feel a thing.no red mark or anything.well off on road again-talk to you next weekend.I have a family reunion to go to-just found out my great uncle has it, and had to go on disability a few years ago-anxious to talk to him if he is there,SherryWay to go Sherry, come on Roxy, you can be next. The first one is always the hardest.

Mike  Wow.  Sherry made it sound like nothing.  I am such a drama queen. 

Roxy I'm with Mike(y)- give the enbrel a try-(try it Mikey Likes IT) remember that commercial??? LOL

Forgive using your name in vain Mike.....I couldn't resist.

I was really scared to get humira shots, especially when my husband stands there rubbing his hands together saying he's gonna give me payback when he gives me the shot (ok he's kidding)...but now I look forward to the shots to feel better. Brenda,  I do remember the Mikey commercial. 

I would do it everyday if I needed too, and I am on the 50mg, which do sting more because of things added to the Enbrel to keep it good.

Good job!  Kepp it up!  For those who are not yet giving themselves shots, don't think about it any longer, just go for it.  It gets so easy.

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