Thank you AI friends - new diagnosis | Arthritis Information


I just want to send a huge thanks out to the folks here for info posted about fibromyalgia recently. 

Joy, I don't remember if I posted to your question, but I'm so glad you were helped by the many kind people on this board! You're really does help to have a name for how you feel. And fibro can be evasive to many doctors. In fact, there are still some who don't even accept it! Hopefully, they will never have to experience the debilitating pain of fibromyalgia. It's not something I would wish on anyone.

It sounds like you have a husband who is supportive of you. It's wonderful that your doc gave him material on it, too. Actually, our whole families are  effected by RA and fibro. But our spouses can be so attuned to how we feel, that it's helpful for them to understand what's happening.

I hope your doctor is able to help you stay reasonably comfortable. Please post often and let us know how you are doing.

Gentle hugs, Nini

Thank you, Nini.  I'm fortunate that my fibro is mild, but to know that the aches and pains have a real source brings me much mental comfort.

I actually learned about the diagnostic criteria from reading a question posted by another, and the responses she received.  It never crossed my mind before then that my symptoms weren't RA and other things.

I am fortunate as well to have a supportive husband.  At the onset of my RA he went through his own grieving, but he really rose to the occasion as he became more understanding of the disease.

As so often is the case, the power of any community, like this forum, is the things we learn from each other.

Best to you,

Here is a message board for people with fibro. you grammaS.  I'll check it out. HI Joy, I am glad you are getting some answers, hopefully now the Drs know what they are dealing with, it will be easier to find a solution, heres hoping.  All the best and yes there is a lot of great guidance on this site, Hugs Janie. Joy, I'm so glad you finally have your diagnosis, because I know how much that means.  Another good forum for fibro sufferers is