Rub RA spots and feels good? | Arthritis Information


I read an aticle once that RA spots can't be touched cuz of pain, but when i rub my knees, ankle (a new spot), wrist etc. it feels so good and helps some.

Am I alone?

No, you are not alone.  Danny rubs my hands and feet for me a lot.  It mkaes them feel better for a couple of hours.  I will take whatever relief I can get!

Sometimes I get relief from rubbing those spots, but it's sorta a "hurts so good" kind of feeling.  Like scratching a mosquito bite.  But I can never take much of it.

More often I get relief from rubbing my fibro spots, which also hurt, but it helps to break up the spasms sometimes.

An OT said pushing the fuid away from the heart was good for my daughter, like milking a cow on her fingers, etc.  So rub, but in the direction away from your heart. (It's hard to accomplish on her little fingers!)massage therapy is great too!!!!