Had a bad week | Arthritis Information


I have been having a bad last week or so. I guess the Remicade wore off or Fibro is acting up really bad or both.

My whole body hurt like I was not even on any meds. I have swelling, pain and bad stiffness. I mean it was so bad the last few days... I had to take Darvocet and the Darvocet did not do much for me, but knock me out. But when I woke up I did feel a bit better.

I have been non-stop tired and sleeping a LOT, again. I mean I go to sleep around 8-9pm and then sleep until 5-7pm the next evening. A couple of times I have woke up around 1am and stayed awake until 5am and went back to sleep and woke up around 5pm. And when I wake up it is like I have not even had enough sleep.

I wonder if the mono is reactived again? I hope not.

Sorry you're feeling so bad Joonie, when is your next Remicade? Looks like your weather has been bad, the jet stream had swung way south, maybe that's adding to it. Well hope you get some relief soon, this all must be tough on your kids too.

Hummm... might have something to do with the weather. But I can never really tell, unless it is rain

It snowed here Saturday morning. I did not even feel well enough to get out of bed. I slept until 8pm. I hurt so bad, that laying in my warm bed was all I wanted to do. Hubby, in-laws and the kids played outside in the snow most of the day. Hubby took pictures of them all playing in the snow and daughters snowman she made.

The weather might have some thing to do with it, as now that I think about it... I started hurting worse and more stiffness around Friday and then I have been like this all weekend. But... I think the Remicade has still wore off, because my bad/neck/shoulder area has been acting up. It was doing good by the 2nd infusion, but it started hurting last week.

I get my 3rd loading dose of Remicade Jan 24th. YAY!!

Boy Joonie, sorry to hear this.  I was wondering where you were.  Hope that remicade kicks in quick for ya.Thanks Link.
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