weight gain on lycria | Arthritis Information


I know a lot of us are taking lycria and I am wondering how many of you have gained weight since staring it??  I just recently increased my dose from 2 75mg pills at bedtime to adding in one more 75mg pill in the am.

I am desperate to lose weight.  I KNOW it sounds silly and girlie and whatnot but my girlfriend is getting married May 3 and the bridesmaid dresses she picked out don't come in a plus size.  It goes to a 12 and I am a 16!!!  For the past 2 months, I have been eating 1200 calories a day.  I have started working out as well.  I had to start slow, the first time I could only do 10 minutes on my elliptical trainer and I think it was half a mile.  I am now up to 28 minutes and 3.5 miles.  I do this 4 times a week.  I also do some arm weights with 8lb weights.

Since I am feeling a bit better, I am also much more active around the house.  In 2 months, I have lost exactly 4 pounds!!!!!! Michele, glad to hear you're feeling well enough to exercise, I'm half heartedly trying to lose weight, I'm always half heartedly trying, but I just read that you should keep your carbs to 30, so I'm going to try that. I'm also looking for a diet where all you have to do is think about losing weight and it just comes off.Ninilchicken39469.4787384259 I don,t think I like your girlfriend very much. She sure is not thoughtful.
What does she expect you to drop out because you aren't able to get in to a 12?
The quickest way to lose weight is the south beach diet. However it is hard. You can't eat bread or anything in the white family like rice and white potatoes.
It's hard but it works. Get ready to eat salads.
Of course, dont forget to ask your doctor about this.


don't touch your medication without your doctors knowledge.   Let him know of your concerns..maybe you can get a consult with a dietician

 Even though you are feeling better you are walking a fine line.  If I recall correctly you just had a huge number of tests.  Wait until those come back.

On your exercise you actually may be going to hard at the elliptical for your heartrate/body to be in the fat burning zone.  3.5 mile si nless than 30 minutes means you are pushing it ridiculously hard..thats about a 8 minute mile.  Get a heart rate monitor and actually see where your heartrate is during exercise.  Most will even measure the calories burned.  don't trust the machines calroe burned/heart rate they are notoriously wrong

Many people on medication induced weight gain find lower carb eating plans help them.  You also might find it helpful to visit one of the weightloss forums for advice.  about.com has a good one I also really like sparkpeople.com  Sparkpeople allows you to put in goals and it will produce a eating plan for you.  Both have very active forums

No, I am in the wedding, she says to just get the dress let out.  Um, don't think it can be let out that much!!!! Michele,
Unfortunately Lyrica does make you gain weight----thats the reason I ended up going off it. Its a vicious cycle--you want to feel better, but gaining weight from a med that is helping just makes you feel worse! My docs say more weight on you increases your problems with your joints and then they prescribe you a med that makes you gain weight! It never stops.
I wish you luck. I just could never do anything that would stop the weight from piling on when I was on Lyrica. I hope you can.
And by the way---you can be girlie!!!!    I am!!! Its not silly---we still have to feel sexy and womanly even when our bodies don't want to cooperate.Thanks Marcy!  I knew there had to be a reason why I wasn't losing any weight and I started researching the drugs and I am on and I come up with the double whammy! I LOVE COOKIES!!!!!!
My husband found some good ones for me--they are from Kashi---oatmeal choc. chip.
They are actually good for you too!!!   yummy

My friend's neighbor was in terrible health a few years ago.  She was in pain, fatigued, said she simply could not get out of bed to even go to the store, etc.  Doctors didn't know what was wrong.  I'm not sure how she was treated, but nothing worked.

The, she got a tickbite and bullseye rash, so she got treated for Lyme at that point.  Started feeling much, much better.

When that treatment ended, she said never felt as good as when she was on the Lyme therapy.  But they wouldn't keep her on it any longer.

She started doing the South Beach Diet, and my friend did, too.  I noticed that my friend lost weight faster than she did.  I thought maybe it was a passing thing for her.

But the last time I saw her, she looked great!  Like a new person.  And she hadn't been terribly overweight, it was really just a change in her whole look.  I asked how she felt, since she had told me the whole Lyme thing, and she said she felt better than she ever had and attributed it all to being on the diet.

Maybe she had an allergy thing, or something, but the South Beach Diet really changed her life, according to her. 

Hi Michele, I've been dieting low fat, no carb, South Beach Diet and it's made a tremendous difference in how I feel.  I'm not losing weight rapidly or as fast as I'd like but I'm on Lyrica also.  As long as I'm losing.  I love South Beach Diet.  I've talked in other postings about how I feel since I've cut out carbs and fat but never mentioned the diet's name.  It works and I agree with Think Thin about your girlfriend......what was she thinking?  Lindy
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