question for the JRAers | Arthritis Information


Did your baby teeth fall out early or late?????  On another board, a mom posted that after seeing a ped rheum for five years, they were just told that JRA can make your teeth fall out later, and that her daughter still has a lot of baby teeth.

My four yr. old has a loose tooth!  And it is in the same exact place her big sis lost her first tooth, so I just thought she was starting earlier.  And assuming to myself she must be starting earlier due to JRA!

What do you think???

I think it's totally unrelated. Unless we're talking about a child with some kind of calcium issue.

I started losing mine at 4 as well. Matter of fact, one of my funniest/saddest JRA stories is about losing my was when they had me in full leg splints at night. I went to bed wiggling one, and out it popped! I tried to get up and show mom and dad, and while hollering and wobbling through my room, I tripped over my little pink braided rug my gramma made, and face planted. Lost the tooth, got massive rug burn. Scared the daylights out of the parents. Hehehe sad, but funny, isn't it??

We did end up finding the tooth, which made me feel better.

Glad you found the tooth!  I swallowed my first one, and we had to write a note to the tooth fairy.

The mom's post was a little confusing - stated that their ped rheum said JRA kids lose their teeth later, but that the ped rheum said it wasn't related to disease activity or meds.  So, what is the relation to JRA then, right?  This was a thread about kids with JRA not growing or being small for their age (we don't have that problem, either, but I guess if meds or pain are messing with your appetite, it slows things down). 

Yeah I would think it's more of a medication thing. I'm not smaller. of me are! Sounds weird. LOL

My lower jaw was stunted in growth, as were my wrists. There was a huge ta-do about it because the swelling and cartilage issues can effect the growth plates.

Hummm.... do not remember how old I was when I starting loosing teeth... will have to look at school pics to determin that.

My daughter she did not start loosing her first tooth until she was 7. She still has a mouth full of baby teeth. She actually had a permanent tooth growing right on top of one of her baby teeth that was no where near being loose. She eventually lost it a month later.

I am still getting my wisdom teeth in. I have 1 all the way thru, 1 almost thru, 1 peaking thru and the last one has not even broke gum yet. Joonie, you are still getting your wisdom teeth? Sweetie, I'd say that definitely puts you in the 'later' camp! You are lucky you have room for them to come in - don't they usually have to go? Not fun, as I recall.We had to have my bottom 2 wisdom teeth surgically removed. With my jaw being stunted, there was physically not enough room for them. I got that done around 17. I still have my top two, and they are ALMOST all the way in. Every month around "that time" they move a little more. I give 'em maybe a couple more months and they'll be done. They stopped for a couple of years once they were about halfway in. They just kinda sat there. Dunno why! hmmmmm--I also cannot remember when I lost mine and my son (who has JRA) still has a couple left. (he is almost 12) Is that late to still have some??

I do not have any wisdom teeth though--I wonder if my JRA was related to that. I'm not complaining about that!! I have heard the horror stories about getting them out.

I think your son seems late, but my 11 yr. old says some of her friends are still losing teeth.

I still think four is young, but I think the dentist said 4-6 is when they start.

Doesn't all of the teeth business have to do with hormones? Just like puberty? Or did I just make that up in my head..........LOL

If it does.....well it would at least make sense for me. I was 4 when I lost teeth, and only 11 when I started my period. Kinda early in both areas?
I started getting my "monthly bill" when I was 11. Boobers at 9.

My lower jaw was stunted in growth, as were my wrists. There was a huge ta-do about it because the swelling and cartilage issues can effect the growth plates.

Katie, when you say your lower jaw is stunted do you mean it didn't push out all the way???  I also have this. They said it was because the bones that push your bottom jaw never formed or were broken off when I feel head first off of a deck on to my jaw. haha whoops. They never said anything about it being RA related. wow! I actually had a surgery when I was about 15 to correct it....needless to say it didn't work :( I have terrible jaw pain. How about you??


Suzzane, I lost my teeth at a normal time. I truly believe the JRA affected my growth though. I was super tiny up until I started my RA meds. ( I mean the SMALLEST one in my class) After I was on meds I shot up. We joke all the time that they made me grow. I am now 5'8. and I know everyone grows at different times...but whats weird is I wear a 6.5-7 size shoe and my hands and wrists are so small. I wear a size 4.5 ring on my boney fingers. I can't even imagine what they would be without the swelling.

Anyway that is my crazy take on the whole growing thing. hahah proabably doesn't make much sense to anyone elseFUN STUFF! LOL I didn't get boobs until I was 13ish. And they were A's forever! FOREVER. Like, seriously, at 20 they finally grew. A bit too much in my opinion, but Justin's happy....(I don't think C's fit me at all....but you know BOYS!)

They wanted me to have that surgery, but I said NO WAY. I opted for an experimental surgery! not a good idea. They broke my jaw and put like an expander thing inside. (it stuck out along my gums beside my teeth. I know it sounds so weird! My dad had to turn it everyday. Painful!!! When the swelling went down I looked like Frankenstein!! hahah  But the good thing was that it didn't have to be wired shut. I had another surgery to have the metal thing taken out. The idea was a bone would grow. Well I don't think it did. My jaw went right back where it was about 2 years after.  So now I have a terrible overbite. They did put a chin impant in when they did the surgery, so not all was lost.  I am almost tempted to try the wiring. I hate not being able to bite stuff...and of course the pain.


I have very small wrists too! The only thing I can wear is kids stuff. Its like 5 inches around. My sister calls me Ethiopian wrists. Terrible i know!! I wonder if mine was stunted too. But like I said I think I was destined to be  a midget and then the RA meds kicked in!haha

oh lucky!! I wish I had some bigger ones!!  But, again, if I were a midget I think they would be big for me! hahah I ruined gods plan with the meds.

My little chunk has had boobies since she was one LOL.  She has always been on the short/fat side (taller than 50% of girls her age; heavier than 75%).  Her growth curve 'flat-lined' only once - at her two year checkup; 50% height, 50% weight - and I said, see there is something wrong, like I've been saying.  They said no, she's just thinning out and will be like her sister.

Two days later, they were referring us to a ped rheum because she was screaming when I touched her and crying almost all night long.

Back on her curve like a champ since then, though.  Must be doing something right LOL.   

wow---I had never heard of JRA and growing and not growing--but it kinds makes sense. your immune system is at the root of practically everything.
I also have Very small hands and wrists--- I have to wear little kid gloves. but my feet I think are normal size---I take an 8. I am 5'4--not wicked tall, but not wicked short either. My boob did grow overnight though right before 9th grade and I did start my period at 13.

I think those are normal times for everything to start--I think.

I do know that JRA or RA can put you into early menopause though---they have tested me for it already.
I am 38.

Becky at 10 still has quite a few baby teeth and they're not wobbly yet either. She's one of the tallest and slimmest girls in her class, perhaps an inch shorter than her sister at the same age last year (only 13 months between them). I was always slim and am 5'6" (but now thanks to a 3 kids tummy and middle age spread I look like a Toblerone on sticks). Daddy is....emmm... cuddly.

Another interesting thread for any researchers out there reading this forum???


Hi Suzanne

My teeth came out normally and on time.  I remember having 2 pulled when I was 10-11ish but don't know the reasoning behind that.  Everything else developmentally was on schedule too.
