Arthritis Information -Remicade


Hi Kay,

We are all so different. I have been on it for my RA and have had mixed results. I have had my dose changed along with my frequency several times. I am currently 50 units every 6 weeks. Soon to change. (Waiting on blood work.) There are many on here that it has been a godsend for. As far as side effects there are it seams like pages of possabilities. I do not have any myself.

You have to do what you feel is best for you.

Yes, I have been taking Remicade for 18 months now and it has been great for me.  It stays effective for most of the 8 weeks between infusions and has allowed me to stay fairly active.  No side effects for me.  The biggest has alleviated the crushing fatigue that I experienced with RA, which I found worse than the joint pain (which I also hated).

good luck!

My rheumatologist wants to put me on Remicade.  Trying to find out as much as I can about the side affects, etc.  Anybody currently on it?