nodgual on Jaw bone? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone ever had a nodgual on there jaw bone. I's about the size of a nickel. It hurts to the touch, and even hurts when I hold the phone next to it, I know it's not my teeth. This is so strange!


Humm.... now people have been talking about "Is this weird?" all day and well your post strikes me as weird, but in a good way!

I do not know. I have not been "lucky" enough to be graced by a nodule yet.

Hope it feels better soon.

Rheumatoid nodules. Inflammatory nodules, called rheumatoid nodules, occur in up to 20 percent to 30 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis. These firm, moveable nodules the size of a pea, acorn or walnut may develop just beneath the skin near the elbow and other areas subjected to pressure. Other common locations include the Achilles tendon, fingers and toes. But rheumatoid nodules may occur anywhere, including the lungs. Rheumatoid nodules are uncommon early in the disease. But if they appear, they may disappear spontaneously. Sometimes, drug treatment with methotrexate is associated with enlarged or new nodules.

Jonnie , Thats what I am on right now is the Mxt. shots. I sure will be glad to start my Rimacaid!

a-nut and thax

Can you move the nodule? Seems to be a sign of a nodule, according to that and a couple of other sites I read.


It's almost like you can move around it!  I know thats weird it's very hard. I am just falling a part today.

a-nut lol

Humm... well I did not find anything via google specifically saying nodule on jaw. But it seems they can pop up anywhere. Still go get it checked out.

Feel better soon!



Its a good sign that the nodule hurts. [/QUOTE]

Hmmm...none of my nodules hurt.

The nodules on my fingers don't hurt, the elbow nodules hurt.  Peanut, maybe you should have it checked out.  Sounds like it's in an area where lymph nodes are located and it could be an enlarged lymph.  Check under the sides of your jaws and behind your ears and see if there are any other enlarged nodules.  If there are go see the doctor as soon as possible.  If this nodule is still bothering you go to the doctor.  Lindy
