Good news about your biologic, enbrel etc | Arthritis Information


Drugs Used To Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis May Have Hidden Benefits

Main Category: Arthritis
Also Included In: Lupus;  Immune System / Vaccines
Article Date: 22 Jan 2008 - 2:00 PST

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Interesting--these two RA MDs are in the practice I go to.  The are always looking for people to be in a study. 

Thanks for the info, Levlarry.

Rituxan (rituximab) has also been successful in treating non Hodgkins lymphoma and at lower doses, Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, a  low platelet disorder. I'm hoping someday that I can receive Rituxan for both my ITP and RA. Health Canada has approved Rituxan for tx of RA but not for ITP even though there's documented evidence that Rituxan is helping to give many ITPers remission... for many it's more than 2 years since they've had to treat for low platelets.   Oh, well... maybe someday it'll happen for me.

Thanks for the time you have taken to put this up, interesting read. Thanks Lev, but I'm sure the people that have died, Got MS or Cancer from them might disagree about all this feel good news.I developed a heart arrythmia from enbrel (not sure if I spelled that right) anyways I am glad for all the good it seems to do for some people---but it should definitely come with stronger warning labels or the docs should tell of ALL the possible side effects.

I never knew that could happen. Now I have this the rest of my life. Just one more thing to add to the list!


I know quite a few people that are taking enbrel and have yet to meet one with bad side effects or wish that they weren't or hadn't taken it. Ever watched the wildabeast cross the croc infested river? We are so lucky to have some drugs that give us back our lives. I have severe ra. I remember not caring if if I were to die. I was in such pain and agony, practically crippled. So now, I've had 2 plus years of a new lease on life. Maybe I will die soon from drug complication but I know many that have hade 6-7 years and still going strong with the enbrel. So let's say I didn't take the drugs, where was I? I was at a place not worth life. My fingers have quit curling. I take absolutely no pain pills. You sound a little down 6t5, everything okay, hoping so.


Most of my info i get from this website. Please feel free to put it into your favorites and visit it every so often. I stay pretty busy now and so spend less time there and here. The website will have all the latest news in drugs and diseases. The link I will give is for RA but the site has all the info for any and all diseases and I encourage you all to visit this site and become familiar and encouraged with all the new drugs and research in not just ra but all diseases. Trust me when I say, the cure is just around the corner.

At the very left of this website that I am going to link is a list of diseases, yous with questions about research and new drugs and in need of encouragement and hope should visit this site.


Again---I am very happy that alot of people get relief from enbrel. I know its changed alot of people lives.
I certainly think if the benefit outweighs the risks--people should do what they feel will give them a better life.
All I am saying is that ALL the warnings should be there and the docs should be very thorough when starting you on anything new. I have had numerous people tell me how the doc "never said this" or "didn't tell me that".   Thats frustrates me---knowledge is power as they say--and as patients--we should have all the info before we make our decision.
Its always coming out in the media about certain drug companies not telling the public everything they know.
Thats what upsets me--I would of never gone on enbrel had I known.
But I am glad for the people that get better function and feel good. Quality of life is whats important---but my quality life was affected in a negative way since taking it. So I am in the minority--I know.


Thank you for the link.  I put it in my favorites and will definitely be checking it out.  I really like your attitude and I hope you are right about a cure being just right around the corner!  I'm always afraid that even if they do find a cure they won't put it out there...we all know how drug companies are in it for the money and if they do find the cure rhuemy drs would lose a lot of business.  I hope to God I am wrong here, but you hear so much about things like that happening that it is kind of scary.

On a more positive note, I have a friend that has had RA for 30 years.  She has been on Enbrel I believe 8 years and she says it has changed her life.  She says she would rather have quality of life rather than quantity as she does not want to live her remaining years in pain.  I have only had this for a year and I can relate to what she is saying.


Lev, Thanks for the concern. I'am one of those who had to stop Enbrel after 4 months or so. MS type symptoms. To each his or her own. Most severe RA'ers such as us will try anything no matter what the risk. Right now ( today ) I woke up in a hugh flare. My flares are mostly tendonitis. Quite painfullThanks Lev.  I LOVE hearing good things about our meds.  They usually have such scary side effects - I refuse to read them.  This article was refreshing!I've been meaning to respond to a couple of posters on this thread and just never got around to it so here they are:
First I'd like to say to 65 that I am saddened by the bad effect of enbrel and I'd like to know first, what are the first symptoms of MS that us enbrel users should be watching for? I'd also like to know what meds you are now taking for the RA and the MS and does this mean that you will have MS for the duration. I'm sure you know that my concerns for you are very sincere.
TOML, Do not believe these people that try to convince us that the fda is corupted by big pharm money. They aren't, it's that simple. Do you really believe that big pharm has enough money to buy the thousands of fda workers? Do you truly believe that of all those thousands not one of those is a good person and would blow the whistle? Do you really believe that doctors would scramble your well being for a few dollars? Do you realize that most new drugs are developed at universities? I know that even on this forum there are members that would have us to believe that our government is corrupt and especially the fda but next time they mention it, just ask them for some proof so that we can make sure that some people go to jail. They have no proof because it's not true. So many new drugs are in the making and in trials, not just for ra but for all disease. The decoding of the human genetic code has started the medical breakthrough revolution. This is the new day of medicine, no doubt. We have about two to three years to wait.
Wysone, I've never heard of enbrel being the cause of heart arrythmia but know for a fact that heart arrythmia is unfortunately caused by rheumatoid arthritis (one cause), not to say the enbrel didn't but arrythmia is quite commonly caused by RA. It's our responsibility to know the risks and the signs of the risks and it's our responsibility to contact a professional at the very first sign of bad side effect. It's our life. Everyone with our diseases should know that we take very serious drugs because we have very serious diseases, we are very, very sick. Why would anyone not know or search for the adverse effects of the drugs and the signs of the adverse effects. The diseases and the drugs should certainly be taken more seriously than daily chit chat (no offense).
What is arrythmia, by Dr. Murray:
Cardiovascular features in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are common. Among those are the classical extra-articular features that not only include pericarditis, cardiomyopathy/myocarditis, cardiac amyloidosis, coronary vasculitis, arrythmia and valve diseases, but also congestive heart failure and ischaemic heart disease which are found more frequently and are associated with an increased mortality compared with the general population. This overview discusses the epidemiological aspects of these cardiovascular diseases and their relevance for diagnosis and treatment of RA.

This is what happens to whistleblowers.
Here's him again for an arthritis drug.
And if this doesn't make you sick, nothing will.
Lev, stop being a puppet.

The rizilun whistleblower made a big mistake. He doesn't work for a large company, he works for the United States government. His chain of command and chain of complaint does not include CBS or any other news agency. Had he instead taken his complaints and findings to Senator Orin Hatch and then he was given grief from that level, the correct way of doing government business, then I would have to say that something is amiss in the fda. The fda has a boss or bosses. Instead of taking his complaints and findings to the bosses of the fda, he decided it best to go to CBS. If he had gone to the fda bosses, the correct chain of command and then he was given grief, I would have to agree with you but fortunately, I don't have to. But thanks for proving my point, there is always a whistle blower. Some do it the correct way without repercussins and the proper way and then I guess we fortunately have even the ones looking for a monetary windfall, either way, checks and balances are in place. And Pip, there is nothing that you can say or do to convince me that my country is the evil corruption of the world as you and a few others would have us believe.  You will always have a few bad eggs, and fortunately in this great country of ours we are allowed to have checks and balances and protections to the honest and not so honest whistleblowers. Believe me when I tell you that I am very much an advocate for jail time for any illegal government activity, without predjudice or bias.

Pip, you spend so much time looking for negative. I've done that before and the surprising thing about looking for the negatives is that I had to look over so many more positives. You on the other hand do not look over the positive, you overlook the positive and post only the negative. What a wonderful world this would be if we americans could just be destroyed, the puke of the world, right pip? The most compassionate people in the world. The most giving people of the world. The most generous people of the world. The most accepting people in the world. The most tolerant people of the world and all you can find in your searches is caca, what's wrong with you Pip? Everyone's corrupt except you and yours, right? All americans will sell their mother for a few silver dollars, right? Take a break from the negative just for awhile and just try to post some positives, just try it Pip, just try it, there has to be something good about my country and it's people.
Obviously Lev always believes what he wishes to be true rather than what the evidence supports. He once said Prednisone had an "excellent safety record" (?????).

Presenting uniformed opinion, or wishful thinking, as fact doesn't make it truePuppets can't think for themselves so they have to rely on press releases.
I'm sorry you have been having heart problems.  As you know, RA itself can be the cause of the issues, not necessarily the drug.  It is very important for the patient to be knowledgable before taking the meds.  Do your research.  In a perfect world, a dr. would be able to list EACH and EVERY potential S/e, but that isn't feasible.  Unfortunately when you take all meds, there is a potential for a s/e or adverse reaction.  Take responsbility and control and be well informed!
I'm not taking any sides here because I'd love to believe the good news I read about any of our drugs, but I'm cyinical enough to know that evil does exist in this world and it is entirely possible we're being sold a bill of goods about some of the drugs we take.  My question is, if Arcoxia is already approved in 62 other countries, as was stated in one of the articles, does that mean that the health agencies in each of those countries is also in the pocket of the drug industry?  Or is there something here I'm not understanding?  Thanks Again Lev.
After living with RA for 30+ years I would love to see a cure. I beginning to think that it will happen!
Actually, we at one time DID have the best protections in the WORLD for drug safety.  It all started to change when the FDA accepted 'fees' for approving drugs and the drug companies were allowed to market the consumer - us.  So, a vicious cycle started. 
One of the things we may not know is that once a drug is banned here, the drug companies can lobby other countries to sell the drug there, or, if it's allowed there, will still sell it there.  Kind of like DDT.  We didn't want it...but other countries did.  Many countries are not as corrupt-free as we are. 
Remember Phen-fen?  It's still available in other countries.
Finally - Medical News Today is a PR clearing house.  Notice everything Lev has posted is a Press Release.  That is SPIN people.  If the PR piece interested you - go find the original study.  Then compare it to the PR piece.  How close is it? 
Not very.  Usually.
[QUOTE=Pip!] Here is a similar post, I don't believe this is a press release:

BirdyIt is a press release - as noted on the bottom.
Does anybody know who are the 'clients' of Healthday?  It says some are respected news groups but, if Pharma wanted to be a client...then they'd just write their own material.
