weird thing...thoughts? | Arthritis Information


I have been very puffy lately, increased stiffness, etc.  Anyway, I've had a headache on my left side of my head for about 4 or 5 days.  I'm at work yesterday and my left side of my face hurt.  I didn't really think much about it, it was just annoying.  (my parodid (sp?) glands always swell so I attributed it to that.  Anway, I am in the ladies room and see myself in the mirror and see a big huge vein running around the area of my ear down my face to my neck.  Gross me out.  That's the area that hurts.  Now I'm a little freaky, but at work so I just finish the day go home and went to see my buddy who is a nurse.

She had me ice my face and said that the vein was very dialated.  Why?????  She said it's probably my body working overtime getting rid of the swelling (yesterday was my least swollen day in a couple of weeks)  She said I need to call the rheumie today to fill him in.

What the heck?  Is this normal? Anyone experience this?  It was/is ugly....nasty. Who wants a big ol fat swollen vein running across their face?  And it hurts!  Gosh Deb, I have no idea. Will be interested to hear what the doc says though.Me too Deb, would like to know the outcome, hope its nothing serious. Regards Janie.

Wow...have no idea what that is.  Obviously there is something going on and in addition to calling your rheumy...I would call your PCP and make an appt. with them for as soon as you can get in with them.  I have the feeling the rheumy is going to surf you off to your PCP on this one. 

Please let us know what is going on.  Headache...a vein showing in your face like that...almost makes me think hypertension.  But I'm just not really sure. 

I have a friend that developed Bells Palsy (sp, sorry) while pregnant, and those were similar to her first symptoms. Definately call your doc, and get it checked out.

Called PCP, she had me come in immediately.  I'm being tested for coagulation disorders.  How fun.  My face still hurts, vein still visible but it's a lot smaller than it was.  It's taken 4 days and lots of ice to get it to go down.  It was like those big huge veins that stick out on the back of some peoples legs.  Wicked nasty.  Who wants that on their face?

I'll keep you posted.  She said I'm in no immediate danger since I'm on MTX and Prednisone, but she wants further testing.  Hhhhmmmm

Sorry to hear about the swelling I hope things get better let us know what happens and this is for you.  Hope it  cheers you up!!!!  meme


