methotrexate injection UK | Arthritis Information


Hello all, I do not post very often but I read posts regularly, I hope you don't mind me asking this question.

I would like to ask if there is anyone here in the UK that has methotrexate by injection, if so, what is the procedure, is done in hospital by GP or yourself? If you do it yourself do you get it from your chemist by a prescription from GP? and how do you dispose of your needles?

Sorry there is more than 1 question here, wishing everyone a good day.


Hi Pat,

I'm probably not going to be much help here but thought it was worth posting anyway.  I had Methotrexate injections after being on it for 3 years and developing liver trouble but I only ever had them in hospital - a few times I went especially for them but once I'd started the injections it wasn't long before I had a flare and switched meds, so I'm not sure what the real procedure is.

I take Enbrel now and so have needles to dispose of in a 'sharps bin' which is done via the Homecare delivery people, however I have seen people dispose of their bins at the local pharmacy.  I'm sure it would all be explained to you and would be made to be as little hassle as possible to you.

Take care,



Thanks Laura, I go to see RN in a few weeks so I guess all will be made clear then, this is my last chance at MTX because I get elevated LF with it, if they go up again it will have to gold.


Just wanted to say hello I have RA too and am based in Portsmouth.