I Kinda Like This | Arthritis Information


I LOVE my laptop. I have not been using it much, because well... too much trouble switching ethernet cords. Besides hubby's computer has the computer chair which has the shiatsu massager attached to it. Now if only the massager could work while I lay on it... I would be in heaven.

I would be in a nice warm bed, with my laptop and the massager to boot!

Ok... what I kinda like is... how good I am doing. I mean I hate to see the morning stiffness, pain, and gelling come back soon. But I will enjoy it while it lasts.

I mean I am feeling soo good... I am thinking about mopping my floors, scrubing the shower down, and fold Mount Clean-clothes that is in my bedroom right now. Hubby went on a do all the laundry kick when Abi Kitty got the sh*ts. She was laying in our dirty clothes, and he did not like the idea of her getting poopie-doopie on our clothes so he washed EVERYTHING.


I will hate it when I start to hurt again. My mom told me I needed to call my RD when I start to feel the Remicade wearing off. But I am not sure if she will see me any sooner. She is pretty booked up, from what I heard while listening to the receptionist give out appts. She is even going to be gone for 10 days in Feb. I think it is the 9th-19th. Sooo... if it starts wearing off during that time... she will not be there.

Oh... and I was walking so well today... I kinda felt like a "normal". But my hip is still slowing me down.

Welp off to go wake up hubby and go to sleep.

The cashier at the Dollar Tree said I looked tired. I was like I feel tired. But what did I do? I came home took a shower, and then watched my shows and then just laid in the bed flipping thru the channels.

Your mom is right

call the dr when the pain returns.  she can push the remicade dose up for you.  Even if she is gone call,  her nurse will be there and at least it will be recorded for your doctor

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