Bring cheese, I’ve got the w(h)ine | Arthritis Information


So yesterday was just plain crappy for me. I didn't sleep well the night before because I started having chest pains. After 3hrs of waiting at the walk-in clinic, I was diagnosed with Costochondritis. Pretty sure I've had it before because I remember Katie mentioning that name. So anyways, I wasn't having a heart attack. The EKG and chest xrays came back normal. With the way I've been feeling though, I was kinda hoping for the heart attack. Haha.

In addition to my new friend Costo, I've also been having severe pains and stiffness in my back. I've been getting these sharp shooting pains at the top of my buttocks, too. It's not really my butt. It's the part where your back becomes your butt. Does that make sense? It makes it quite uncomfortable to walk. Or sleep. Or move.

It only hurts when I breathe or move.

Anyhow, my hubby stayed home with me yesterday and I spent most of the day heavily medicated with a heating pad on my chest. Today isn't quite as bad as yesterday - it's tolerable. I'm just taking it as easy as possible (which is quite a feat with an 11mo old running amuck).

I feel like such a burden to my poor husband. There's always something wrong with me. I'm always hurting or tired or hurting and tired. I'm getting so fed up with continuously feeling like crap.

So that's that. My little whining session is done now.

HI Mel, that sounds like my story too!!!!  Not at present thank God but the costo is bad when it rears its ugly head.  Bu the tiredness and always having something wrong is definitely me!!!  My initial problems with RA were 8 years ago and I had a newborn, I could not take care of him and I gave up my career first then hubby too, he is now my carer - I guess I am just trying to say, I am in the same boat with you, do not feel alone.  There isn't much I can do to make you feel better, I usually go to bed with an electric blanket and painkillers, and sleep, the fatigue is a killer.

I'll go grab the cheese and I've got whine too!!! Janie. I have a couple of baguettes to accompany the whine and cheese: it's a party!

{{{{{Mrs. A.}}}}, I share your frustration. There are days when I just stop speaking because all I can do is complain and it feels like habit instead of response.

I also understand, completely, your feelings regarding being a burden to your husband. I empathize with you, and with him.

Pain is sometimes the only fuel we have to see us through our days and it is a fuel that extracts a great price. At least on occasion the price is more than each of us can afford individually, but as a community the price can be shared and our journey made slightly less onerous.

So, then, pour the wine, pass the cheese, and break the bread... ... ...

With courage, Mrs. A., with courage.

Hugs to all and then more hugs.  This disease is a killer with family needing us and us needing us.


[QUOTE=Pip!]Brie!  You need Brie![/QUOTE]

*LOL* you read my mind! I just finished the prep work on a brie en croute for an early afternoon nosh. With fresh berries and a pot of apple/carrot/raisin pate, served with jicama and blanched Jerusalem artichokes, at least some prebiotic requirements will be met and a goat-yogurt dill/garlic dip will satisfy a miniscule probiotic necessity.

Pip, thanks for the hug: I am always in need of those.

Can we have some decent lactose free cheese???? LOL

Aww Mel!!! *hugs* Hang in there sweetie, I know it sucks. That back thing you're talkin about..........if anyone gives you an answer, or a good "fix" for the love of moses share it. I get that ALLLLLLL the time. >.< It blows!!!!
Oh boy, I really feel for you.  I often wonder how those of you with young children handle it all.  My sweet little grand-daughter is with us for a few days and I can handle it OK but if I was feeling as badly as many of you, I'd be at my wit's end.  I also understand how you feel about that "burden" thing.  I think it's something we all worry about, regardless of our individual circumstances.  I hate the thought of my husband being saddled with a sick old lady when he should be enjoying his retirement.  Already he's had to give up horseback riding, which he loves, because I can't do it anymore.  He went once with my daughter, but otherwise, not at all and I know he misses it.  Maybe we can do something else kind of special for our husbands/wives who help us with our limitations?  [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Can we have some decent lactose free cheese???? LOL[/QUOTE]

Decent? Not that I know of! try the pate instead.

So sorry you are having such a hard time. 

Hugs to you.

I'm just at my wit's end. I really can't handle anymore. It seems like I haven't had a really good day since Dec and I'm getting burned out. I'm frustrated, angry and upset. I hate being in pain. I hate being tired. I hate the medications I have to take. I hate the side effects from the medications. I hate that my husband has been working full-time and then taking care of the baby and house once he gets home because I can't. I hate the limitations this disease has put on me. I hate that I can't pick up my baby or play with my baby as much as I want to. I hate having to lie about how I really feel so people don't worry. I hate, hate, HATE this bastard disease.

Thank you all, though, for your support and encouragement. There are so many of you who struggle with pain that's far more worse on a daily basis.


Aww, Mrs. A. *gentle* {{{HUGS}}}


And to everyone else too.

I've been feeling the same way. Crappy!! I feel bad for my hubby. He works full time, and does so much around the house for me because I just can't do it anymore, or need help. I'm not that kind of person. I HAVE to do it all myself. I guess I've always had to "prove" something to myself and eveyone else that I'm "Supermom".

Well ya know what, we CAN'T do it all! If we need help, so what. Our loved ones LOVE us and you would do the same for them.

I guess I'll bring the Frozen Strawberry Daquiries, I'm not much of a wine drinker. Anyone up for pizza?

Ohh sweetie  [QUOTE=MrsA]There are so many of you who struggle with pain that's far more worse on a daily basis. [/QUOTE]

Melanie, pain is wholly subjective and no one's pain is worse than anyone else's pain. If YOU are suffering, you are suffering. If I am suffering, then I am. I can empathize or sympathize but comparing is a loose-loose scenario.

Each of us experiences pain in a plethora of degrees, however it has been my experience that worse/best/bad/better are equations not necessary nor conducive to what you are experiencing.

Recently, I had a neighbor tell me, after it had taken me nearly twenty minutes to navigate the sixty feet down the driveway to the mailbox, that I needed to buck-up. Well, being in less than a sterling frame of mind, I told that well meaning individual to take hir buck-up, exchange the b for an f and eat it...and yet I have the nerve to sign my posts, con brio.

Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that pain is part of this bastardly disease and we each bear it to the best of our abilities. Your pain is every bit as true and ready as anyone's pain and you, nor I, nor anyone else needs to qualify nor quantify that pain.

Phew, stepping off my soapbox, apologies all round!

hey Mel.........just wondering, are you PMSing???? Because you sound JUST like me! For starters, my symptoms are sooo much worse the week before, and the week of my period. And then on top of it, to be PMSing is just horrid. You feel so rediculous and helpless and just keep going "why why why WHY"

The only thing that helped was an AD. For starters, it lessened the PMS symptoms, and it also helped with general fatiuge and that "all over achey" feeling you get. So that's a nice edge off of everything. Maybe it's something to think about??


*hugs* I'm so sorry sweetie.

Oh, and my symptoms weren't always related to my period. That's a new thing. So it may be new to you too. It's just a thought!

Nah, not PMSing just pushed to my limit. I'm still in pain today, but not quite as bad as before. I'm just plain tired of all the crap that comes with this disease. You know it's bad when people ask, "is there anything I can do for you?" And your response is, "shoot me." My friend in TX said, "I can't hit you from here."

Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes! Mrs A , I can so feel for you . I get costochondritis and the back/butt pain also. I found out that they are the sacroiliac joints that get inflamed and that its common with PA and RA etc. I have a magnetic back support belt and i find that helps a lot just to take the pressure off the joints.