kicking with the RA rap scene | Arthritis Information


It's been raining the last few days, and my right shoulder kept me awake last night, and....oh bother, the rain stopped and the sun shone forth this's a couple of pictures from my walk this morning with Joey.

So, in celebration of such a fine morning I propose a more creative venting venture...please join in if you feel inspired to participate...step up to the on ramp to fame and fortune!!!

The RA Rap

Just another day, fighting RA,

Puncturing my cranium, driving me insanium,

Sipping my joe with twisted toes,

Sucking at my soul, this disease really blows!


Go, ahead, you'll feel better!


Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing.

I admit to being very lacking in the rap department. Slammin', as in poetry, is more my genre. So...FWIW

Hands to touch my lover’s face, hands
to pluck a bloom to touch his heart~
hands to seek the cool of a running
brook and to cup a sip of sweet spring
in the palm of a hand to touch my
lover’s face

Hey Al;

'Love the pics, and the rap'

'Real good thougts for us to tap'

'Do you have a real good doc?'

'One who knows the RA rock?'

'Are you drinking lots of water?'

'If you aren't, you surely oughter'.

'Stepin' out and gettin' air'

'Helps to tame the RA bear.'

'Joints get moved, your thoughts get clear.'

'And Joey loves you being near'.

Assuming Joey is your good pal dog, I'm glad you enjoyed a nice morning cruise and took some good pictures.   Getting out walking and stretching, along with plenty of healthy liquids, and a Specialist who really has a handle the latest developments in RA reasearch can have and amazingly positive affect on 'taming the bear'.  Too much RA dope but still cruisin' after 10 years with the crap.

I do volunteer work for a drop-in center for homeless adolescents.  Some days I bring a portable PA system with a microphone and a hip hop rhythmn "street box". Some of th kids are really talented and you learn a lot about life on the streets by listening to their words...usually a blistering stream of obscenities raging against an unfair and unjust world...both sad and very liberating...and very real.  But, I digress...

Peering through dark glasses at crippled masses

Of broken dreams and primal screams,

Blessed medication creates anticipation,

Hopefull elation consumed by trepidation

I stare at the mirror, consume my fear

And slip away to a new born day.


Thanks for the the poem Happ!

Alan, encouragement to a word lawyer is just the same as an invitation.

Feet to follow; feet to lead; feet to
step out, up, on, and around. Feet to
move, dance, shuffle-off-to-Buffalo,
shuck and jive. Feet to glide across
the floor, step up the ramp, move with
the beat. Feet to walk the steps, step
out to the beat; feet to bear the weight
of live, living, and steppin’ out to dance to
the beat of feet.

I can't do rap, but I sure can appreciate spectacular pictures when I see them.  Amazing photos!

Thanks for sharing.
