Enbrel- side effect | Arthritis Information


I am on enbrel and havent had any side effects that i have noticed . I had an injection yesterday and about 3 hours after the soles of my feet felt like they were on fire, it was on and off all night and today has been the same. They are bright red too. Has anyone else had anything like this.




No really, that sounds strange. Are they swollen at all????

I am only up to shot #4 of Enbrel on Friday but I haven't noticed this.

Let us know what the doctor says - I would definitely call him. The only side effect I have noticed is itching and redness at the injection site that lasts about 36 hours.

Alll I have noticed while taking enbrel, is itching and a headache. I take benedryl with it for two days. I itch all over. Pin, please call hotline and let us know what happens.

I have been taking it for going on 9 weeks. Feeling better energy wise and pain wise. Hardly no stiffness in morning. I feel bad and hurt by the end of the day probably cuz' I over do it during the day.

Take care Pin and keep us posted.

Thanks to everyone, I am going to call the nurse helpline today and see what they say as I have woken uo with burning feet again and they itch like mad ( only the soles) I also have a flare today, it all hurts ( knees, fingers, elbows etc) I was really hoping the enbrel would help
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