Pain | Arthritis Information


Can we have pain but have normal lab results? I mean, I went to the dr. on Tuesday and he told me (for the second or third visit in a row) that my labs were "fantastic". Problem is, I am in PAIN. My fingers, my knees, my feet, you name it and chances are it is hurting. I've been sleep like 10-12 hours a night too. I don't get it. I mean, here it is 6:25pm and I'm ready to go to bed. My right knee also is hurting and feels like it's on fire. He sort of manipulated the kneecap the other day and said he didn't feel any inflammation and said it may be stress. Any ideas?

Yup. I never test positive. I mean, I can even be ballooned out with swelling, and not even THAT lab comes back positive.


It's sad and weird, but in some people, blood work means jack all.

Thanks...i think

It sounds like you have more pain than I do, mine is usually pretty manageable.  Did you tell your doctor?  What did he say?  Is it possible you have some erosion in those painful joits and that's why the constant pain?

He just told me if it's really bad to take two Aleve. Problem is, husband has been away (at a Met's Fantasy Camp) in Florida all week. He's on his way back, very homesick. I drank so much coffee today to be able to stay awake and hang with him tonight and then BAMM this happens. Dang it!

Take two aleve????


I think you need a second

Honey - (or anybody else whose docs say the labs are fine)

Would you consider asking for your last 3 labs and looking at it yourself?  See if it came down...or is really is down.

I'd really like to see some of this in a sort of hard copy.



I always have a copy of my lab results sent to my house just cuz I don't like waiting for my appoinment to know what they are.

But Pip do you really think dr.s just lie about that kind of stuff?  Why would they?

My labs always come back "normal" according to my last RD. (Quack) IMO!! He actually told my my thyroid was normal, once I finally got ahold of my labs, I realized he never even checked it! So yeah, not all docs are totally honest. That just confirmed to me that was another good reason for a second opinion.

Anyway, I'm always feeling pain, somewhere. Alleve does NOTHING for me. Nothing over the counter helps me. I do have a script from last doc (did I mention he's a quack?) for Tramadol, and it only takes the edge off.

I hope you are feeling better real soon. I don't have any information for you, because all of this is new to me! Good luck.

question- is 92 ra factor high?  I am not trying to be stupied. Doc never really said.The only thing he did say was "how did it get that high so fast" How would he know he never took blood work why would he !!  I only had FM before.( iam being cute, not that cute though).

a=nut for sure need a 2nd opinion. Take 2 Aleve?  Ugh.  If he wanted to go the NSAID route he could have been nice enough to prescribe some Celebrex for you.  Which works in my opinion...much better than Aleve.  *shakes head*

Some of these doctors...lab work is the end all be all.  Thankfully I do not have a doctor like that or I would be really screwed since I am sero-negative and my lab work only ever comes back slightly elevated.  Even in a horrid flare.  Your doc should take in consideration how you are physically presenting to him.  It's like these docs don't see the forest thru the trees!!! 
Well I have a prescription for Naprosyn but I hate taking stuff like that. I feel like it's burning a hole in my stomach. I took a tylenol pm, had a mallomar and a cup of tea. Bath was good. Nothing beats sitting in a tub full of boiling hot water for 1/2 an hour. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

I really like my dr. He's not that quick to load me up on drugs because he knows I'm really cautious about stuff like that. I'm on Enbrel and Arava and the Naprosyn as needed. I still reach for the Tylenol Arthritis before the Naprosyn. I'll reach for the heating pad before the Naprosyn but that's just me.

Please don't send me all those posts saying I deserve what I get if I don't take the meds offered. It's just me and Naprosyn I guess. There are other NSAIDs that you could try, that may not upset your stomach the same. I'm like that with naprosyn too. (and mobic, ick!)

OOOOOOOOOOp's Husband said it was 72.




I have a lot of pain, but good lab work.  I'm so glad my RD would rather pay attention to the patient than the lab work.

otoh he seems a teeny  bit too willing to count on Xrays. I think I need an mri of my hip and knees because the xrays show nothing..


When I was first diagnosed, ALL my labs were high.  Shortly after starting on Plaquenil and Relafen, the ESR and CRP returned to normal.  I still have flares, so yes, you can have pain without having elevated ESR and CRP.

Your signature indicates that you take Relafen.   Are you still taking that?  If you have some around, and you could tolerate it, you might want to try taking it again.

My only other suggestion is prednisone.  A short burst and taper would probably help.  It would also be a way for your RD to tell that your pain was inflammatory in nature - which it most likely is.

Hope you feel better soon.  Gentle hugs.

Honey, your question is a good one.  I was glad to see the posts saying that good labs and continued pain can indeed happen.  I was feeling a little guilty (I know, I know, that's stupid) because my ANCA blood work is now normal, but I'm still having some of the same symptoms and even new issues.  It doesn't seem to make sense, does it?  But nothing makes sense about AI diseases.  The randomness and unpredictability is so frustrating.  I really don't know how RD doctors deal with it on a daily basis.  It's not like, give the patient a pill for ten days and the problem is over.  Oh, what I wouldn't give for those days when bronchitis or a bladder infection was my only problem.  And to think how I used to hate taking those antibiotics even for a short time and now I have to take drugs, probably for the rest of my life.  Big time bummer.