Daily Doings~ Sunday Jan 27th | Arthritis Information


ok I'm still very much a newbie here and would like to be more active and get to know y'all better.

I don't know if anyone else is in a daily doings post thing, but I thought, heck, why not try it?

First, I'll offer y'all some breakfast, how about some scrambled eggs w/ bacon, cheese, chives and some fresh blueberry muffins w/ honey butter and some strawberries and crisp bacon to start the day?

hmm I really don't have much plans, still dealing w/ the last remmants of the flu.. so will have to see how I'm doing. Going to hopefully cut out coupons. I'm on a coupontrain, saves me lots of money. Watch Brokeback Mtn, for the nth time!  Reading a good mysterybook, sleep.. i just got a brand new hospital bed.. yay!!! First time in over 20 yrs, i've had a NEW bed, its small but comfy!! Plus, they were out of the regular, so I got to have the one w/ head and feet controls.. such bliss, to have my head and feet elevated! Enjoy the babies~my cats, whom I adore and just RElax and hope to get over this flu!!

Have a great day all!! and oh ps, bc I'm on a friends laptop, I always put the size on 2, bc i'm soo myopic!! lol

Anyone watch the U.S. Iceskating last night, soo good! Beautiful!



Good morning whispered, breakfast sounds great but as i have already eaten i'm just being greedy

Sorry to hear about the flu, just drinks lots of fluids and rest up. I hope you feel better soon.

We have lots of wonderful sunshine today which is great after so many dreary days.

My RA has flared after taking my enbrel on friday

Have a wonderful sunday

Well, it is 4:30 AM and sleep eludes me!  I did my mtx shot yesterday and it wiped me out for the evening.  I went from laying on the air mattress in the living room, to the computer, and to laying on Danny on the couch all night long lol.  No wonder why I can’t sleep now LOL!! 


I am looking forward to my morning cup of coffee much later this morning as Danny got Pumpkin Spice creamer at the grocery yesterday.  Yummy!  I think for breakfast I will make up some pancakes and hash browns.  Usually breakfast turns into Brunch as Danny sleeps in on Sundays since he has to work tonight.  Danny and the girls will most likely go to the library and I will stay home.  I send a list of books I want with them and they pick them up for me.  They will get a few movies to watch as there is just nothing to watch on TV on Sundays no matter how many channels you have lol.  We will stay snuggly warm this afternoon with movies and a big bowl of popcorn! I have been itching to challenge the family with my Sopranos board game lately.  So we might do that too.  Oh yes and there is the dreaded weekly grocery shopping and cage cleaning to be done. 


It seems our snow is going to melt!!!  The high for Monday is 47 with rain!!!  YAY!! HEAT WAVE!!  The dog will be sad that the snow is going to melt tho.  Crazy dog loves the stuff.  He loves to burrow thru it, chase snowballs…oh the look on his face when the snowball falls apart when he puts it in his mouth is priceless…and have snow thrown on him.  Yeah, he is a nutcase lol. 


I am hoping to have a good day physically.  Yesterday after my shot was a real doozy of a day so today will be better!!  I can only go up from here! 


Well wishes to everyone and I hope everyone has a good day today.  It is Sunday so pamper yourselves with a quiet relaxing day before the rat race of the week starts!!! 

Hi Liz- sorry you cant sleep, I quite enjoy being awake, when the whole house is sleeping, especially early hours of the morning, as i sit my chair by the window and watch the world wake up.Its so peaceful. Your sunday sounds restful, apart from the Shopping, we do ours on a friday so thank goodness its over. I have popped my roast beef in the oven to cook.Hubby is off to golf for a few hours and the kids are all doing various things today, so I am going to put my feet up and read my book I think and enjoy the sunshine.

Sleeplessness must be going around, it is nearing 4 AM here and Morpheus once again forgot to stop by. So, instead of sleeping I have been listening to music and musing.

I think it is time to brew a pot of coffee and see how long it takes me to get dressed today.

May your roads be smooth and your skies clear.

Cheers! Happ

Oh I very much love this time I have to myself when all in the house including my crazy dog are sleeping!!!!  Even the rats and the bunny are sleeping right now.  It is very peaceful.

We are having stew done in the slow cooker for dinner tonight.

Mmmmmmmmmm   Stew. Im hopping on the fast flight  for my dinner

We were talking to a friend last night who is off to San Francisco on business, we were chatting about food in different countries, my hubby couldnt get over New Yorks breakfasts. We ate in a deli every morning and all our breakfasts came with fried potato's ( very yummy) and if we ordered bacon, we got pancakes and syrup too ( an aquired taste I think) Now I have come back I am back to albran and bananas. The fried potatoes just put lots of weight on

Hubby and I scrubbed the kitchen yesterday in anticipation of my foster parents coming this afternoon from Alaska, on their way to the Caribbean - smart people.  My hubbie was blown away at my energy and how I was strong and worked hard.  Unfortunately, my right first finger looks like a sausage this am, but it will work its way down with gravity and time. 

Monitoring the Board from SWFL ~~ Cathy

It is now 630am and I think I am going to try and get some sleep. The good news is that I got all caught up with posts over on my parents board. Hadn't been on for a few days as I buggered up my account lol.  Leave it to me to try and change an email addy and screw the whole thing up lol.  The bad news is....the dog will be waking me up shortly to go out and do his business.  The girls never seem to hear him whine to go out while they are sleeping.  I think it is selective hearing.  They sure can hear if I am typing too loudly and the computer is in the front of the house and their room is in the back of the house!!  Selective hearing I guess!!!  So that means I will lie down for a couple of hours before I have a cute cold wet nose poke me in the face and I have to haul it out of the bed and go wake a very grumpified teenager.  Oh the joys of motherhood!!!! 

Oh yes I nearly forgot.  Today I get to go thru rx receipts so I can log them on an FSA form and get those turned in to get my ridiculous deductible for rx's back!  I need a better system than what I have lol.  Throwing them in a basket just isn't working lol.  I have figured it out I think.  I am going to staple the receipt to those sheets that come with the rx.  They have the name on them of the person who the rx is for.  I am going to assign each family member a different highliter color to highlite receipts and make it easier on the person who does the refunds at Dannys work.  And to make it easier on me lol.  Well...tata for now. ****Leaves singing Mr. Sandman....****

Ahhh I am not alone in these sleepless nights...I sleep for 3 or 4 hrs and then my brain tells me it time to get up for the day. I just think and think and think and listen to my husband snore and get agitated.

When I did sleep I had bad dreams. I dreamed I was in pain all over and thought to myself Oh my gosh, I didn't even fully get over this flare and now I have another.

I would not care except tomorrow I am going back to work after being out for 2 months and I'm anxious enough without having to worry about working 9 hr. days on 4 hrs. of sleep.

Breakfast was an egg fried inside a hole of a piece of bread. With my appetite of late I'm sure to have something else too a little later. That was just so I could take my meds LOL.

I'm taking my son to Target around 10- he has a gift card burning a hole in his wallet.

I will do a bunch of ironing. I used to wear dresses to work but now I don't have suitable shoes that don't hurt. So now I have to iron all my pants.

Tonight my husband and I are having dinner out to celebrate my getting well and returning to work. I will have a MARTINI with the OK from my doctor. I had been told not to drink a drop while on the MTX but this new doctor said it is OK very occassionally. I will drink extra water today to flush my liver. I used to have a martini every night.

Better scoot- I like to watch Joel Osteen at 9AM on Sundays. His talks are very inspiring to me.


Goodmorning everyone!  It's nice to see some new names in here!! I couldnt sleep either, though mine was the opposite, I didnt go to bed till 2am...but DH and Kelsay let me sleep in.  Sat and Sun are my days to sleep in.  Not much going on today.   Gonna probably just continue working on some beading.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning everyone. Still in jammies, and it's 10:30. I can't seem to get motivated, yesterday was a bad day for me, I'm hoping today will end up a little better. I have to pay some bills, dh and I have to finish up some laundry, go to grocery store and pick up a few things. For now, I'm going to sit back and watch the Patriots Rally...then I'll get movin! Have a great day everyone.I'm watching the Patriots Rally too....Love those guys.  What's your take on Tom?

Hi all and welcome to the newbies.  Since remission has hit I've been sleeping and believe me that's a very unusual circumstance for me.  I've spent the last 3 years up each and every night.  Actually I'm not complaining because I did enjoy the quietness of the night but I also enjoy the restful 8 hours of sleep.

It's raining here in the southwest desert.  Has been raining all night and it doesn't look as if it will let up for awhile.  We were going to the lettuce festival today, yes, I said lettuce.  Yuma and the surrounding areas probably grow half of the lettuce consumed in the U.S. and there's a big festival in old town Yuma this weekend.  I'm not going outside with the rain.  Will read my new mystery, finish a necklace that I've started, and maybe do laundry. 

Need to get some breakfast now - cheerios and a banana, and some yogurt.  Much rather have Whispered's breakfast but I'm dieting.  Take care and have a wonderful Sunday.  Lindy

I did a bad thing. I indulged in grapes....THEY ARE SO FREAKING EXPENSIVE!!! But I haven't had them in forever, and I couldn't help myself. LoL

I am SOOOO TIRED. Ugh! My RD appt is bright and early tomorrow mornin. Whoopiieee!!!!


Aside from that....well nuthin really. I'm just tired. LoL I'm at work until 7 tonight, and I forgot to bring my book. Boooo hisss!!! I have no idea what I'm gonna do to entertain myself. Tttbbbttthhhh


TTYL kids!

Grapes are one of my all time favorites.   They're pricey here too, but worth it if you can find good ones.  Good being fat and sweet and firm and juicy.MMmmmmMMMM grapes are so dang yummy!!!!  I woke up again around 11:30 or so.  I slept well after I went to bed again.   It used to be when I would flare that I would sleep all the time....now I have insomnia.  It is weird how your body just decides to make changes all on it's own.  And annoying!!! 

It is a very pretty and bright day here today.  We had a new snowfall the other night so we do not have dirty snow anymore (give it time lol) and it is so pretty and sparkly outside.  I wish it were warmer out because I would go to the beach for a bit and enjoy the bright day.  I can't wait for that first ray of Spring to break thru Winter so I can feel the warmth of the sun basking on my face as I sit at the beach in my moon chair listening to the waves crash on the shore. 

Oh man!!  Arielle got to the shower first!!!  It is going to be forever now til we have hot water again!!!  Argh!!! 

[QUOTE=Debrakay]I'm watching the Patriots Rally too....Love those guys.  What's your take on Tom?[/QUOTE]


So there is a fellow Patriots fan on the board...In my opinion tom will be fine.  Apparently, at the rally, he was walking without the boot and without a limp. 

Edited to say that apparently there are two Patriots fans on the boards.


Good evening everyone...I missed the morning chatter.  I never get much sleep.  I am usually up by 4:00 AM..sometimes earlier with a max of 4-5 hours.

I have a very hectic day.  Went into work at 6:00 AM for an hour.  Then off to church to do some Hungarian cooking with the religious education classes. It is a large group program.  Kids are split into groups of three.  It was a very messy, very fun time.

Then off to another activity.  I am a junior youth group advisor at the church which meant 3 hours of hanging out and planning activities with an awesome group of kids.  They are doing a skit for a dinner show so there was much planning and rehearsing going on.

I am now very tired but had some cleaning up to do around the house.

I did have some drama for the day...I dye my hair red...yesterday was the appointment.  My hairdresser messed it up royally.  I am two tone.  she has been doing my coloring for 2 years without incident. I left her a voice message. 


Aww Patti, how bad is it??? I just had a hair dye fiasco...but I did it to myself.

I have one hour left of work, and then I have TWO DAYS OFF!!! Is it sad that I'm counting down the hours until I see the RD????


I had an idea for seeing her. Since I'm so terrible at getting out what I want to say. I think I'm going to take a deep breath, and imagine that I'm posting to you guys. LOL Cause then I'll get all the important stuff out!! Whatcha think? Too crazy???

Thats a good idea Katie, OR you could post it and print it out....ehh scratch that you dont have a printer...well it sounded good


Which reminds me, I still haven't looked at that video you sent, OR the food sites. I'm slackin'!!!

I see how it is...I send you stuff and you dont look at it...You even asked me to send you the reciepe links....

The good thing about messed up hair is that even if you can't fix it right now, it can always fix itself.  Might take a while, but it'll happen.


You can always pull a britney and just shave it all off........

Tom is fine...and I mean FINE...LOL

Really, the rally was...okay. I thought it would me a little longer and a bit more exciting. That's alright...It's gonna be much more exciting next week. Yes, I'm a Pat's fan...and a RS fan all the way. I live in Massachusetts so what can I say.

Booo. I'm back to only watching the super bowl for the commercials.

I've lost my appetite, so I know I'm getting sick now. I had that head cold thing going on, and it's turning into a monster. Ick.
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