OT-yippee- forum back | Arthritis Information


Hi everybody, I cant believe how lost I have felt with the forum out of action. I hope you are all well. I nearly became a nanna again for the 3rd time but bubs wanted to come way too early (nearly 3 months early ) . A rushed trip to adelaide in the ambulance and 4 days in hospital on medication to stop contractions has worked so far thank god. So I have been so busy lately to think of my own pains . Now my daughter is back and the other grandkids have gone home with her I am suffering a shocking flare. OUCH . But thats what we mums do. Put our kids and grandkids before ourselves. Time for a nice hot bath I think. AllyHi ally!!!

Yeeeaaaahhhh.......I'm not a huge fan of this forum just yet.....LOL

Change scares me :(
One reason being, all he did was change the look.

We still have way too many un-needed forums, and no where to just babble to each other!!

Ugh!! We waited days just for THIS?!?!? What a rip off!

***PS - Glad baby and momma are doing alright! 3 months early might have been a bit much!!!
arriscolwell2008-02-01 01:07:08It is a bit freaky, but I am sure we will get used to it eventually. I had troubles getting on because I had forgotten my password. I know. I still think it's stupid. LoL Yeah I'm glad they have managed to keep her cooking for a bit longer. Was not prepared for her to be born this early.I kinda like the new layout. Now you can see how many are viewing each board.

Just glad it is back that is all. It's good to be back! Gosh, I am glad the forum is back. I felt completely lost too even though I visit other forums, this one is my home it feels...and it just wasn't there. Gone. Argh! The thought I never speaking again to many of you was terribly devastating. I love the new look and honestly don't care what they have done as long as it's here. Ally I am glad to hear they could stop the contractions.  Hope all works out well.
New babies awwwwww I just love little new babies.  Almost makes me want another one.  lol
Ally...so glad "Bubs" entrance was delayed, or put back on it's proper schedule.  Guess the little guy/girl is just too excited to get started?I'm sorry! I'm sorry!  I'll be good.  Don't mess with the forum again, OK? 
Geeze, I missed it more than I ever thought I would.  Then yesterday when I tried to get on again and hit Favorites I got a new login window that I couldn't get past.  I thought I would never get back here again!  I even went so far as to start checking out other sites.  Nope, not as good.  This one is the best. 
Glad all the kinks are worked out.  Yay glad to see the forum back.  I missed it!
Just click your heels three times and repeat after me, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
You can visit that site where you have to "waddle" behind the mother  or you can visit the site where everything is a little fishy, but absolutely, there's no place like home. 
I've said it so many times before and I'll say it again, arthritisinsight is the very best arthritis forum on the www. It's just that simple, got it?
I am not to keen on it either arri.
Oh, Ally! Thank goodness the docs were able to stop the contractions. I guess that baby is thinking he's got people to see, things to do. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Hope the hot bath helps. It's time to take care of you. :)
I gotta say, I did miss you guys while this forum was down. I'm enjoying the new look and stuff. It's going to take a little adjusting to get used to, but I think they did a wonderful job. Plus, I like changes every now and then. Keeps things interesting. ;)
Oh Ally so glad the baby is staying where the baby belongs!!  That is so scary!!  I have had the experience of premature labor and I am soooo happy they were able to stop the contractions!  Scary stuff!!!   Awwww.... it looks like LevLarry was having "nasty" people withdrawls.
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