OT - Daily Chat Feb 1st!!!!!!!! | Arthritis Information


Well. Here be's the forum.

Katie's not so happy. She thinks it's.......ugly, honestly. LOL And a whole lot of time wasted, as there's still all the useless categories, and no where for us to "play" So tttbbbttthhhh.

Anywho. I think the meds are working!! Hi to everyone, this new board is weird but hey what do I know( my computer knowledge is nil) I suppose it will just take some time getting used to it. Katie- sorry to hear you have an infection, I hope it clears up soon.

I too have been feeling lousy and nearly went to ER last night as I was in so much pain. I went for my enbrel this morning ( it was a big OUCH one today) and I am home now, guess what I feel like a 20 year old again......( well maybe not that young) I cant believe the enbrel worked in that short time space but hopefully it is that.
Have a good day and its so nice to be back with everyone again.

I am awake STILL. My body is still recovering from that fall I took on Tuesday. My right hip is still being a pain in the butt, literally. And my back/neck/shoulder area is so outta whack and stiff, and when not stiff I can hear fluid swish around. EWWW!!!

So... here I sit all broken hearted... thought I had to Shhhhit, but only farted LMAO!!!
Yeah... I think meds are kicking in. Nortriptline and robaxin what a good mix
Be back later, of course!  
I sort of like the new look of the board..at least it is different.
It is a bit different and I don't know how it's new and improved but at least it's here.
I really missed reading the forum.
Katie, thanks for the support. I didnt know you were sick. I'm glad your feeling better.
Crunchy, Sorry your sick . Working in the hospital can be dangerous to your health, especially if you have RA.
Jooni, Sorry about your hip. Geez I must be the only one feeling OK this morning.
Pin cushion, do you take the regular shot of enbrel or the injector?
I know this sounds nuts but when I went on the injector it hurt worse so I switched back to the regular shot.
Anyway, I am happy for all of us that we got our board back.

The new look is a lot cleaner.  A little more modern.  Eh, Katie you just don't like change lol.  Glad you are feeling better.  Now to just get Crunchy better!!!  At least we were able to keep our usernames!  However, more and cuter emoticons would be nice. 

We have about 8 inches of snow on the ground and 2 flaring children and 1 flaring momma lol.  Danny is working 7-3 today!  He has been off his 3rd shift since Wed. because of classes.  He has NO days off this week tho

Snow day!!!!!  I guess this is one of the few things about winter that I actually love!  It is the BEST, waking up at 5 only to find out you have the day off.  I like them as much as my daughter likes them.  The scool district that my bro was supposed to take the animals to is also closed so I don't have to go to work either.  Of course the down side is that we'll have up to 11 inches of snow to deal with

I'm glad the board is back up.  I'll get used to the new look, I guess I like the old one better.  But moslty I'm just glad to ee everybody.
OMG it took me 3 hours to drive home last night (Northeastern Illinois, Chicago 'burbs)... what a nightmare.  It normally takes 40 minutes.  I'm not leaving til after the morning rush today!!!
I got back from Wisconsin on Tuesday afternoon (another white-knuckle driving experience between Madison and Milwaukee Jas, glad you made it home safely, I guess we're getting your sloppy seconds here in MI.  How much snow did you get?
Sorry about your brother, I do hope this last chunk of his life can be peaceful for him.  And you, this muct be heartbreaking towatch him go through.
Anywhere from 8 to 12 inches (with more on the way this morning!) depending on your location in the Chicago 'burbs.  OMG what a mess!!!  Sorry to send it your way, but glad to see it go!!!!

They're saying 7 to 11 inches here.  It actually works out good for me cuz my ankle has flared, it would have been really hard and painful to work today.  As it so happens, the school district my bro was taking the animals to today called a snow day (as did every other school around here) so I didn't have to go in.

 Hey Everybody! Good to see the board back up...I think, lol At least I can log on today. Wow you guys with so much snow,
Sorry you guys are having so much pain, this weather has everyone in a roller coaster.
Oh well hope ya'll have a good day...enjoy the snow!
Great to see everyone!! Missed you all!
Hope you all have a superfantastic and extracomfortable day!
OH and Is there not a password retreival option on the login page?  I really thought I knew my password but guess not....and now I've lost my mailbox stuff I had saved.  Am I just  not finding it.  Anyone know if there is one?Its a snow day here too and Ive got a house full of kids!  My aunt is going to the super bowl w/ the bus they own (people rent it, they provide food an such and they go to sporting events) so i have my 3 cousins for a few hrs....The puppy is doing great!  He slept from 7 last night and didnt wake me up till 5 this morning!!!!  Shannon, what did Kelsay do when she saw the pup?  And what are you calling the little fella?He named him Finley..she was soooo excited!!!! She came down the stairs and was shockedFinley..that's a good name!  Did she come up with it herself?  She was leaning toward Toto at first right?  Must be fun running outside with him at a moments notice in all this snow.
So, it looks like the big part of the storm missed us.  They said it would go on till 7 tonight dumping a ton.  We did get a good few inches, but now they're just sayin a few more flurries and a lot of wind.  Remind me to NOT believe the weather reports.  I always fall for them.
Hey Lin have you got out the sled and dogs yet???!!!  heheheheheoops I stand corrected it has stopped for now but we may still get more here.

We have about 11 inches of snow now that it is all said and done and the schools here are open with the exception of 1 district.  We were also open when it was real super cold the other day. 


Link sorry your ankle is flaring.  Hope that gets better for ya quickly.  Since you don’t have work or school today…snuggle up with the kids and do some fun quiet activities with them.  We never believe the weather people as having ra is a much better forecaster of the weather to come lol. 


Jas!!  You were in my neck of the Milwaukee woods!!  You prolly drove right past my exit lol!!  I am going to have to PM you my number in case you run into a situation like that again where the weather is bad and you are driving back to the burbs.  Or heck…even to meet for some coffee at a George Webb!  MMM Love George Webb!!!  Best thing about George Webb…they are open 24 hours in case you are hungry at 2am lol!!  Sorry to hear your brother will not recover from this bout with his liver disease.  At least they are working with him and going to make him comfortable.



I went back to bed this morning and I am still tired.  I have a few dishes to do…gonna take a shower…then lie down.  Don’t think I will make it to Walmart today to pick up scripts. 

While the forum was down I got the taxes done, got all the Christmas decorations packed up and put back in the closet and got back to making the summer inventory. As a newly realized forum junkie, I swear I am not going to spend so much time here.

Sorry to hear so many aren't well, sounds like stuff other than RA.

Pin, our oldest DD is going to college in Brighton this semester, she already lost one umbrella to the wind, I'm surprised at how much rain they get. [QUOTE=Linncn]Finley..that's a good name!  Did she come up with it herself?  She was leaning toward Toto at first right?  Must be fun running outside with him at a moments notice in all this snow. Your right Katie, i didnt even notice that .....Kesay was crying cause she cant go to school today....she is DEFINITLY not my kid....Ok so accident #1 for the year in front of my house...I wonder what the count will be for this year.  People seriously need to pay attention....its snow and you LIVE in IL (it was the neighbor that hit a guy) its not the first time you've seen itHowdy folks, I am so happy to see that AI is back.  Shannon, how are Kelsay and Finley enjoying the snow?  Have they been out to play in it together? [QUOTE=grammaskittles] 

Jas!!  You were in my neck of the Milwaukee woods!!  You prolly drove right past my exit lol!!  I am going to have to PM you my number in case you run into a situation like that again where the weather is bad and you are driving back to the burbs.  Or heck…even to meet for some coffee at a George Webb!  MMM Love George Webb!!!  Best thing about George Webb…they are open 24 hours in case you are hungry at 2am lol!!  Sorry to hear your brother will not recover from this bout with his liver disease.  At least they are working with him and going to make him comfortable.


I was thinking of you as I drove 'round the outskirts of Milwaukee.Why did God create neighbours????
I dread leaving the house later today.
Jordan was outside last night with some of his friends, there were a whole 6 of them out on the patio on the west side of the houe.  It was 2am.  I was still up, using the computer.   I could hardly hear them from inside the house.  Then I hear this almighty roar from Jordan.  You know, the one young guys use when they are toally p***ed off at someone.  Then he comes in the say the neighbour on the east side of the house has had a go at them for noise.  They weren't playing music,  just talking, like I said I was up and I could hardly hear them from 10 yards away.  I know he shouldn't have told the nieghbour to **** ***, but seriously....   Now he'll corner us when we leave the house to say he was abused by Jordan and what are we going to do about it, yada, yada, yada.  Sorry if I would rather have my kid and his friends home for a couple of quiet beers than out on a pub crawl.   This guy is a real weird one.  I'm surprised he didn't call the cops.  He'll probably go down to the police station today to make a formal complaint or something.  Mark and I actually stayed up for another half hour to see if the cops would come.    He sits and watches our front door and nabs us as soon as we walk out.   Really creepy.  Our front door faces his so we can't leave the house without him seeing us.  UGH!!!!
It's 15 below zero today and the ice fog must have swept through last night because everything is white. I'd take snow anyday over this kind of cold. Have to keep the fire going for anything below 10 degrees, DH is neurotic about saving the fuel oil and keep the humidfier filled. Well everyone have a good day or what's left of it for you, it's 10am here and I really, really, really have to get something done.Can you get some kind of order, to where he can't approach you???? That would be sweet..... It is 45 degrees outisde, but says it feels like 40 degrees.
I am cold. my hands are freezing and so are my feet. Hi all, I'm so glad the chat is back. Am flaring terrible at the moment. Go to work, come home have a cry, go to bed. Came home from work today and hubby and son had done the cleaning. Boss was lovely and supportive, made me cry. Have an appt next week for some pain relief, I dont like to take anything unless I have to but I think I'm going to have to change my attitude on that.
Edinburgh doesnt have snow, although its trying, temperature at 0 degrees so pretty chilly.
Shannon, Finley is such a great name for a dog... all Scots would approve.
Pammy, your neighbour obviously doesnt have a life of his own, he sounds like a curmugeonly old bugger.
Thoughts and hugs to everyone who has family in iraq, we have friends in helmand and are watching the news with baited breath.

I know what ya mean about being cold!  We are in the middle of an ice storm, everything is getting coated with ice, and then the wind is supposed to pick up to 40-50 mph tonight.  That means we'll have downed trees and power lines.  We are trying so hard to conserve heating oil.  I have my thermostat set  on 62 and we are just bundlling up.   Winter is NOT my favorite time of year.

Pammy, so sorry to hear about the nasty neighbor.  I think all of us know what that is like!

you are sooo right Sarah.  He is a single guy in his mid 50's whose mother lives with him.  He is unemployed and spends his days at the library chatting on line with people who travel to Bali because he has been there a few times. (Don't even get me started on that one) I don't know what he does with his time, he has plenty of it.  When Mark suggested that he volunteer somewhere to get out of the house and get the employment poeple off his back he says....and I quote " No way, I'm not going to do something for nothing!"       He is alreading doing nothing and getting a pension for it. lol

Personally I am looking very forward to next week when the temp is supposed to get up near 40.  I know it's colder elsewhere but as far as I'm concerned, when you get below 10 it doesn't matter. It's too darn cold.  You know it's been bad when even 20 starts looking good.

Wills, i am always wondering how someone goes to work when they are flaring.  My ankle is all swollen (and painful) right now and I can hardly walk.  How do you manage??

In his 50's and lives with mummy... there's really no more to say. You are right, I'd rather have my son and his friends at the house safe and boisterous than god knows where and not safe. He's obviously taking his frustrations out on you guys.... he's probably not getting any lurv [QUOTE=Linncn]

Personally I am looking very forward to next week when the temp is supposed to get up near 40.  I know it's colder elsewhere but as far as I'm concerned, when you get below 10 it doesn't matter. It's too darn cold.  You know it's been bad when even 20 starts looking good.

Well... I guess I am off to make my legs shake uncontrollably. Only way the house is going to get cleaned. Oh and so I can say I did do something around the house. Yeah... hubby is back in to that "he does everything" mood again. I just keep telling him you know when I am feeling better I do stuff. Well, since my last Remicade infusion... I have been feeling kinda ran down, like I am sick, but I am not sick. Just feel ran down and like I just need to sleep. He also knows when I am not feeling better because I fuss to even have to leave the house to go anywhere and then when I am there, I am grouchy and unhappy. Stupid Wal-Mart!! I hate going there now. I just want to stay home in my nice warm bed!
Jasmine, I dont really know. I guess truthfully, if I'm at home all I can hear (apart from the ringing/hissing in my ears) is my brain telling me 'you're hurting, your hurting, your hurting'. At work that message doesnt go away but it can be pushed to the back if I'm busy, plus I work 8 - 1 each day and although as the flare has progressed this last 3 weeks its got tougher to do my 5 hours a day, 5 hours isnt a full day because we get a 20 minute coffee break too. My job doesnt entail me having to sit at a screen all day, its a very varied job, my secretary is fab and when I'm flaring everyone just pulls together a lot. One of the team (we are 9) had JRA and has had 3 hip replacements and 2 shoulder blade replacements in the 10 years that I've been there, he is a Dr in Psychology and is a great support. I'm really lucky to work with such great, understanding people. Their support has really helped me since Dx in Dec 06. Just like all the people on the board. My hubby would say that I'm stubourn, but I'm learning that sometimes you just have to give in and go to bed.[QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=Linncn]

Better living through chemistry [QUOTE=wills08]My hubby would say that I'm stubourn, but I'm learning that sometimes you just have to give in and go to bed.[/QUOTE]

Oh definitely!!!  But until I get to that point, my heating pad and ice packs are my best friends in the office.  They do get kidnapped from time to time by a co-worker who plays hockey.  He gets banged up at a game and then raids my gimp box.Well, I am back, taking a break.
Oh yesterday, son fell or jumped off the couch, not sure which it was, and then he came to me and said "I broke my tummy." I said "You broke your tummy?" He said "YES! Right here. I broke my tummy."
So... I called hubby at work and had son tell him what he told me and I could hear hubby laughing his ass off at son. It was pretty darn funny!

Gimp Box, that's a fab name for it. I too have a chemistry drawer and everyone knows where to come if they need anything. What do you do for swelling. My pads and filanges (I dont know if that's spelt correctly) on my hands are really swollen, burning, hot. I've also noticed that if I have a bath my fingers do the 'prune' thing in minutes, as opposed to being able to soak for 30 mins and not being 'pruny'.


Gimp Box, that's a fab name for it. I too have a chemistry drawer and everyone knows where to come if they need anything. What do you do for swelling. My pads and filanges (I dont know if that's spelt correctly) on my hands are really swollen, burning, hot. I've also noticed that if I have a bath my fingers do the 'prune' thing in minutes, as opposed to being able to soak for 30 mins and not being 'pruny'.


I always use lots of dead sea salts in the tub, so I don't really prune up.

As for hot, inflamed joints... I've got a fashionable collection of strap-on icepacks in the department freezer.  Wrapping a painful hand in one of those even for 10 minutes really helps quite a bit!!!  Icy Hot (menthol/salicylate rub) helps dull the pain too, but the co-workers tease me about the smell and it kinda hurts if you get it in your eye. [QUOTE=Linncn][QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=Linncn]

Better living through chemistry [QUOTE=wills08]You remind me of my husband crying last week. Everyday he makes his lunch box. It consists of 1 x tin of tuna in sunflower oil, hand full of penne pasta, chopped tomato and chopped hot green chilli. He'd chopped his chilli, washed his hands then put his lenses in. Within seconds of having his lenses in he started yelping (the sadist in me thought it was mighty amusing lots of LOLing). He took the lenses out, had to ditch them (1 set of weeklys wasted), and wasnt able to put any more lenses in for 2 days.  Now he puts lenses in before he chops the chilli [QUOTE=Linncn]So I notice with this new format that isn't a way to edit.  Great.  That makes it so much more a challenge for me.[/QUOTE]

Just hit the "post options" button.  It's a drop-down that lists "edit" as a choice.  I've used it; it works.
Anyway, the only thing I don't like about it is this~  he was in Japan last year when I got hit with RA.  The times he's been home since, I haven't been flaring so to him I'm pretty much the same ol same ol.  Now my ankle is all messed up, it's difficult to walk and I just don't want him to see me like this.  He may be a tough Marine, but he's still a mama's boy and I know he's just going to be so sad when he see's me struggeling.  I'm just going to hate that so much.  But, maybe it'll be better by tomorrow.  Fat chance, but ya never know.
Linncn2008-02-01 14:05:08

Thanks Jas, I actually did try that but !DUH!...on someone else's post.  In that scenario it only gives you the option to quote.  Anyway, thanks for the info.

Well, Link... I hope all goes well, but it is time for your son to see what RA is. I know you do not want him to, but it so probably for the better.
Much Hugs! And enjoy your son!

Link, that is wonderful news about your son coming home.  Enjoy your visit and don't worry about worrying him - he's a adult now, and he can handle it.  Honesty is always the best way to approach things, believe me.  You don't want him feeling like you hid things from him. 

Oh karen, I haven't hidden anything from him.  He just hasn't been around to witness anything.  You know how it is, RA is hard to describe to someone that hasn't seen it let alone HAVE it.  It'll all be ok though.  But enough about me and my small problems, how's your mom, and how are you?

the neighbour just had a great 'passive-agressive' go at Mark.  As Mark was getting out of the car he raised his voice so it could be heard from our driveway and was telling his mother that 'it's bloody ridiculous' yada yada yada.  Like I said he waited until he saw Mark get out of the car and raised his voice enough so he could distinctly be heard.  Mark figures he will have a full go at him sometime today.Aw Pammy, fight fire with fire. LOL Just start raising your voice, only you have to rattle on and on about how WONDERFUL the boys were last night. How nice and quiet they kept themselves and how proud you are. Mwuahahahaha They WERE really good Katie.  There were Jordan and his friend Julian who is staying with us and 3 girls.  They hung around for a while then about midnight went to McD's.  They brought me home a sundae about 1am.  When David had his go at Jordan he mentioned that his mother had been bashed by thugs leaving a party at 1am.  Jordan yelled back that he was no granny basher and told him to #### ###.  What his mother has to do with anything?????? who knows.
Mark asked Neil who lives on the side of the house where the kids were hanging out and he said he didn't hear anything.
This guy is just getting weirder and weirder
I haven't drank in 17 years today
JSNM  CONGRATS!!!!!!  That is really awesome!  Congrats JSNM!  What an accomplishment! meme...I LOVE my snowblower!!!  I had to do the driveway today..only took me 20 mins...only did it cause my aunt was coming over and droping the girls off and she wouldnt have been able to get in otherwise...oh and i guess hubby wouldnt have been able to get in either

Thanks - it was one day at a time, and by the grace of God.  I couldn't imagine one second without drinking, and now I cannot believe it's been this long.  Plus I was getting sick as a dog, flushing this hideous yellow/red on my face and chest (lupus ya tink) when I drank, so I decided to stop.  Recovery and therapy got me to sobriety, which got me to a diagnosis, to a team of dedicated doctors, and appropriate treatment.  What a ride. 

Man, I bet! How's that song go? "You've come a long way baby...."

Actually, the only way I remember each year is I think its on Groundhog's Day, which is the 2nd, but the 1st is my anniversary date.  I am lucky I remember the date :)  Strawberry chocolates ...

Congratulations JSNM!!! And hope many more for you.
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