Why Does It Do That? | Arthritis Information


If I bend over for any longer then 2-3 mins when I straighten back up, my right leg will shake uncontrollably. Now if I keep bending over like picking stuff up outta the floor, pecans those damn things need to be outside on the ground and not in my livingroom floor, then when I am done both my legs shake uncontrollably, but my right leg will still shake after I sit down, where as my left leg will stop after I sit down.

Anyone know why it does this?
[QUOTE=joonie]If I bend over for any longer then 2-3 mins when I straighten back up, my right leg will shake uncontrollably. Now if I keep bending over like picking stuff up outta the floor, pecans those damn things need to be outside on the ground and not in my livingroom floor, then when I am done both my legs shake uncontrollably, but my right leg will still shake after I sit down, where as my left leg will stop after I sit down. Ok... so it probably is tied into why my right hip is the way it is now. Great! Just GREAT!
Why is it when you are suppose to be getting better, you actually get more things wrong with you?
I do know I am allergic to wash dishes Good question.
I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly arava blood tests and while my arm was open for taking blood it shook like crazy.  The lady asked what was wrong and I told her "ummm RA".
I always wonder why my body does that in different spots when they go in certain directions.
I do not have much muscle tone in my thighs. I never really had muscle tone in my thighs every since I was a kid and rode a bike everyday, still no muscle... just flabby thighs.
But I have had trouble with my right knee and now my right hip since I have gotten worse. SO... could be that.
Oh I told hubby the pecans were for the squirrels outside, so why were they in the house?

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