Anyone tolorating Methtrexate injections | Arthritis Information


I have been taking methox injections for about 4 weeks now.  Is this worse that taking the pill form seeing it's going directly into your body tissue?  I used to get really nauseated with the pill form so they started me on the injectible.  Any answers would be great.  I just didn't know if your liver would be greatly effected by the injections. You run the same risk with either. From what I understand, MTX is metabolized in the liver. Hence the scheduled blood work. The docs watch us close, so no worries. I still have some tummy issues, but usually only when I'm already feeling low. Hope the drug works wonders for ya! Smart, I take the injectalbes. My stomach would'nt tolerate the pill form. MTX makes me very fatigued , Doc is trying to get me on Rimacaid. Let me know how you get along.

It's good to be back, even though I am new I missed having you all to talk to!!!!!!!!!
For me, injecting mtx has worked out much better.  I could not tolerate it in pill form.  I am wiped out the next day from it...but I was wiped out for 2 days on the pill form.  I still can get a little nausea here and there with the injectable but it is not as bad as it was on the pill form.  Personally...I would rather inject it.  I get more of the medication absorbed and it is absorbed much faster into the body when you inject it. 

If anyone finds themselves nauseated from mtx either in the pill form or in the injectable can always ask for an anti nausea med.  I take promethazine when the nausea strikes. 

Peanut...your RD should keep you on the mtx when you are on the remicade.  Studies have shown that the remicade works faster and works better in combo with mtx.  Most of the time the biologics work better in combo with mtx. 
Hi, I have switched to the injectable form but can't get past 12.5mg weekly.  I have bad tummy, nausea, mouth sores, headaches, hair loss, and debilitating fatigue, which I seriously thought would be the opposite effect to give me more energy, I literally can't believe how fatigued I feel since restarting MTX.  Is that normal?  My kidneys have had dodgy results recently and if I have another then we may have to withdraw the MTX altogether.  So I wish you luck with your medications and hope that you can continue to tolerate and find that it works wonders.  My joints have definately improved on it but ESR remains quite high.  Have your bloods been ok while you are on it?  Regards Janie.   gramma, from everything I have read from all of you that is the norm. The last few times I have taken it I have not have been as fatigue. I am only .6  mtx, Though I have notice it's not lasting as long. I am so afraid if they do that the debilitating fatgue will come back.
