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...exhale slowly

Stress is a big factor for me in terms of how I deal with RA.  It is a trigger that leads to flares and makes the symptoms, including fatigue, worse.  And, of course, having a serious, chronic illness is itself a source of stress so it can become a vicious circle. So, I've been focusing on how to minimize stress in my life, often a very difficult task.  Here's some of the things that are working best for me.
1) exercise: my favorite activities are walking and yoga
2) quiet meditation: After my evening yoga session (30 mins) I light a candle, burn a little incense, and listen to some soft, soothing music for a while...trying to clear my mind
3) writing: I write poetry, stories, and recently have started writing and recording music (playing mandolin with an orchestra too).  I've shared some of the poems and a story...here's a sample of a musical piece I just finished.
Any other suggestions...what works best for you.
I run and lift weights as I am able.  I read and relax...not quite meditation.  I listen to music or see my favorite band in concert when they are playing locally.  Although I am not able to see the band as often as I would like, the after-glow stays with me for quite some time.I listen to soft instrumental music and I go to the beach.  It's cold here,but sitting in my car with the heat on, window cracked so I can hear the waves definitely brings my blood pressure down.
I used to play racquetball, that was my ultimate stress reducer.  Alan, you are so gifted!  That music is so relaxing, in fact I bookmarked it so that I can enjoy it over & over.  Thanks again Alan for sharing your talents with all of us. Interesting comments!  Now that I think about it quiet mediation works best as a way to maintain a low stress condition, but when my stress level is already high it's not very effective at bringing it down.  I need something that's less passive, that requires physical as well as mental engagement.  For me, music is a very active and physically as well as mentally demanding, either performing or writing...soothing music to maintain, more powerful music to break through.  I have an electric octave mandolin, a rather odd beast, and a guitar amp that will rattle the neighbors windows...just the thing I need at times!  I play in a "rock and roll" band at a contemporary church service with an insane drummer and electric guitars...definitely liquifies the "gel" in your stiff joints and leaves a buzz in your ears.
Remember you asked....if anyone is offended by the mention of sexual intimacy please read no further,


It has been my experience that stress from many sources is relieved by preparing to be sexually intimate, being intimate, and that pain of many kinds is reduced by the endorphin rush provided by sexual release.

While it may not be practical for public release of stress, even the thought of sex can be a stress buster. So breathe deeply and prepare to exhale.

Con brio. Happ

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