FEB 2nd~ Daily Doings~ | Arthritis Information


hi guys!!! morning,  i just woke up after 6 hrs of sleep and am definately planning on going back to BED!!! lol

ok this is weird, no EDIT button??... i hadn't finished my msg and it popped up..
Friday, i was out 10 hrs, w/ my worker, got shopping done, .
(this actualy included a nice lunch out~ going to her house,  taking care of a patient that needed to be sent to the hospital.. busy but satisfying day!
. today sat.. I am not doing
Anything!! :P lol
just relaxing... anyone into mystery books??
have a good day all~
I found the edit button, yay!! lol
I was reading yesterdays comments, and to the person who's been sober 17 yrs.. CONGRATS!!
my sister lives up in the milwaukee area, so i was interested in seeing grandma k and jasmine from around that area.
Also reading all the snow reports... ack.. i think the cold would just kill your joints!!
i'm umm umm in sunny southern ca.. ducks.. lol
tho nc is my soul home and I MiSS it!!
ohh a new puppy and i love the name.. and I spent 96 in groceries and saved SIXTY bucks!!!  very happy!!!~
Whispered2008-02-02 06:24:15Happy ground hog day!
The ground hog says 6 more weeks of winter.
Ugh Good Morning All!
The groundhog in NJ did not see his shadow so Spring is around the corner LOL. Whether he sees it or not we usually have a cold March, cold rainy April and then winter goes right into summer about mid May.
I too do not sleep much these days. Had to pick up son at a dance 11 PM last night- then could not go to bed until 12, woke up 6:30....
Not much going on to day, an errand or two. Tomorrow looking forward to the Super Bowl and a lot of good eats! It will just be me my husband and the 1 son still home. We were invited out but I just went back to work last Monday and it will get over too late for me to try and go to work the next day.
Have a great day!
Good afternoon from a very sunny but freezing cold uk. I hope eveyone has a good one.
I havent done too much so far today, my daughter has her friend staying the night , they have been shopping and come home with bags of "sale" stuff. 13 year olds can buy so much stuff..............
Hubby is laying a floor in the sun lounge so there is cement everywhere. Our little white yorkie came inside rather grey looking.  We are just having a lazy saturday evening, I'm making homemade pizza for the kids and hubby, I am on cous cous with grilled tuna( diet food) and we are going to play cluedo later this evening. Probably watch a film as well.
I can tell the rest of my day is going to be sucked in, because I've just tried this great music website and can't seem to get away from it.  You create your own radio station, based on artists and songs you like, and it uses a "music genome" to find similar artists and songs that you might like.  Then each song it plays, you can tell it if you liked or not and it continues refining your music.  It's called pandora.com.  I already created a station for my hubby, now I'm working on one for me.  Too cool!I have declared today a Day of Doing Nothing. Well, not exactly nothing... I'll run some laundry (but NOT fold it!) and I might straighten up my room, because I can't seem to find the floor.  I believe it is made of wood and has a dark green carpet on it, but I've not seen it in a couple of weeks.  But other than that, we are going to sit around all day long to watch TV and play video games.  We're all exhausted!!!!

Oh I would love for you to come and visit!  We could hit the George Webb in my little town for coffee or whatever.  I’m only like 15-20 minutes away from downtown Milwaukee.  And easy to find lol. 


Yeppers, 6 more weeks of winter.  But what else is new, eh? 


Danny is napping since he had to be up early to finish his crane operator class at work.  He passed and can now operate the overhead crane at work.  It will save on crane wait time since he can turn his own stuff now and not have to wait for a crane operator to do it for him.  That means his stats are better!  Which means more money!!  YAY!!!  He took a video of his test and wow…I wouldn’t want to operate that thing lol.  I told him he should be good at it since the remote control for it is like the controllers for a video game lol.  After his nap it is off to do the errands.  I am not going with him but one of the girls will. 


Will be down one child tonight as she is spending the night at a friends house.  Means the house will be quiet with just one kid here lol. 


It is the day after my shot so all I am going to do is take it easy.  Don’t have much of an appetite today.  That makes it real hard to figure out what to make for dinner.  And asking anyone around here all I get is I don’t know or I don’t care. UGH!!! 


Ugh more nasty weather Monday and Tuesday.  It will be a mix of rain and snow.  YUK! 

OMG we CAN'T have bad weather on Tuesday!  It's Voting Day down here in Illinois!!!  I hope the bad weather stays to the north of the Cheddar Curtain just this once. JasmineRain2008-02-02 11:22:24HEY!!! No fair not sharing with us the bad weather lol!!!!!  In all reality...it should stay BELOW the Cheddar Curtain since you flatlanders feel it necessary to charge people to drive down there on horrible roads.  I can always tell when we cross the border from flatland to cheesehead land.  Our roads are much better and we don't charge to drive on them!!!   Yea, our roads suck... our state in general SUCKS and it's run by a bunch of crooks.  Our former governor is a guest in a crowbar hotel up in Wisconsin. Hopefully our current governor will join him sometime SOON!!!  That's why we need good weather on Tuesday... so more people get out and VOTE. Run by crooks?  I think few compare to Detroit's Kwami Kilpatrick.  Not only commiting adultery on the city tab, but bilking the city out of 9 MILLION dollars to cover it up.  The saddest part?  Detroiters will likely re elect him.  It's not like this is the first offense commited by "the hip hop mayor". 
Edited to add the letter "v"
Linncn2008-02-02 11:33:46This is going to bother me Link...

"Edited to add the letter "v" "

WHERE!?!? I'm *that* insane that I'm looking for the stupid letter.

I need a better hobby.......

COVER!! *shew*
Katies very bored today.
I'm going to have a long hot soak with a trash book, get into my fleecy pj's and have a gin and tonic.
[QUOTE=Linncn]Run by crooks?  I think few compare to Detroit's Kwami Kilpatrick.  Not only commiting adultery on the city tab, but bilking the city out of 9 MILLION dollars to cover it up.  The saddest part?  Detroiters will likely re elect him.  It's not like this is the first offense commited by "the hip hop mayor".   It's not to cold here and plenty of sunshine. So sorry some of you have so much snow and extreme cold temps.
Finally starting on our kitchen, picking materials, counter top, flooring and a whole bunch of stuff. I can't wait to get going but I sure do dread the mess.
My left arm and fingers are still numb and weak, really sore in my elbow today. I wonder is a Shiahtsu massager can do nerve damage?
Sarah, there has been so much snow around but we have only had sunshine, which is great for us, although the kids are moaning that they want the snow. I was watching the news that 100 people had to be rescued in cumbria from the snow on the roads. Glad  it wasnt me.  That bath and trashy book sounds like a good idea. I got the daughters friend here for the night and its been mad and hilarious all evening. 13 Year olds are so funny.Cheese and pickle sandwich??   [QUOTE=grammaskittles]Cheese and pickle sandwich??   [/QUOTE]

She must be from WisconsinJust terrible, it's updated to 5 killed now,on CNN ,in a suburban Chicago Lane Bryant Store......it's a nice neighborhood, new mall.....Whatever is the world coming too?
it's about 25 ,miles from me...........

If this a robbery gone bad, i hope when they catch him, they fry him quicklyaimee112008-04-24 17:27:15God at least you get that much.
Down here it's Roadconstruction and Snowbirds. That's it. SOMETIMES BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!! >.<
That's funny, we have the same saying in MI too.  I mean the one about having only two seasons.   We say that if you don't like the weather here, just wait a minute, it'll change.  Does everyone say that too?

I can't feel my tongue.

I did something dumb. I bought a bag of candy from the candy store. You know, classic "scoop it out yourself" candy store?

I got the "can my ass look any bigger" jaw brakers

The "I need wider love handles" cherry gummies

And of course the "I want to be diabetic before I'm 30" giant sweet-tarts.

Excuse me while I settle into my sugar coma.....I love sweet tarts.I'm never buying candy again!!!!!!!

Yeah right.....
OMG...the road construction is never ending.  Some idiot got the wise idea to totally destroy the Marquette interchange downtown and rebuild it and what a mess.  It will not be done til like 2010 I think.  It really makes going downtown a pain in the behind.  I can't wait til that is done.  We just deal with it because we love going to Veteran's Park in the summer.  However, when it is Summerfest time...whew...we don't drive to Summerfest we take the bus lol.  I would prolly have a stroke trying drive down there during Summerfest.  Our road construction goes on year round up here.  So there are really 2 seasons...winter...and HUMID.  LOL!

I have never heard of a cheese and pickle sandwich.  It's like on one hand ewwwww...but on the other hand....sounds interesting lol. 

There is a sign on 94 when you head down towards the Chicago area (it's on both sides of the road actually) telling people where Bong Recreational Area is.  When we first saw that we cracked up laughing.  One of these days I am going to pull over and take a pic of that and send it in to Jay Leno lol.  We have camped there and it is a real nice place.  The camping pictures and the pictures of all of us and the dog in a lake on my  myspace page are from Bong.  It is a real nice place to camping.  But it still cracks us up lol.  It is named after some guy from the Air Force.  General Richard Bong.  The land originally was going to be an Air Force base.  And there is your WI history lesson for the day lol. 

The new rats are not getting along although they were litter mates and lived together before we bought them.  So we got out our other cage and had to seperate them.  Hopefully they will get along again and we can put them in one cage again in the future.  You should hear them squeak and squeal!!! 
LOL I crack up when driving by that sign too!!!

Yep, that's the one!!!  Hilarious isn't it?  My mother in law was like are you kidding me...they don't really do THAT there do they.  No Mom, they don't lol.  I was really cracking up in the backseat when she said that. 
Jas....you should send that to Jay Leno for when he does his thing on Monday nights lol. 
It really is a very nice place to camp.  They have 4 wheeler trails...ski trails...snowmobile trails...bird watching areas...a field training section for you dog...fishing....horse trails...and a ton of other stuff to do there.  We go there when we want to camp close to home.  I am only about 45 min.-1 hour away from there. 
We have.........like.........sand dunes.......and sh*t.
But you can't step on them. Endangered species and such.
Oh! We have water!!!
God Florida sucks.....
[QUOTE=grammaskittles]Yep, that's the one!!!  Hilarious isn't it?  My mother in law was like are you kidding me...they don't really do THAT there do they.  No Mom, they don't lol.  I was really cracking up in the backseat when she said that. 
Jas....you should send that to Jay Leno for when he does his thing on Monday nights lol. 
It really is a very nice place to camp.  They have 4 wheeler trails...ski trails...snowmobile trails...bird watching areas...a field training section for you dog...fishing....horse trails...and a ton of other stuff to do there.  We go there when we want to camp close to home.  I am only about 45 min.-1 hour away from there. 

I'm almost positive that Bong has been featured on Letterman or Leno in the past, though I can't remember the details.  I've driven by it a zillion times but I don't think I've ever been there.  It's on the big to-do list that never seems to get shorter!!!!   Whenever we drive by it, my husband and I always crack up and talk like Cheech and Chong.  And the boys sit in the back seat rolling their eyes and making fun of their uncool, dorky parents... God, we used to pile into my friend's ex-garage turned into a bedroom, and listen to cheech and chong records. While everyone, ya know.......and then we'd watch stupid movies like Barbarella. And eat her mom's home made lumpia's. MmmmmmmLOL see!! I was right about those candies!!!!! Hey, I haven't had that stuff in over a year, so I deserved it!!!
You like possums?!?! You can have all the little suckers around here. They just get in the way.
But speaking of odd animals.....as a baby/toddler, I used to have a stuffed armadillo and a stuffed beaver(sp) that played music that I slept with every night. Yup. I was a strange child, I know....
RATS!!!!!!!! URGHHH    You must be kidding. They have long yukky tails and beady eyes and scratchy little feet.  I am really scared of them and mice, hamsters, ferrets and probably possums............ I'd rather have snakes and chameleons.
We have cheesybugs, knats and earwigs
someone else who likes them, yay!!! :)

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