Nasal and mouth sores | Arthritis Information


Good morning,  Nice to see the site back and better than ever. 

I had a question about nose sores in particular.  Occasionally over the years I get mouth sores and they're tolerable and limited.  Since before Xmas I have had bleeding and sores in my nasal passages.  I truly assumed it was the dry air and the fact that I had started a med for hypertension that may have caused it.  I also have a chronic runny nose (which I am told could be from the Remicade).  Do I share this with my rheumatologist...or my regular doc...or just hope it will all go away soon?  I am seronegative RA and I don't see nasal sores as part of this picture.  Any ideas?  Thanks!
It would be best to see a doctor and have a swab done of the sores that way you can use the right medication. I have had nasal sores since I was in the coma 5 years ago. For 3 years nothing worked on it. until finally my doc did the swabs and said it was staph. caught while in hospital from the feeding/oxygen tubes etc. I use the correct cream now. It has gotten better but never completely gone away. When I am sick or ran down it flares right up. Molly Bee - allycat is absolutely right about having cultures done, unfortunately when they are active, which is always hard to predict and have an appointment set up.  I was recently mouth cultured after five years of complaining of mouth sores and am HSV-1 postive for mouth herpes, which is getting alot of press lately.  I also had a horrifing ulcer in one nostril that was open and bleeding after five years of prescription ointments, and no one seemed concerned (isn't that one of the warning signs of cancer, a non-healing sore?)  And this continued after my RA et al. DX.  A long term antibiotic finally cleared it all up.  Good luck ~~ Cathy justsaynoemore2008-02-02 10:19:52I hate to say this, but you also want to R/O MRSA!!I totally agree with calling RD.  When I have my appts. with my rd...he always asks if I have nasal or mouth sores.   I'm sero neg too and have nasal ulcers all the time, they come and go. Nothing seems to cause them or make them go away. When I have them I know pain is soon to follow, I have one now, bummer.what exactly is MRSA?  Thanks!!Here is a link for you from the mayo clinic that explains pretty well what MRSA is.
