~DISABILITY~ | Arthritis Information


hi, I was just wondering how many of y'all are on disability?

HOnestly, I"m amazed that soo many of you work, there is no way I could.!!
I got on disability about 10 yrs ago, for being bipolar, true blessing!!! Esp now w/ the RA..
(which I've had for 2 1/2 looooooooooong yrs)
The sheer exhaustion, and the incredible frustration of not even being able to go for a walk
even a block or couple blocks  or exercising ... and the rest, drive me crazy... lol, as i imagine it does us all.
I do know some about the "system" of disability and if anyone has ?'s, would be glad to help :)
Whispered2008-02-02 06:30:15I've been on disability for 5 years due to cardiomyopathy. the heart is healing but the RA is bad so I'm still plenty eligible for disability.
I HATE that I cant work, but realize there is no way I could manage even to sub for a half day.. I just cant..
Hi whispered, I too have only utter admiration for all our friends here who can cope with working, I know no-one would employ me as my RA is truly very badly controlled and not one day is the same as another so I am totally unreliable.

I am on disability, originally for the severe RA, then I added a few things over the last 8 years, depression, degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis from the pred, fracturing feet bones  twice so far, panic attacks inability to sit/walk/stand for very long, sleep apnoea and now maybe Gout too!  I should have been put down by now, Ha ha, never mind, I am just so glad that we have a great welfare system here and  that generally people don't give us a hard time for not working as is the case with some other beneficiaries of welfare.  My hubby had to give up work also to be mine and our childrens carer as I could not do it.  He does have a part time job now as he likes to feel useful and that he is doing his bit, I don't think there is a tougher job than a carer though.  I can feel your frustration with the disease just make sure you vent when you need to and roll with the punches when you have to.  All the best and I hope 2008 is a good year for you and everyone else on here.  hugs Janie.  Edited by me due to brain mist/rain/snow/fog!!!!!!!!!
janiefx2008-02-02 08:41:10I am currently on Short Term Disability since late November.  I'm scheduled to go back on March 1st, but that has already been delayed several times and I have no idea how long this will go on.
The doctor put me out because of the RA, however my degenerative disc disease and fibro have both played a part too.
I went on disabilty in 2006 but worked for over 20 years after diagnosis.  The joint damage just ot to be too much and I was having multiple joint replacements.  My SSDI was approved in 62 days (with 2 federal holidays included in that 62 days)I work full time, go to school part time and have a foster child.  With that said, my RA has gotten worse, just in the short almost 1 1/2 yrs I've had it.  I'm scared because I know I won't be able to work as long as I want to.  I'm trying to plan ahead and get some of my debts paid off, etc because I know I will not be able to work for 30 more years like I planned. 

I am still contemplating disability.  I want to wait til we see if the increased dosage of remicade works or not.  If it does not work…then I will start the process.  I am only going to apply at first for temporary disability (it is for one year) since it is easier to get that.  After one year, I will re-evaluate my condition and go from there.  I am hoping to return to work part time.  Just for my sanity lol.  Besides…me working part time will pay for my meds lol.  Even if the remicade does work…it is scary to me to go back to work.  Who is going to hire this gimped out chick lol.  What happens on days I do flare?  Sooo…we will see.   

I am hoping I'm a long time off not being able to work but I have to say I'm at week 3 of a none stop flare and going to work at the latter end of this week has exhausted me. That said I dont even want to contemplate not being able to go to work, I love what I do. This is one of the scary things for the future..... long distant future I'm hoping. But when i do get there, I'll have paid enough into the system not to feel guilty about it.I didn't work enough to have much of a disability account, they send that statement every year about what you would make and it's just depressing, stay at home mom doesn't count as a job, but it worked with my RA, if I'd had to work while my girls were little I'd have been a terrible mom. I work seasonally now, April thru Oct, in an office, and with that money and unemployment make more than I would on disability. I really like getting out of the house, although it's during the best time of the year here, summer and I don't have anything left over when I get home to do anything at home, I don't cook, I don't clean, just come home and sit until bedtime.

Deidre, that's how I've felt this week 'having nothing left over'. This disease is so dibilitating, it makes me so cross. I stayed at home till my son was 5 and off to school, for me being a stay at home mum was the best start I could give my son, its just a shame we're not like switzerland where mum's are valued and get paid to do just that. There's nothing 'ONLY' about being a mother, cook, cleaner, laundrette, taxi service just to name a few of the things stay at home parents do.

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