What made you finally go out on disability? | Arthritis Information


So not to hijack Whispered's thread, I was wondering for those who are out on disability, what made you finally decide it was time?

For me, my job was getting harder and harder for me to do.  Dealing with the all day pain, the meds, trying to concentrate, and still have energy to drive home became bigger deals than before.  I didn't mind getting other people's assistance to a point, but I was beginning to feel like I was doing it constantly.  My job involves standing and greeting customers, and it was getting impossible to stand for more than 2 minutes, to shake hands, and do it all with a smile.  The final straw was the morning of a very big customer event.  Before I even got out of bed, I could tell my ankles were bad.  When I tried to put weight on them, the pain was excruciating and I couldn't walk.  I missed work that day and when I went back I tried to tell myself that was just one day.  But it was happening more and more.  I knew my boss couldn't rely on me and that I couldn't rely on myself.
I read so many people saying don't wait too long to go out, or you'll be even worse off.  I think I may have waited a little long.  I'm still hoping to go back, still hoping that one of these stupid meds are going to work.  But I'd have to get better than I was even before I was out, because I was pushing myself so very hard those last two months.
InnerGlow2008-02-02 13:51:13Hi Suzanne, I was at work one day and didnt realise how sick I was until one of my collegues said to me, you look like death. I went home early, climbed into bed and didnt get out for a long time. I was really ill and I dont even know what was carrying me through. I realised it was time to give myself a break and to be kind to myself. I have never looked back. I still keep in contact with all my old workmates, they visit often so I dont feel totally alone and out of the workplace.it was a combination of things but came down to te physical and mental exhaustion on top of the RA damage made it impossible to do the job any more.  I was spending as much time correcting my mistakes as I was doing my job.  I woke up one morning and said I can't do it anymore.  I went off work for 3 months, tried going back ended up sicker than before and that was itI haven't work for over 2 yrs now. My wake up call came when I was called in to the boss' office. They were going to let me go after all of those years of working. So after the shock wore off, I went to the doc and told him how I felt. It was hard at first not going to work but I soon realize just how bad I was.  I've been on worker's comp for most of the time but now I'm filing for SSDI. Should get it with the knee replacement and the pending total hip. Plus I can't do heavy lifting nor fine repeative work with my hand. Cutting up things will do in my hand as will doing to much typing.
It was, in the long run the best thing that I could have done.
I know just how all you feel. I had to give my job up december 28, 2007 and it just about killed me. But I knew i had to I could barley walk anymore my ankles and feet and knees where failing me and the pain was so bad. I don't know how I did it but I kept going . I said to myself I will make it to my retirement day which was december 28, 2007 . I am glad I made it but I was in bad shape for awhile. I had to have my ankles and knees tapped to remove fluid and corisone shots put in. It was tebbile let me tell you. I jusy started gold shots this past week. The only thing is I am having problems with High Blood Presure Very high. for 3 weeks now. Thy had me on 4 b/p meds at a time and still will not come down, So thats what I am dealing with right now besides having alot of pain. Weather here has been bad  raining, snowing 
go to a Disability Lawyer... ASAP.. i know, i know we all want to believe we're going to get better.
In fact, my Dr wouldn't even give me a forever Handicapp parking sticker, just a temp one.. arghhh (i don't even have a car, but i rent one, maybe once or twice a yr and its good, for when i'm out w/ friends). He wants me to believe, I'm getting better... deep sigh, i wish..
   I'd already been on disability for 10 yrs, for Bipolar Disorder, and what you guys HAVE to get, is it can take up to TWO or more YEARS!!!... to get qualified!!!
You may get lucky, but don't count on that and you can't get on disability if you're working!!
I really Urge people to find an attorney and not put this off.  Find a Great one, who specializes in it, (its almost impossible to change lawyers, once you hire one).. and yes, they don't get paid, until you Win your case..... the thing, is what do you have to lose?
blessings and joy
ps: the one thing, i've noticed w/ this illness, is you can NOT push it... it only makes it dbl or triple worse..
Whispered2008-02-02 16:17:41When it started taking me longer and longer to get ready and get to work in the morning.  Before RA it would take me 1 hour to get ready and be at work. When it started taking me 4 hours I knew it was time to stop working. Also I was in unbearable pain and would cry to and from work because I was so miserable. My concentration just wasn't there either.   My hand had recently been operated on.  The hand specialist told me to find another line of work.  Not so simple.  I couldn't just quit outright and look for another job if I couldn't do the one I was doing.  Also I worked for state government and if I just quit I would lose all of my benefits and my pension. I would have worked 29 years for nothing.  I reviewed my finances and realized it would be tight but with my disability pension I could make it.  I filled out the forms, with the approval of my doctors.   It was the best move for me.  My health has improved and I do better setting my own pace.  I applied for SSD, it took almost 3 years to get it, after 2 denials and then getting a lawyer for my adm hearing.  I'm doing better financially  then when I was working. I don't have all the little work related expenses that add up.

 I got sick with cardiomyopathy at the very end of the school year.  On June 30 I had a routine physical, they found trouble, a week later I had a chemical stress test, a week after that I had a cardiac cathetrization, a week after that I was in critical condition and talking to the nice people at the heart transplant unit. 

I got stabilized but was very very sick. I had dr appointments every other week. I couldnt walk 50 feet without stopping.  My dr gave me a temporary hangtag and told me to start applying for disability as soon as possible.
I think I applied in September, and was approved in December.  I took all the appropriate papers in and my interview was with a very nice lady who could see that the simple exertion of talking was just wiping me out.
She told me exactly how specific to get. She asked if I was strong enough to get dressed first thing in the morning. She went over every possible action during a school day and asked me if I could do the tasks.. She reminded me how heavy school desks are, and books,  and reminded me I might need to run after an acting out child. She was wonderful. It didnt occur to me that my inability to stand in a line more than 3 minutes was a handicap..but it IS.. If I have to stand in line I last about 5 minutes before I am in pain and shaking, sweating and gasping for breath.
Her remarks have stayed with me. She told me  to document everything and dont be shy. If your spouse has to wipe your butt, TELL social security. If you need help applying deoderant let them know. If you dont wear clothes that button tell them you CANT button your clothes.
It took my BIL 2 years to get SSI for a terminal condition because he would say  "well yeah I can move a bale of hay or well yeah I can drive.." He was a long haul trucker  who can no longer drive more than  a half hour at a time, and who can only topple a hay bale over, he cant sling them around.  He didnt want to sound like he was complaining so he got denied.
You have paid into social security with every paycheck you have ever earned. Your disability income is based upon your average earnings for the 3 years prior to disability  you won't get rich and you wont deprive anyone. You EARNED this..
Dont let any functionary bully you.

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