Anxiety/Allergies - A Link? | Arthritis Information


Alrighty! So some of you know how into finding a "cure" for my anxiety I can be. ( I swear I post that question "What do I do?" at least every 3 months)

Anyway..............since I got sick this past week, I was put on Amox. and an RX decongestant.
Decongestants and I have a bad history, they tend to give me very bad nose bleeds, crack my lips, tongue, and cheeks, etc etc. The bottle says take 2 a day (one am, one pm) Well as soon as I felt my throat sticking to itself, I knocked it down to one a day.
And then I started to realize that I was suddenly VERY anxious, and jittery. I also had a mild, pressure type headache - which the more I thought about, the more I realized was *always* there, I was just "used to it"
So I assumed that my ears were filling up again, and I popped a second decongestant for the day. Walla! My headache is gone, and I'm calm again.
Okay, that's I hit up google. This is what I found:
Each article mentions how anxiety could be caused by an allergy, though most of them refrence a food allergy. I think mine is just really really severe LIFE allergies, that I continue to be in denial over. So if I've had these allergies, litterally, for 9 years without doing anything about them (Since we moved to FL, actually) why COULDN'T they be knocking my system down???
You can skim these, and find the allergy section, however I actually found each article to have a lot more helpful information than most sites I visit for anxiety, so you may want to go ahead and read the whole thing.
This one mentions the HPA Axis that Pip was talking about:
So what do you think? Am I onto something??? Is this bigger that what I'm thinking even??

I really wanna know if I'm crazy!! LoL Or if this is a good theory?
No, I REALLY wanted to go into this deeply because I think you are on to something but I've been oddly swamped with family stuff this weekend.  I'll get this tomorrow and if any body else has anything interesting to add....Yay! I was hoping you'd take notice! Take your time. I'm content knowing that someone with a little more gray matter is thinking on it. LOL Katie,
I have heard the theory before that allergies sometimes graduate to asthma and sometimes graduate to RA from holistic drs. Interesting theory!!!!
I believe it, Katie. Not ony what they described in the article-but my husbands cousin is allergic to gluten and so is his mom. Well, they think he may have a form of autsim caused by this allergy. So if allergies can cause that type of disturbance to the brain...why not others.I get anxiety from my dairy allergy, I also get anxiety from having a gassy stomach.  And then stress of course causes it.
I can tell when i have been hit by hidden dairy, one of my first signs is getting jittery.  I ate mcdonalds fries today, bad mistake, now i can't stop moving my legs and i feel a bit panic like and frustrated.  I should be better tomorrow, but have to deal with it all day today.
