For the mom's... | Arthritis Information


OK, I've been swamped with family stuff this weekend.  The baby has a little cold so we couldn't do much as she really needs cuddling when she's not feeling well.  So, she asks me to sew on a bunny tail for her pink bunny Halloween costume that I bought last year at Target after the Holiday.  She loves it because it's pink and furry.  I love it because it's all cotton and warm.  But the tail wasn't there and she had to 'just pretend'.  So, a while ago I found this pink fluffy pom-pom and got it for the tail...but never sewed it on.  So, (sniff, sniff) she asks can I sew it on today.  OK, how hard could it be?'s a pom pom!  It's not like there's a center I can go thru.  But finally, I get the darn thing on, positioned correctly so she can sit...and all is well in her world so we decide to watch a movie.  And just before she goes to bed she asks if I can sew some other things.  Apparently Santa's elves are not up to par and some of the stuff her pet Lambchop got for Christmas from Santa was not the right size. 
So, now I'm up taking apart a little doctor surgical scrubs outfit because it's way to big for the sheep and trying to cut it down so it will fit him.  Poor thing, he's rather weak chested.  And has no real shoulders to speak of. 
So, here I am sewing clothing for a SHEEP!  And I start laughing.  That little stuffed animal has more clothes and asscessories than I do!
So...any of you other moms out there...tell me a story of something you did for your little darlings that was frustrating and silly at the same time.  Because I know the look on her face in the morning is going to be worth it...providing I can get the sleeves back on.  :-0
Ok, this was really my husband more than me but~  when my daughter was little she had a stuffed giraffe that she loved, Raffi.  She took him everywhere, couldn't sleep without him.  So it's about bedtime and we're looking for Raffi, can't find him anywhere.  I'm racking my brain trying to think of where we'd been that I might have left him  We tore the house apart, my girl is crying, "fava, fava"  (that's how she said his name).  I bought this stuffed animal before she was even born, had no idea if they even made them anymore.  But my husband went out to every store looking for a replacement. He was gone for probably two hours and when he finally got home I braced myself to break the news to Brenna.  Raffi was gone for good.  Just then, my sweet, innocent little son (ha) the one who's home on leave right now, by the way, comes casually over and asks what's the matter?  As if he didn't know!!  I explained the situation to him and he says...oh, you're looking for Raffi?  I know where he is...and proceeds to dig him out of the waaaaay back of a cabinet that we didn't really use.  He likes to remember it as that time he "saved the day"  but we all know how Raffi found his way to that hiding place. But my husband was the real hero.  Going through all that trouble for his little girl.
But I don't know about being great.  The sleeve just went in wrong.  :-(
LOL Pip,
My little darling was gifted this fab Doll House bed where the top bunk has all thousands of her stuffed animals (her babies).  I could not find her underwear and kept buying more.  When we got up in the top bunk to change the sheets, we found the majority of her babies with her underwear on and her first pair of shoes on one of her care bears.  She even dug in the gargage sale bags we had stored and got out too small clothes of hers and dressed some too.
We laughed and laughed, she keeps us hopping :)
My eldest is now nearly 20 but when she was 5 she had a fascination as does  "katie" for Alice in wonderland. It was coming up to her birthday and she wanted a tea party cake. I made a rectangle sponge and covered it in white and blue roll out icing, hubby and i spent til 4am making tiny plates , cups, knives and forks and an Alice, white Rabbit, mad hatter etc from icing to sit round the table. It turned out really well. The day of the party and all these little kiddies arrived, we got the cake out with candles on it, Samantha blew them out and when we put the knife in it to slice it up there was a huge howl, Alices head rolled across the table. We had murdered took a long time for Sam to forgive us. lol
Another time I was making barbie clothes for sams collection , she really wanted a wedding dress and I told her i'd find some nice wedding material for one, she beat me to it and cut a huge chunk of my wedding dress off.................theres more but they get more horrifying as I go on.Hey Pip:
I have a good one but it is with hubby.  When our daughter (who is 23 now) was a baby we had one of those suction cup toys that you would stick onto the highchair.  Mr. Engineer got the idea to suction the top to his forehead to entertain our daughter. Before I could say, WAIT, he did it.  It stuck so well he had a heck of a time peeling it off.  It finally came off and left him with a huge hickey.
Needless to say, he had a lot of explaining to do when he went to work the next day.  It was the funniest thing I ever saw and I wish I had taken a picture of it.  But anything for his little girl.

Oh, guys, this is fantastic!  Isn't it amazing how the guys will step up to the plate for their kids?

LuAnn - loved the underware story.  I don't have that problem, but I know about the garage sale thing.  Everytime I have something to donate...somebody is pulling stuff out to save for her "creepy doll".  That's one of those life size cheepo's grandma got at CVS one Xmas.  A friend was over and kept thinking it was my daughter hiding in the corned and she started calling it the 'creepy doll'.  LOL  Anyway, my daughter keeps trying to get more clothes for it and I'm cutting down her stuff now as she's 6 and the doll is a 3 - 4 year old. 

Oh, Becky - wish you could have gotten a picture of THAT.  LOL
OK, I'm going to try again on the sleeves today.  I got too frustrated yesterday.
The stories were wonderful.  Thanks.
Here is my addition to the tales.
When my oldest (now 17yo) daughter was 2 she got a doll for Christmas that we found at a flea market for .  She is about 15" long, cloth body, plastic head, arms, and legs, with the painted on eyes.  She named her 'Baby who eats green beans' (in honor of what we were trying to get Saffron to eat).  Her name eventually was shortened to 'Becky'--several iterations later.  Becky was well loved and carried everywhere.  Her body eventually started falling apart (not unlike my own now!) and needed some TLC.  Not being a very good seamstress, I looked everywhere for something to replace it with.  Couldn't find anything so I thought how hard could it be to make it from scratch.  Trust me, it was way harder than I ever imagined.  But Becky did get her new body.  Once I figured it out, I made three more just in case.  I still have one.  And that is now in my daughters 'keep forever' chest.  She is planning to take Becky, who sits on her dresser now, to college with her in the fall, and someday she plans to give Becky to her own daughter.  The extra body is what she will use as a pattern when Becky needs an overhaul.  It was the best we ever spent and the body creation actually led to me getting a sewing machine and learning to sew.   I think Becky heard all of my daughters secrets, sorrows, and joys until she was about 12.  She honestly was a part of all the family activities for so long that we almost considered her a member of the family.  Santa & the Easter Bunny included her in thier rounds too.  She had a seat at the table.  We had birthday parties for her.  Saffron  loves to hear stories about what she did with Becky.  It always makes me smile to think about that little doll.
Well, my kid was 13, but it was a hard situation.
I bought her a home coming dress and she wanted a different one because it had glitter falling off it all over.
I was doing very very very bad, so dad had to take her to the store alone and buy her a dress.
Well, you know how dads will be with daughters saying "yes" to everything.
Well, she comes home with a dress that is low cut in front.  She is very "gifted" in the chest department, so i really needed to fix this thing and fast cuz i was NOT going to let her get away with this dress.
It was soooooooo hard to sit there with the needle and thread trying to fix this thing to cover her up.  I did get it done, it did hurt a ton, but i felt so much better that she could rotate without falling out.
I still don't forgive daddy for saying ok to this dress though :)
