Carrying on the cell phone destruction chat/FEB 04 | Arthritis Information


My sister was drinking coffee and her cell was on on the arm of the chair, it was on silent and vibrate so when it rang it vibrated all the way along the arm of the chair and plopped into her coffee..........I was hysterical with laughter as a month before her grand daughter who is  being potty trained put the phone in the potty " After she had used it"...............

I just drop mine constantly, the back falls off, the battery comes out and i spend half hour trying to put it all back together again, I dropped in the road one day and a car went over it but it survived.
Back in the day when pagers were all the rage, I had one for the database system I supported.  It would page me whenever there was a problem, so I could dial in and address the issue.

Once I was in the ladies' bathroom at work and the pager jumped off my belt holster and into the toilet right after I flushed (thank goodness!!!).  I was mortified.  Those things were expensive!!!  I plucked it out, took out the AAA battery, shook out the excess water, dried it off, and put it in my window at home to dry off.  Luckily it was on a Friday, so there was little chance of a page over the weekend.  All weekend I tried to think how I would tell my boss.  Well, Monday morning I popped a battery in and IT WORKED!!!!  Woohoo!!!

Another time, I went to the laundromat to wash my clothes.   My coat needed a wash, so I took it off and tossed it in.  When I put the load in the dryer, I kept hearing a CLUNK.  I figured it was because the coat was bulky.... until I saw a battery fly through the air in the dryer.  LOL - I had washed and dried my pager.  I pulled it out, let it cool down, popped the battery back in, and IT WORKED!!!  OMG Motorola sure knew how to build a pager!!!

Goodmorning everyone!  Just got back in from doing the driveway yet again.  We got about 2 or so more inches last night.  Its soposed to rain today but had to do it anyway, my dad is droping Kelsay off before school and Im not sure when/if the rain is going to come.  *i know Liz...she was soposd to be grounded.  but her attitude did a 360 so we let her go*   Not doing much else today.....

Hope yall have a great day!Lisa -
I've heard some good stories of places cell phones have ended up but in a cup of coffee is the best one yet! HaHaHa.  Thanks for the laugh!

My sister-in-law dropped hers in the toilet and then used a blow dryer to try to dry it out.  It still wouldn't work, so she put it in the freezer for a few days and that did the trick!  I guess it freeze dried the inside.  Funny how some things work!
