Prednisone Advice Please | Arthritis Information


I saw the RD today and apparently the ENT and neuro doctors' reports weren't very helpful with regard to my ringing ears and progressive left-sided neuropathy.  He doesn't want to put me on the real heavy hitters like Enbrel, etc. because he thinks the possible side effects aren't worth the benefit I might get at this point in my disease.  As sort of a diagnostic tool, he gave me a prescription for 5 mg. of prednisone.  Apparently, if it helps it means one thing and if it doesn't it means something else, but I don't know what at this point.  I have to take 6 tabs daily for 5 days and step down every five days from there.  I've had pred. before and I took them all at once, but now that I'm on these other drugs, I think I'd like to spread the pred. out like I do the MTX.  Do any of you do that or do I have to take them all at once?  I know I could call the pharmacist, but I want to know what the experts do.  You know who you are! 

Jesse882008-02-04 10:14:17I've been on the packs before.  If you space them out, you might have trouble sleeping.  I was always told to take them all at once with breakfast because of that.If you spread the pills out, you might not get the full impact you are supposed to by taking them all at once as suggested.OK, so do any of you have problems with the mix of your RA drugs and prednisone?  Should I take the Plaq. in the morning, all 6 of the pred. at lunch and the Plaq. at night? Or take the pred. in the morning so it won't affect my sleep and switch the Plaq. to lunchtime.  On MTX day it's going to be more of a challenge, but I guess I can still separate the different pills.  Or is all that not necessary?  I'm not as concerned when I step down to one or two pills, but five days of six pills has me a bit concerned. 
Thanks for the info. 
Jesse882008-02-04 16:24:13You can take your prednisone with your Plaquenil.  You should take them with food.  I'm on prednisone right now.  I take both my prednison and 200 mg of Plaquenil with breakfast.  At night, I take the other 200 mg of Plaquenil with dinner.I have to take the bulk of my prednisone in the morning with breakfast and then the balance with dinner because I was having awful mornings. That cured that but it is difficult to stay asleep.

Sorry about the late response.  I couldn't stay awake last night.  I appreciate the information.  I'll take all the pills at once this morning and hope it goes well.  Again, thanks.
