OT This sucks so much | Arthritis Information


We run an online business with a series of websites.  This is how we pay all our bills and my medical.

The dedicated hosting company we use had a glitch and lost all our information.  We have some info on our computers, but all the products we sold and personalized info we have to put on the stuff we make is all lost.
So my husband has to call each person and write down the info by hand on what wording they want on the products which will be a pain and take forever.
Then, we have to recreate other websites which are important money makers and that will be very hard and take time because there are hundreds of pages we have to do by hand.
I am so frustrated as we are not making a dime and haven't for a couple days.
I thank god i am on paxil, i would hate to see how far worse i would be.  I already am flairing up.
I don't know what we are going to do.
Thanks for listening, i just needed to vent.
That does suck Bubba. Make sure this time you make a back up copy of all pages, and all databases. I think you can have it sheduled to do it at a certain time everyday.
Good Luck! When we bought our hosting, we didn't think about backups on the servers, we just made sure what we had on the computers was backed up.
You learn some things the hard way unfortunately.
My husband has been working all day trying to forward our urls to a new server and get what we do have uploaded.  This is going to be a very long process.
We are looking for a new service with backups to hold all our information.
It's as if we had a real business and it burned down.
Aw, sweetie, that sounds just rotten. I am sure you and hubby will sort it out. Try to keep yourself calm in all this, you don't need to flare on top of this. Do what you can to keep yourself well and relaxed. Nothing is worth flaring and most things do get worked out in the end. I'm sorry you got another thing on your plate. Geez, we sure don't need lot's of external stresses. I hope things get resolved soon. Well... I know when my brothers website hosting company upgraded their server they recommended me to use the back-up feature in the Cpanel, just incase they lost everything. I did not do, of course, but only because I had EVERYTHING that was on the server on my laptop and on discs.
It does not take long to do the back-ups. I also make sure I have a semi-recent copy of all my pages on a CD-ROM just incase something happens to my laptop.
Up keeping a website is work, and the more pages you have the harder it is. I know... my brothers website at one time had over 200 pages. I redo his website to cut down on some of the pages I had it a little under 150 pages.
The more pages, and features the website has the harder it gets to maintain it. But it there is also a rewarding feeling when your website becomes to big you can hardly keep up with it, means it is booming.
there are IT people who specialize in retrieving lost data from computer systems.  Have you looked into one of them.  It would be worth the expense if it would mea you wouldn't have to recreate the informaiton
Buckeye has a great idea. The crashed server company may be working with someone or have recommendations. It only one more call. Unfortunately it burnt up and cannot be accessed at all which is the problem.
Our websites were created with microsoft front page, but tons of graphics for one website and all our product information for sales from another are completely gone and weren't backed up.
The products we sold are backed up at mals (our company that holds part of the info) but they only have the persons name, what they ordered and contact info, not the personalized wording they need for the products, so we have to call all those people and do it tomorrow cuz the orders have to go out within 3 days.
It's a pain, but we can get "some" of it together.  Just not all.  It will be about 2 weeks of work total to rebuild.  We have built this up since 1999, so there is a lot to do.
I have to go and work, thanks for the info and listening :)

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