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Super Tuesday is tomorrow.Alright, here's a true Noob question for ya.


What's super tuesday?
Go vote in the primaries - if your state is having one.  The do like 15 states on one day.

Ooohhh okay! See, I'm learning. LoL Careful Katie, you will send Lorster into a heart attack with questions like that Ours is next week, but I am not voting. Nope, no one will ever hear me complain about the country or the people in charge of the country. Nope. Ok... maybe once in a while, but that is just normal state government BS!
My daughter even knew when the primaries were being held, I think they are doing a voting thing in their class not sure, but still she knew when they were taking place, and I was totally oblivious to it.
I know I am such a bad American.
Katie is in Florida - they were last week, weren't they?

I still can't decide which ballot to pull.  I'm not aligned with either party and there are local candidates from both parties whom I really support.
Logging in.
Still a Liberal.
My 2 cents (2.1 cents CND).

I will miss the original Liberal Blog (minus the parts where the trolls came to dinner) had some great info on it.
"My 2 cents (2.1 cents CND)"

LMAO That cracked me up Go-Go, thanks! Florida's was last week.  McCain won the republican side. Hillary the democratic but it doesn't count cause the National Party deauthorized the primary.  The primary was too early on the at this point Florida is not allowed to have any delegates to the convention.  Michigan is in the same boat.  It will be interesting to see how it plays outPhats, what was that supposed to mean?I hope we get a few weeks' respite from the rampant political ads (local, state and federal) between the primary tomorrow and the election in November.

BTW - in my area, the local GOB's have a bounty on opponents' signs.  They pay homeless guys per sign they steal.  Last election I had 3 signs stolen from my yard.
Lorster...what did you make of the "Ann Coulter statement" regarding she would vote for Hillery before she would vote for McCain?

I am really not happy about any of our choices on either side...
I just dissolved into a fit of laughter and disbelief.  I am a registered D.  Mitt Romney is an R.  Florida is a closed primary state.  I would have had to change parties 30 days before to vote for him.  He has so much money to waste and is so smart according to his speeches, he was trying to get votes from voters ineligible to vote for him !  WTG MITT
After breakfast I am going to get dressed and vote this morning. I am a registered democrat.
At least I will be putting in my 2 cents. But I think we need a compassionate genius to run this country and there is no one like that on the ballot. But if I look back there never really was.
I'm glad to see the liberal blog is up.
Justsaynomore...Wow the same thing has been happening to me with a call every day this week. Just shows a phone number. They were all from Billarry Clinton. What rocket scientists they are. I'm  reg Rep. The funny thing is the message left one day was very slow and clear with her speaking about Super Tuesday. At the end is some person speaking a mile a minute. I had to play it several times to get the phone number. I call it's her campaign office. I ask them to remove me from there call list. The young lady asks why?. I tell her it's none of her business but she persists. I'm thinking what a freakin moron this is. I then say I'm not voting for her and never will. She says " I'm sorry to hear that but it's your loss " What knid of people is she employing? Wat to go Hill !!!I get tons of calls on the house phone from the local Dems.  The GOP doesn't really have a presence in my community - most of the local races do not have any candidates on the GOP side.  Most people in town pull a Dem ballot, even if they side with the GOP.  The local Dems, as usual, are fighting among themselves.  It's pretty comical.  And before anyone attacks me for being anti-Dem... over in my Dad's neck of the woods, the local GOP boys are busy slinging the mud at each other.  Same crap, different initials.

I'm rather sick of it all!!!!!

Oh and Barack Obama... the ILLINOIS SENATOR that I voted for... has missed 80% of the Senate votes since September.  We hired him to be our senator.  He promised not to run for President in this race.  He betrayed my trust BIG TIME.
What ever happened to voting for the candidate who will do the best job for all the people. I think that having Dems/Repub/Indep just divides us more. We should all be coming together and being one country, not two. Last night I answered a call from Romney, I swear it said, "John, this is Mitt Romney." I hung up at that point and then thought, did he really say my DH's name? That's not possible is it?

When DD was in 4th grade her class held a presidential election, she was the only one to vote democrat and came home really upset, because JSNM, you're right we're rampant republican here. I told her in the real world no one would know who she voted for and those republican kids were just snots for picking on you. Na, na, na, na, na the democrat was elected president. One kid actually stood up and told her she was stupid because the democrats would get rid of aid to disabled people and his family would be broke. What???Curious who you guys are supporting in the Primary and why. IN FOURTH GRADE!?!?!!?? See, and they wonder why we vote all effed up, and can't count the ballots. >.<

There's no problem in teaching 4th graders about politics, but to allow them to do a mock vote where their classmates can know who they voted for is just a breeding ground for trouble.
When they counted the votes and it turned out that only one person had voted democrat she made the mistake of letting the democat out of the bag.Aaaawwwwwwwwwww

okay. BUT STILL!!!!! Did the teacher step in!?! If not that's SUCH a huge huge huge huge huge no no!
Blessed. I did not see this. I'll go look it up....Lovie, I am voting for Barak Obama.  He represents change for me.  Change from the bipartisan, divisive politics of late.   I hate that we have become a nation of "reds" and "blues".  Wow, that surprises me about Ann Coulter. She is saying that Hillary is more conservative than McCain. I thought she was as liberal as they come. Last night I had a dream I was an American Republican and I had to be on stage and sing a song about Super Tuesday. This was my song (it's been stuck in my head all morning):

Barack Obama,
Barack sounds like Iraq
And Obama like Osama
And his middle name's Hussein
Are Democrats insane?
He's obviously a Muslim terrorist infiltrating the American Political Status Quo

I don't believe any of that, and I'm still a Canadian and a Liberal. I think my song was in reference to some really stupid "points" I heard Republicans say like "Obama even sounds like Osama".

Anyway, that was my dream this morning.Gimpy-a-gogo2008-02-05 12:42:46
[QUOTE=lorster]Wow, that surprises me about Ann Coulter. She is saying that Hillary is more conservative than McCain. I thought she was as liberal as they come. [/QUOTE]

Well...apparently she really does not like It kind of blew me away as outwardly against Dem's as she is. Too funny! Glad to see Liberal Blog is back!!!
I'm watching the returns tonight for Super Tuesday & it's pretty exciting.  It's also really exciting to think that our Democratic primary here in Texas in March might actually count this year!    
Usually by the time we vote it's all over and we're just going through the motions. 
 Edwards was my first choice, but now unfortunately he has dropped out.   I also like Obama and Clinton. (Actually I think we had a great group of candidates) Guess I'll have to make a decision before March. 
Not to be too political, but I did notice something strange about the two republican contenders who had obviously not done extremely well.  Both Romney and Huckabee gave these grand speeches about how well they had done today.  Their words may have been grand, but the truth was easily seen in both of their spouses eyes.  Both their wives stood behind them and their eyes were weary and you could tell that although they surely still cared for their husbands, they actually knew that they were full of themselves.  Not to be too harsh on men, I am one, but a man's lips are programmed to BS and a woman's eyes are programmed for truth.  This is just an observation, no political vendetta implied.Thank you Hill, 6t5frklane & Sula for your answers. I'm honestly interested in the reasons behind the votes.
I'd appreciate hearing more "Why" answers.
I'll admit I've yet to make up my mind.
If the choice boils down to Mcain and whoever on the dem side, I won't vote.  I will never vote to put a liberal in office, and Mcain is economically liberal.
If Mcain is the rep nominee I would rather see Hillary or Obama as president and here's why.  I think any of those three will be very destructive and if the country's gonna stay "in the handbasket"  I'd rather see the dems at the helm.  That way in four years we can get a real conservative in to clean up the mess.
Linncn. Remember that MCcain will have the ability to put a more conservatuive Judge appointed for many years to come. It's not just about one issueWell, this is a lot less serious than the previous posts. I posted this song on my birthday thread but it's probably more appropriate here. I love this musical artist.

Conservative, Christian, Right-Wing Republican, Straight White American Male

It's tongue in cheek so don't let the title put you off. It makes equal fun of tree hugging, peace loving, pot smoking, ** watching, lazy ass hippies.6t5...excellent point.I don't have sound!
AW, Pip...well, here's the lyrics, (although it's not the same without the music):

Conservative christian, right wing republican, straight white, american male.
Gay bashing, black fearing, poor fighting, tree killing, regional leaders of sales.
Frat housing and keg tapping and shirt tucking back slapping, haters of hippies like me.
Tree hugging, peace loving, pot smoking, ** watching,lazy ass hippies like me.

Tree hugging, love making, pro choicing, gay wedding, wide spread digging hippies like me.
skin color blinded, conspiracy minded, protesters of corporate greed
We who have nothing and most likely will, till we all end up locked up in jails
by Conservative christian, right wing republican, straight white american males.

Diamonds and dogs, boys and girls living together in 2 sperate worlds.
following leaders up mountians of shame, looking for someone to blame.

Diamonds and dogs, boys and girls. living together in 2 seperate worlds
following leaders up mountians of shame, looking for someone to blame.
I know who I like to blame.

Conservative christian, right wing republican, straight white. american males
soul saving, flag waving, Rush loving, land paving, personal friends to the Quales
quite diligently, working so hard to keep, the free reigns of this democracy
from tree hugging, peace loving, pot smoking, bare footing, folk singing hippies like me.
tree hugging, peace loving, pot smoking, ** watching, lazy ass hippies like me.
Gimpy-a-gogo2008-02-08 18:54:38