This site has gone to crap! | Arthritis Information


The same people that don't like debate, go on and on about cereal and goats. I'm not sure I get any of you. I say that no more of this nonsense goes on anymore. No more OT threads. Only RA. Only medication related stuff. Get rid of the daily chat. Lets turn this site into exactly what MOST want. No more arguing, bickering. No quoting anyone. Once this happens, lets see how few people actually come and visit this site. I totally disagree!! I like this site and what it does need, is some lightness, getting to know you.. yep, I started daily chat and I like it, shrug.. I think we all need a break from the RA stuff.... you can still vent, all you want and people will listen, there is nothing wrong, w/ having some lightness and getting to know each other besides our illnesses..

I think we have more to offer..
ps: I just think you're having a grouchy day darlin and didn't you just post about Survivor?
and if you don't like the light stuff, then ignore it .. shrug.. but these kinds of threads are silly..imo..
Whispered2008-02-04 19:27:36Oh, hi Lorster.  Nice to see you. 

Sorry Lorster, but I have to disagree with you on this one.  RA is LIFE and LIFE is about so much more than RA.  We need people who get what we go thru on a daily basis.  Why the sudden turn?  I'm confused, I guess


The same people that are doing the daily chat and going on about goats and cereal are the ones that didn't want the Liberal and conservative blogs. Seems to be a double standard around here from what I can see. I would love to know why the Liberal blog was removed and not the conservative corner!!I think Lorster is bored and wants to start a fight of her own.  When she saw the sparks were out of Rheumy's thread, Lorster got her pot and her stick and started stirring.  Way to go Lorster.Is it possible that it is in another forum?  I know things have moved around a lot.
Why don't you start another one?
Well, of course.  And it's probably the same crew (she says without checking the daily chat).
My question is...why are you feeding them?  You are sooo much smarter than that.
Pip they're not.

There was NO ONE on the "cereal and goat" threads that didn't want the liberal blog.

Go back, it was *one* person, who shall remain nameless, that started that crap. And then people like Lynda(hurts) and Blessed had to pipe in and bitch about it.

Wait. Blessed may have actually started that. Or was it Lynda? It was one of those two.

So chilax baby. Chilax.
I stand corrected. 
The liberal thread is gone? I am going to go look for it!Already been done Joonie. It's really gone. She had to start a new one. It's some bullsh*t, isn't it? I too, want to know wtf the conservative thread wasn't removed as well? Oh No!!!!!!!!!   Joonie going in HA HA!!!!!!!!!!Hummm.... it is gone! There is the Al Gore post with 26 pages still, but nothing about the Liberals. Or maybe I am spelling it wrong, nope hubby said I spelled it right. Maybe it was spelled wrong? Let me go check it out. I don't think it was. Ya think if you just searched "OT" we'd find it? I don't know, maybe someone thought it was crap.  I know some people around here think they alone should determine what is crap and what isn't.Hummm.... well I guess the crap has hit the fan one to many times and is now splattered all over the place and is stuck to the bottom of everyone's shoes. That is where the Liberal thread went off to... there are pieces of it in CA, TN, TX, WI, IN, HI, and so on!huh?? I must have been otherwise occupied for far too long!! I don't even know anything about goats and cereal. goats and cereal????
Sorry, I should shut up if I have nothing constructive to offer......
[QUOTE=lorster]I would love to know why the Liberal blog was removed and not the conservative corner!![/QUOTE]

I doubt that there is some right-wing conspiracy going on here.  Things just happen sometimes.  I've accidentally deleted an entire categorie of topics on another board I help moderate.  Of course, all of us moderators were relentlessly accused of a liberal conspiracy for weeks on end by the right-wing conspiracy theorists.  Really nasty things were said about the moderators (all anonymous on that particular site) but it really was just a mistake.  A huge, boneheaded mistake... but a mistake nonetheless.this may be just a wild guess but the shear length of that thread may have been helping to slow things down so it was deleted.  if I recall correctly that thread was like 60 pages Oooooo.....actually, that's a good point buckeye. Hmm. I wonder! Yeah... Ernest did say something about speeding up the site and search. So a thread that long would slow down the whole board. Well, that is fine if that is the reason it happened, but maybe he should have removed ALL of the long threads....and believe me, there are plenty of them. Maybe there should be a new rule here, threads no longer that one page.Dudette! This thread is already entering into the 4th page LOL!
How about not over 50 pages? I just feel that it is too weird that he removed...that thread. It was the thread of controversy. Are there any other long threads that got removed?Well there's about 6 threads of pure "controversy" on the front page right now. And none of them are removed.

It really could have been an error, or simply that it was THAT long, it was slowing things down.
Not that we know of. There was that one OT thread that was 25+ pages long. Wonder if that is still on here.
Katie... you and your brick wall... need to put a bulls eye target on the wall.
it was really long ad constantly on the first page..most of the other long threads were on pages further back so if they were slow to load it wasn't as critical.  Or it could be the board has a maximum thread length.
Not everything in life is part of a consipracy
I dont agree. the cereal and goats thing is an attempt to deflect the board from the unpleasantess. its called "changing the subject" and again, as is posted in every single message board I've ever seen "If you dont like a certain kind of post DONT READ THEM."
We are all sick, sometimes we are all cranky. But RA is a huge factor in every sphere of our lives, so  to me NOTHING is off toic. We can discuss cars, because some are easier to drive than others. We can discuss cereal because some are easier to chew, or more healthful, we can discuss gardening and soil ph because many of us miss being able to kneel and dig in the dirt.
Sometimes I get tired of talking about sedimentation rates and dosages  for Remicade, and the effects of prednisone. I'm established here, why should I go to the John Deere  website to post a silly joke?
Lighten up people.
I dont know about the goats and oats but I love this site. I may not be here everyday. But it's really important for me to keep up with whats going on in the RA community and off topics are a welcome change of subject. Like many people here if it isnt something I would be interested in I just dont read it. I dont belong to any other forums. I would never have the time.
So I'm confused Lorster.  Do you really think that everyone that contributed to the cereal and goat conversations were talking crap, or were you just having a temper tantrum because your "controversial" thread is missing?  Oh and btw, some people think the liberal agenda is a load of crap.  And yet you bla bla bla about it practically non stop.  If you really think your personal preferences should be the standard for everyone, may I suggest you go start your own message board??When this subject came up while I was a newbie, I went back and forth on it, not sure how I felt.  Now that I'm here awhile, I've learned that it's very important to be able to discuss something other than our diseases.  It's too easy to get so absorbed in our illness and an occasional OT thread is helpful in letting us think about something else.  Everyone is really good about marking those posts OT so we can just ignore the ones we don't want to read.
What I do object to is when someone's A/I related post is hijacked by goofy conversations about topics totally unrelated to the thread.  These conversations morph into areas that are of no help to the person who started a thread looking for support/information. If someone posts a response that gets the thread back on track, great, but sometimes that doesn't happen and eventually the thread gets moved out to never-never land, perhaps without having the thread's questions properly addressed.  I don't think anyone does this intentionally.  It's just fun and games.  Unfortunately, it's at the expense of someone looking for help. 
Jesse882008-02-05 12:30:43Linncn. Maybe my liberal blog is what keeps me sane like your cereal and goats keep you sane. I don't mind if you discuss cereal and goats till the sun goes down. I just don't think you should be disrespectful to those of us that actually CARE about what happens to our country! [QUOTE=lorster]Linncn. Maybe my liberal blog is what keeps me sane like your cereal and goats keep you sane. I don't mind if you discuss cereal and goats till the sun goes down. I just don't think you should be disrespectful to those of us that actually CARE about what happens to our country![/QUOTE]

I must take exception to this.  Are you suggesting non-liberals don't care about this country? That sounds pretty disrespectful to me.
No Jasmine. I'm saying that many threads here turn into the cereal and goat thing. And that seems to be ok. Its like they are a bunch of junior high girls pointing their fingers and giggling at the retarded kid.Actually, didn't YOU sling the first words about the goat and cereal threads? I thought it was YOU that said the nasties.

Then, everything said to you about the Liberal blog, would have simply been in retaliation.

If you don't care about those posts, why bring them up in such an ugly manor?

I visit this board mainly for the drama. After all these years I've learned that this is not really the best source of serious RA related information. I think this board is well known for it's drama. I think we all enjoy it whether we want to admit it or not.

Lorster, I have no clue what your problem is.  The cereal thing was changing the subject from an ongoing fight that had been going  for pages and headed nowhere, to something that some people thought was fun.  I guess some people prefer to be a dark cloud.  Have a party with it if you want.  Enjoy your depressing, grey, unhappy world.  Have all the temper tantrums you want.   It seems to be your thing. 
And you do care quite a bit what other people talk about.  If you can't have your thread (which I see you do by the way) you try to ruin things for people that are minding their own business and enjoying a light conversation.  It's incredibly selfish and self centered. If you can't have what you want, then no one should have anything.   Do you have any idea how obnoxious that is Lorster?  Of course you don't, you're too busy feeling superior. 
What I've tried and tried to understand is how you Lori can be so sweet and fun, very supportive, extremely intelligent about medical matters, and have alot to offer this board. You even joined in the daily chat and if I'm not mistaken you even started one or two...right around Christmas. We got to know you, what you like on TV, your new kitchen project, you talked about your family and your trip to New were so interesting and fun.
Then out of the blue the next thing you do is turn around and post such angry and rude posts like you're pissed at the world and you hate everybody here.
I hope you get the help you deserve, can let go of your anger issues, and get back to your old self again.
Okay, so this is just my personal opinion, so if anyone has a problem with it please speak to ME. I speak for NO ONE right now except for myself.

Lori, I think you hurt. I think you hurt more than you admit to. For a while back there you would post about how your job was killing you. And now you don't. I think you take it out on here. When you get to that point, you let the pain and annoyance of living with RA take over. And when you feel good, you feel good and we hear great stories from you and you chat with us and makes us all laugh.

Am I even close?? It's just a hunch anyway.

And Mona, I don't think it's depression. From Lori's talks about pain pill popping addicts that she's forced to dope up day after day, I think she's not on ANYTHING for pain, but needs to be. I think she holds a grudge against those that abuse the system, and rightfully so. As she goes to work and comes home in pain day after day, while these people use and abuse.

She knows we don't and won't see her as an abuser, but when you look into the eyes of it every day, it's hard to "get away" from it. That I can understand.
I thought about that too Katie...but severe chronic pain does bring on depression a lot of times, for a lot of us here.  Not to mention job related stresses, disabilities, financial burdens, inadequate heath care, and on and on. It all ties in with Auti-Immune Disease. When you get one of them it affects so much more than one aspect of your life.I too think that the OT topics help and talks about other medical problems that go with RA are good to talk about as well.
OT topics with other RA people make us not feel alone in a situation.  Just knowing that others respond saying "Me Too" makes you not feel alone in other life problems.
I also like OT jokes, i need giggles here and there.
But, if it weren't for talking about my odd bowel movements a few weeks back, i would never have totally figured out i had a milk allergy alone with my RA.
So, OT or non RA chats are helpful in several ways.  I hope they stay.
I also don't see a problem with it.  It shows new people that you can talk about your RA, but you can have fun in life too which is what we all need.
I already posted a link to this but now I know how to post pics!
