New to the board, but not to RA | Arthritis Information


Hi all...I have been popping on and off for a few days here, but finally figured I would post.  I have 'officially' had RA for a little over a year now, though I am sure I have had it longer.

I am currently on MTX, Plaq, Sulfasalazine, A few Anti-inflams, few pain pills, and some new meds for some heart issues that we are not sure are related to the RA or not.  I also have Raynauds.  So far the RA has affected all joints except for my hips and I have damage in my shoulders, knees, and feet.
I have been a regular poster on the AF board, and know a few people here.  Pip told me about the site, but it was down at the time.  And since it was down, and the AF board was having it's issues, I started another board too.  I had been working on a RA info and support site for quite some time, so decided to add a message board to it too.  If anyone wants to take a look, the site is Tender Joints R.A.I.S.E.D. (Rheumatoid Arthritis Information, Support, and Educated Determination)  The site is still in the works, and I am currently adding more info.  Have been looking into partnering up with some other sites as well.
Having RA has really changed my a lot of ways (some good, some not so good)  But one thing I have realized is that the most important thing is support from friends and family.  And I have found that making friends that have RA as well is a big help...because only we can understand what this disease really does and what we really go through.  Only someone that has walked in these shoes can really get the picture.
I really look forward to getting to know all of you...and making some new friends.
Tender Joints R.A.I.S.E.D.

Hi Deb and welcome. You have come to a great site to meet other people who have ra. Post away and you will get lots of info and laughs. I will have to go and ck out your website. Sounds interesting.

take care
Welcome! Yep we need more sites on RA, it helps spread the word of our disease.
Good Luck with the site!
P.S.  Do not forget to do back-ups of all your website pages.
Welcome Deb
 I just quit lurking and joined in as well (also an AF poster)  for the very reason you stated - for the support and knowledge of those that walk in our shoes.  I figure the more sources, opinions and experiences, the better to help navigate our way thru this disease. 
I checked out your website  - nice job!  One more place to find information.
Have a great day.

Hi Deb -

Guys, she's looking for some info too.  I only felt comfortable posting info about AP.  Can some of you guy's help her out?  Like the abbrieviations list.  I started one for biologics and TNF and then said 'whoa, maybe I shouldn't be doing this' so deleted it. 
P.S.  She's also moderated.
Hi Deb...welcome!Hi Deb, welcome.  I checked out your site and I like the way you've broken down the different categories.  I think it will really help to keep the discusssions on track.  Nice job. Hi Deb and welcome!  I really like your site and will be going back to it often.  Great job on it!   Hi Deb!  I'm glad you made it to this board, I'm looking forward to checking out yours.  In fact, I think I'll do it right now.I registered, and looked around quick. Gotta go make dinner for the family. I'll try to get on later. Thanks. Hi and welcome, I've had a wander over your board and truly think that you have the makings of an extremely good source of information for people in our position.

I really do like the little story about the spoon theory and would urge some on this board to read it as I feel that there are some here that would benefit greatly.
That  one simple thing would be to slow down and only do what you can do, not what you or others would expect to be done by someone that is fully healthy.

The Spoon Theory

I greatly appreciate all the welcomes and all the people that have come on over to the boards and joined.
I also appreciate the concern and am being very careful not to overdo it.  I was a web designer for years, and am used to running and maintaining over 20 sites at a time, so this is actually very slowdowned for me.  I have not been able to work for almost a year now, so it has actually been great therapy to get involved with something that makes me feel like I am doing something, as well as something that truely affects me as well.
I am enjoying building the site, and meeting so many wonderful people.  It will be growing slowly, but I hope it to become a full information site and support center.  I am working with some other organizations as well, and hope to try and bring a lot more to the table, so to speak, eventually. :)
Thanks again for the welcome, and I am really looking forward to getting to know you all.
