Down's Syndrome 'No Cancer" gene found | Arthritis Information


OK, I can't find this so I'm hoping somebody else can. 

Also while driving around I heard about this new gene they found on chromosome 21.  Apparently, this is why Down's Syndrome kids don't get cancer.  It's also a protein.
Can anybody find this study from John Hopkins?  They labeled it something T.  Lots of help here I know.  I should have note paper in the car.
You rock Snow!
The idiots on the radio (hurtful, rude boneheads they were) mentioned the stomach cancer thing.  And Down's people don't metabolize folic wanted to see more.
Pip, question why can't Down's people metabolize folic acid?I don't know about the folic acid.  Years ago, I met this group of kids in school.  They'd come into the store I worked in.  This one kid was a *itch.  But all the kids were 'off'.  Anywho, the teacher comes up to me and says "Don't mind them, they're Down's" and goes on to tell me that they were all in this special school and were on massive doses of folic acid and the food was all high folic acid, and how over time, this high folic acid diet/supplement worked so well that they all became high functioning and even their facial characteristics changed towards more mildly retarded.  And I realized, that's why I didn't 'recognize' them (for want of a better word) because their faces had changed.  I'm not kidding - when I really looked at them, I could see they were Down's - but at first glance, they were just slightly weird loud kids.  That's how 'mild' they were.
So, fast forward until getting this disease and I'm learning how diet really plays a role in all this - severity of symptoms etc.  Anybody seen all the info on autism and diet?  Autism and strep?  And that stem cell researcher working on hyperpermeable gut linings and Tay Sachs. 
And folic acid has been implicated in the inflammation cascade - but not totally - yet so many of us are on it. 
So...more random arcana to file away.
P.S. Amen Snow!
So was this like an expeiment situation. Or are they using folic acid with all down's .I think it was a schism thing.  Like there are the 'infection' folks and the 'autoimmune' folks.  Or the 'diet' autism people and the 'neuroprocessing' autism people.  I think it was 'this group of people' are doing this. 
You know, I live really close to that store now.  My old 'hood'.  I wonder if I can find out any more info about them.  The school can't be far from there (if it still exists) as they were all walking. 
It's LA Unified so that's HUGE - but - there has to be lists of private, specialized schools, right?
What's that movie where Robin Williams cures the people? but then they go right back....

I think we've brought that up before, hasn't we? LoL
Awakenings."And folic acid has been implicated in the inflammation cascade"
studies please
I'm not sure I have the actual study - looking,
This is originally in the LA Times.
It's the only thing I can find right now.  I know I have more but as you've seen me post, my filing system needs a serious overhaul. 
I do know that 3 months ago I saw one of my AP docs and brought it up to him.  I asked him about it specifically because I'm on it and my RF was stalled and I wanted to know if this was something to be concerned with.  He told me that he knew it was implicated in some studies (only one was a good one???) but the jury was still out on the issue and wanted to know what I'd heard.  He did kind of 'blink head-jerk' when he looked in my chart and saw I was on a 2.5 dose.  So, I thought to myself, "OK, that's not good" and go research this before my next appointment with him.  Which is in March so...I've got time.  LOL
Seriously, since then I've seen references to folic acid in the inflammation cascade multiple times that made me think..."I'm not sure I should be on this stuff" anymore.  But I haven't actually researched it and can't put my fingers on any of the offhand references that make me stop and blink. 
Sorry, bet this doesn't help at's just that I've seen a lot of stuff that went with the original study I saw that I can't find right now.
What  studies was it implicated in? What issue is the jury still out on and why? What's a "blink head jerk" and what did he say? Please post the multiple  references to FA in the inflammation cascade.  I know you say that your filing system needs a serious overhaul but I'd really like to see the references before I even begin to question why I'm taking FA.  LindyAfter doing some reading it seems that it's the amount of FA that we take and not that we should take it or not take it.  I take the smallest amount possible  to supplement the loss.  I don't take it to keep my hair from falling out or to keep mouth sores at bay.  I take it for the connection to bloods cells and for me the smallest amounts help.   It may not for everyone but for me it works in smaller doses. Lin -
Apparently, Folic acid is like a lot of hormones, in that the least amount is the best amount.  I'm not taking it cuz of medications...I'm taking it for vanity.  My hair was falling out in droves.  So, I'm thinking, I'm not sombody that should be on this at all. 
That and my docs look of utter shock when he saw the dosage.  The problem is, I'm like I type, in real life.  I babbled on about something else (had a list that time - woohoo) and the subject got dropped.  I didn't even think about it until the loooong drive home on whether or not that dose was a problem.  So, since I don't see that one doc again until March, I figured, research, and see what I can come up with.
As you can see from how I post, kind of 'all over the board' in how I connect things.  All I can tell you is that I've seen enough references for me to go 'whoa'.  That's not saying it's bad for everybody...just that it's something I want to research fully.
What I will do, since March is around the corner, is start going thru these files and start organizing them.  I need something like a master file for "Vitmains, Minerals, and Herbs" with each one getting their own separate file inside.  Like "Folic Acid" and "Magnesium" etc.  When I find some of this stuff, I'll post a separate thread and you guys can jump in and tell me what you think.
