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I really missed you guys, glad I missed the drama though, lol.

I've been flaring something awful for the last few weeks. It's as if none of my meds are working anymore and I am not dealing well with the pain. Hubby is sleeping in the guest room and has been for the last two months because apparently I am tossing around in pain and keeping his highness from getting a good night's sleep. Needless to say, this has made things worse for me. I know I should call my Rheumy and let him know, but I don;t want to ever be put on pred again. Last time it took over a year to wean and I immediately lost over 40 lbs. I went from a jean size of 14-16 to a size 6. I am just not hungry anymore so I do not eat. Today I saw my pain Dr. and she was not happy with me because I didn't do the things she suggested last month. She doesn't want to increase pain meds, she wants me to get a massage 2-3 times a week, go to warm water therapy, neither of which my med insurance will pay for, and she also wants me to see a pain psychologist since I have no one at home to talk to. I told her it was because of money I could not do those things. I worked at Toys r Us over Christmas and was told I had a permanent job there, but they had to cut back because of slow sales. I just started a new job yesterday at a florist's shop delivering flowers to start, they will teach me to do arranging soon. It is sooo cold outside and colder in the back of the florist to keep the flowers fresh, and boy does it hurt. It's only 3 days a week, but valentines week will be all day, everyday. I come home and crawl into bed and cry because 0f the pain. Of course hubby knows none of this because he's snoozing blissfully in the other room.
Sorry  I dont have better news, I hope you all are doing better than I am
Hi there nice to see you back on here but sorry you are flaring so bad. Its seems to be a global thing at the moment . I have just seen my dr again this morning  as I too am having a BAD time of it. Tell hubby that you could do with some support from him and wake him from his blissfull snooze. Most nights I try not to wake my hubby but if its really bad i will wake him up to help me. It helps just to know that they are there even if its just to have them next to you. I know what you are saying about pred but i'd rather be a size 14-16 and have less pain than be a size 6 and be in terrible pain and discomfort.
I hope you feel better really soon

I am sorry, Deb. Why are you still working? I thought your jobs were to be for extra christmas money?

Glad you checked in, have been wondering about you and hoping you were doing a little better, but seems you are not.

I hope you can find something to help with your pain. Maybe just pick one of those suggestions your pain Dr suggested to see how they help you and if one does not help, than maybe you can try the other suggestion. That way you can say you tried both and if any of them helped you.

Feel better soon! Missed you as well!I was in so much pain last night and I sent hubby a scathing e-mail. He has done a 180 degree change, I hope it lasts... good suggestions, I do need to do what pain doc suggested regardless of the cost.

Joonie, I am still trying to work because I've been a stay at home mom for the last 19 years and working this last Christmas was wonderful. It distracted me from my pain, and I got to talk to adults instead of a bunch of teenagers, lol. The little bit of money was nice too. My youngest is also getting ready to start college at ,000 a year. He's a straight "A" student and is working on scholarships, but I still want to be able to give him spending money.
It's good to see you Deb (you are the former OwieDeb, right?) but I feel bad that you aren't well.  I know it's easy for me to say, I don't even take pred, but maybe you should reconsider about going back on it.  It doesn't sound like your getting as much joy from your skinny jeans as you would from feeling good.
I've been wondering about your son, when is he finished with Basic?
 My son hasnt left yet. He had surgery in Dec. for a palitonal (sp?) cyst. It has to be wet to dry packed so it heals from the inside out. It's been 3 mo. and he still isn't healed. He keeps going for check-ups and the Doc. says it's normal. Military won't take him until mid June at the earliest. Hopefully he will be healed by then.... sheesh I'm tired of packing his bottom twice a day....hehehe well be glad you aren't the getting your bottom packed twice a day!!  Poor kid, he must eb going crazy with the wait.  Where do they go for Air Force Basic training?  Is it Florida?San Antonio, TexasI was gonna say Texas but then I changed my guess at the last second.It's the N-N-N-Naaavvvyyy that comes to FL to train. Right next door to me! :)Yeah, I saw Officer and a Gentleman.  Get Jets.  In Pensicola.Yuppers! Pensacola, the dirty, ghetto-infested, hurricane ravaged town. *sigh* there's not another like it...
Did you know that Pepsi renamed Pensacola? They call it "Pepsi-cola" *rolls eyes* Sooo stupid!! LOL
P'cola is where me & Justin's doctors are. :) So that's one good thing outa there anyway!
He has to go to FL for survival training, ugh. They are given a bunny on the first day and dumped out in the swamplands for 8 days and they have to eat their bunnyLOL Link! No no, trust me, that is WAY cooler than P'cola. A wet noodle is cooler than P'cola...
Deb, where do they do that? Down near Miami-ish? Tell him NOT to name the bunny!!!!!!!!!
What do they do with their bunny before they eat it?  Carry it around in a little pet taxi?  Do they bring food for it?  What if they start niticing how cute hte little furball is, and give it a name.  How can they eat Flopsy?They have to name it before heading out, and I asked him how he intended to keep it from running off while he slept and he had no answer for that. I told him to cook it right away and make jerky with the rest....Oh that's a good idea Deb.  Tell him to name it something ugly like "Poop-Face"......lmao, i think he is gonna name it dinner OMG!! HILARIOUS!!! That's even better!!! Hahahaha
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