Changing Doctors - Have Questions | Arthritis Information


So far I have seen one rheumy for my joint pain, back in August/Sept. I didn't really like him, I felt he was cold and uncaring and his staff was less than helpful to say the least.  My diagnosis was inflammatory polyarthritis, my blood work and x rays were all normal.  So  I took the meds he prescribed, felt better, decided I was cured and stopped everything on my own in December (bad, I know but the meds were causing a lot of yucky side effects).  Except for ongoing problems with 2 joints in my left foot I was doing pretty good until about a week ago when the joint pain/swelling/stiffness in my hands, wrists and feet started coming back like before. Now I'm thinking I should probably see a different doctor but I'm not sure how to go about that.  I don't want to end up with another jerk.  And once I find one, would it be better to take all the labs, etc. from last summer or start with a blank slate?  Also, does anyone here see a DO rather than an MD? I found one in my insurance list who says she specializes in rheumatology.  I would ask my PCP for a referral but he recently moved away and I'm in the market for a new one of those too. How does one go about finding a new doctor? It seems like such a shot in the dark to just randomly pick someone's name off a list based solely on their specialty and proximity to your house.  Anyone in the Pittsburgh area know of a good rheumy and/or internist? Thanks in advance for any thoughts/advice and wishing you all a comfortable day.

I found my current RD through my insurance provider book, former doctor referral and the internet. I looked up the RD's that were listed in my insurance book and then looked up their website. Lots of them have websites now. I looked at the doctors and found the youngest looking one in the group. The way I look at it is that I'm fairly young and I'm going to have many years ahead of me with this diease and it's treatment. I want a doctor that will grow with me verses one that's going to retire once he actually gets to know me and my health well. I don't want to have to start this process all over again anytime soon.
As for you not taking your's your body and your choice to make. I think we've all gone through a period where we thought we were "Cured" (At least the lucky ones of us) and thought we didn't need the medication. After serveral months we soon find that we do indeed need the medication and it's easier for us to accept the fact that we'll need a maintenance medication for the rest of our lives regardless of the way we feel. I think that's just something you'll have to learn on your own.
Definately find a new doctor. This is a long term relationship. Mine has already out lived my first marriage. You want to be with a person that you trust, like and respect.....and you want the same in return. You deserve that and if that's not what your getting from the other guy; move on.
 Good Luck
Thanks Lovie and Snow Owl for your suggestions and support, it means a lot.  I managed to get a referral to a rheumy from someone I met on another board who happens to live near me.  According to her this is a very compassionate and caring doctor who also has JRA.  But when I called they wouldn't give me an appt., they just took my name and said they'll call me back, maybe tomorrow.  And so I wait...  Often a call from another doctor will get you right in. Well; maybe not right in....but on the calendar anyway.
I see you are in-between GP's so that might be difficult; but don't give up.
