OT I'm sick! Dx me! | Arthritis Information


Back to the dr. for me today.  Started running a temp last Thursday.  Terrible leg pain, cough, but no stuffy or runny nose.

Sick Friday, same symptoms, then when fever was 100.6 Sat. a.m., I went to Urgent Care.
They were telling everybody it was a 2 hour wait, but told me 30 min.  Skipped me ahead of a pregnant woman running a temp!
My temp was 99.8.  Stuck sticks up my nose, but no flu.  Dr. said must be bronchitis (I've had that before and it didn't feel like it) and gave me a Zith Tri-pack and inhaler, said take Advil and Mucinex.
Felt a little better Sunday, much better Monday.  Yesterday was good, until bedtime.  After going up and down the stairs, etc., it was hard to breath.  Used the inhaler, which I hate.  Got in bed with chills and major leg pain again.  Temp 100.2, and I'm off antibiotics now (but I guess Zith is still my system).
Bad dreams, nightmares, thought I was going to die!  Just total panic!  Can that be from the inhaler?  Did I tell you I hate it?
Temp 99.2 this a.m.  Going to the GP today (not mine, couldn't get an appt., seeing somebody I've never seen...)  I wish I could just go back to Urgent Care, they are really nice, but they said see your GP if you don't get better.  He said I might need a chest x-ray.   I wish he hadn't said that, because if they don't do one, what do I do?  "Um, the other dr. said...."    
Is there a rash on the leg or hip of the leg with pain? Look closely.

Sorry you aren't feeling well. I had major panic when I had to take an inhaler. It made me all jittery, like I needed to jump out of my skin! I won't take one ever again.

No rash.  I've had this symptom before, never explained, so maybe when I'm very sick it just happens?  Almost exactly a year ago was the last time I was really sick (gastro thing, needed IV fluids before it was over) and my legs felt the same way and it never 'fit'.  It isn't joint, it is more achy, crampy and it moves around and it also gives me some (just some) relief to move them - which is why last year they kept saying, "Is it like that thing on the commercial?  Restless Leg Syndrome?"  That made me mad, that they would refer to a commercial.
Christina - thanks for sharing that the inhaler bothers you, too.  Maybe they will say I can stop using it. 
Multiple Symptom Checker
Don't put much stock into this dx but hey, you asked............................LEV

Results: 3 causes of Cough AND Fever AND Leg pain

levlarry2008-02-06 09:18:07LOL Lev.  I'm going to say zith doesn't knock down a fever due to cancer and cross my fingers for pneumonia!Suzanne... albuterol and similar inhalers tend to make people jittery, shaky, etc.  My heart tends to race up and skip a few beats if I have to use albuterol.  Definitely talk to the doctor about it if it is troublesome!

As for the mystery disease... no idea!  Be sure to let us know what the doctor says!!!
The more symptoms added the more  narrowed the possibilities.  Sounds to me like a respiratory with a cough that bothers the sciatic nerve...........................LEVPlease, please, please, tell me you took priobiotics.
And...um...no idea.  You'd know pneumonia...feels like bronchitus but it's smellier and hurts more.
"Partially Treated Bronchitis"
Works for me!  I like this GP, might dump my regular one (who isn't bad, just not talkative, too serious).  The one today was great, and kept apologizing that it took so long.  Huh?  I told her I didn't think I had waited at all - I saw her, had labs, a chest x-ray, then saw her again, and was out the door in 45 minutes total!!!
Now I've got Levaquin for ten days and cough syrup.  No more inhaler.  It says Levaquin may cause dizziness and don't drive until you know what it does to you.  So none of that until I get the girls from school. 
Now, let's hope my legs don't hurt.....because isn't Levaquin that tendon bursting side effect med????  How will I know LOL????  I was going to ask, but felt that would be in 'obnoxious patient' territory.  It's a rare side effect, it's a rare side effect, it's a rare side effect.....
Thanks everybody!  And Lev, you are probably right about the sciactic nerve (scoliosis with an unhooked Harrington rod here) - coughing this time, vomiting last year probably set something off both times. 
Probiotics!  Lots of them!
That 'partially treated bronchitis' ringing any bells?  Myco's!  I see myco's.
OK, got to breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out!
I think people who have undiagnosed "lurking" RA have a mother-of-all-herxes when they take Levaquin. I read on the road back BB that Levaquin actually kills mycos instead of just inhibiting them like tetracyclines, but this is "new" information so I don't know how accurate it is. Anyway, a lot of people report RA-like symptoms when on this drug and a herx would be one way to explain that. Suzanne - Levaquin got rid of a killer sinus infection when nothing else worked.  BUT - it did make me quite dizzy and tired, gave me a headache and I had trouble sleeping. Do be careful!!!!  Make sure you take the first one when you don't have to go anywhere for a while, just in case it makes you dizzy/tired/etc.  Oh and I think you're supposed to drink lots of water while taking it too.
I'll let you know tomorrow.
Hubby took it for walking pneumonia a few years ago.  He said he had no problems on it, ran everyday (well, he would run everyday no matter what because he has an addiction).  He is conveniently out of town until Friday, too.  Sigh. 
Jas - it says it may cause drowsiness, but I'd rather be sleepless with hubby gone than knocked out.  The dr. said the cough medicine didn't have codeine and wouldn't make me drowsy, but the pharm label says it does cause drowsiness.
From my understanding, levaquin has a high allergy rate. Just an FYI. Justin took it one time, and was fine, but the next time he had it was a "call the f***** nurse NOW, no one's skin should look like that" kind of moment. Very weird. All the nurses have said it bothers a lot of people.
And then again, when it works for you oh, LORD DOES IT WORK!!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you! I want it to work for ya!!! *hugs*
arriscolwell2008-02-06 15:09:02Thanks Katie!  Don't know if it is working, but I am not dizzy or rashy.  So far so good. 
I did have another...symptom....pre-Levaquin.  My period started again.  Had it last week.  Went away on schedule.  Have it again.  I am a certain age, you know, but really didn't need something else piled on to my misery.  
Oh good lord. Someone's testing you. LOL
"Hmmm, which straw is gonna SNAP this camel!??!"
The last time you had this pain and stuff, did you get your period too???? If so, I wonder if it's hormonal?

No, not last year.  I actually really remember that, because when they did a urine sample they asked that.

It's so funny I really know it was almost exactly a year ago.  The whole week was a blur of Anna Nicole Smith and Gatorade.  I was so sick right when she died, and just stayed in bed watching the coverage.

Yes, the inhalers cause the shakes because of the steroids in them.  If you need one because of a lung problem I really recommend you use it.  The alternative to not using it is well...pretty scary.  I still get the shakes from nebulizer treatments.  It is just one of those things we have to put up with in order to BREATHE sometimes lol.   If your heart races from the inhaler, try taking Co-Q10 - it helps me.
Hope you feel better quickly, Suzanne.
Suzanne - I am so sorry you are so sick.  Not fun at all.  We have an epidemic going on down here in SWFL with bronchitis, upper respiratory, etc., just alot of very very very sick people.   Staying home for days, up to a week, which is unusual.  Everybody is on antibiotics - NEXT, ZEE WORLD IS OURS !!!!!!  LOL  Take care and I hope it all goes away quick like a bunny ~~ CathyThanks Liz and Karen, but my new favorite GP said not to use the inhaler anymore!  She gave me cough medicine to hack it all up instead of leaving it clogged, I guess.
Cathy - hubby is in Naples, so I guess if I didn't send him down there with it, he'll have it when he gets back???? 
Suzanne, if he flew, guaranteed.  Air travel is the most disgusting thing you have to do.  I almost always get sick after a flight.  You sent him to Naples and you didn't tell me?  We would have at least kept an eye on him for you :)  We could have shown him all the highlights, like how the town rolls up around 9:00 and goes to bed.  It's hilarious - the traffic lights go to blinking at alot of intersections.  Hope you are better ~~ CathyHey, Suzanne! Are you feeling any better today?So Suzanne,
Do I like win a prize for diagnosing you correctly, you know, maybe a couple tickets to Disneyworld or Disneyland, either or......................................LEV
Mrs. A - I am feeling better, thank you!
Cathy - Hubby travels so much, I often don't know where he is!  I thought he was back at the Hard Rock where Anna Nicole died and was worried he might get wrapped up in some anniversary commotion, but he said no, Naples.  I'll find out what he did.  He generally makes the best of business travel, but still whines about it.  I would kill to do it again - no dishes, nobody to get ready for bed except me.....
Lev, now when did you say "Partially Treated Bronchitis"????  LOL.  Your prize will have to be a place in my heart, as every time my legs are killling me I will think, "I have messed up my sciatic nerve, like Lev said."  Last year, I told the ER dr., "Could violently vomiting and also collapsing to the floor hard enough  to cause these giant bruises have caused this unhooked rod in my back to move somehow and now it is pressing on something and causing this terrible leg pain?"   And he said it was possible, but not likely.  Then he said maybe it was like that thing on TV.  That was more likely to him, apparently.  But you knew, Lev, you knew.
To those curious about Levaquin (the other lev of this thread):  It likes me, it really likes me.  Feeling much better, no pains, or flu-like symptoms.  It does make me a little thirsty, it seems, but that is fine since it says to drink a lot of water with it.  Easy to do, when you are thirsty, right?     

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