Caught between a flare and a sinus infection | Arthritis Information


Not that my symptoms were ever under control, but after last Tuesday and this Tuesday's aquatic physical therapy appts, I have been having bad flares with pain in my hands, ankles, feet, shoulders, back and some overall fibro-type pain as well.  The "can't move, extra meds don't help, don't know what to do with myself" type of flare.  Meanwhile, my never-ending sinus infection (9 weeks and counting) hasn't ended, even after completing my 4th course of antibiotics.

My problem (if you could say there was only one...) is that I need to get a lumbar epidural nerve block to try to reduce my low back pain (L3-4, L4-5, L5-S1), which is what affects my standing and walking the most.  However, the dr doesn't want to do it until I am done with the antibiotics and rid of the sinus infection.  I am getting the feeling that I will not be able to get rid of the sinus infection until I reduce/cut off my Imuran and take antibiotics at the same time.  The problem is that with the pain flares, I am reluctant to even think about reducing the Imuran.
So...right now I am trying to decide whether to make an appt with my GP now and discuss that possibility, or wait until after the flares have subsided, or wait until I see my RD on the 19th.  I am supposed to have another PT appt tomorrow, but I may have to skip it like I did last week.
Ugh, why can't I just have one thing at a time. how much Imuran are you on?
I am suppose to be taking 200mg, but I have only been taking 100mg... because 200mg make me feel kinda "weird". Told RD about it she said taking 100mg was fine, but if my swelling got worse to up it to 200mg for a while then go back down to 100mg. And when 100mg feels like it is not working to do 150mg.
I am liking the Imuran... it has really helped with my swelling and that was before Remicade.
I am sorry you are sick & hurting again. I hope you feel better soon.

Oh, and I just thought of something else.  My RD was going to potentially start me on Orencia after my visit on the 19th, but I'm guessing not if I still have this #$%*!# infection.  Grrrrrr.

My RD gave me the impression that 200mg was the max. She said "We will start out at the highest dose possible, 200mg. Then we will adjust it on your next visit if it needs adjusting."
Well... I really really hope it clears up for you soon! You need some relief!
I love OT, except when it pushes me onto page 2. Wow. I dunno. Do they think you're not fighting the infection right because of the Imuran? Or do they not know why?
I had a WICKED WICKED infection in my ear for 3 months. My doc finally said "eff it" and put me on some killer stuff they use for people who go to like...China...and drink the water. LOL But you know what, it worked when nothing else would. Maybe you need something more than the standard??
