Martial Arts | Arthritis Information


I have been taking Karate for about 6 months now and I really love it. Sometimes it is hard, and sometimes I dont want to go to class but I do anyways and I always feel great afterwards. For anyone looking for a fun way to exercise, Martial Arts are worth considering. There are many forms with many levels of contact. There is also Tai Chi and Yoga for those wanting to stretch more and move more gently. These are great stepping stones to contact Martial Arts as well. I take American Karate where we wear head gear and  foot and hand gear. We work on techniques like punches, kicks, strikes and blocks. We also learn Kata which is like fighting an imaginary opponent with a set of predetermined movements, and then we spar. There are tournaments in which we do Kata and sparring and there are weekend camps and seminars to go to for fun. It is a blast, it is very positive and the people are wonderful. We are constantly working with kids though adults at all skill levels so there is never an attitude of one group being "better" than another. My kids have been it for over a year and have had the benefit of great confidence building.

I highly recommend MA to anyone wanting to exercise and have fun. Dont think you cant do it, just try can do it if I can do it..and you will be hooked!Crunchy...Have you entered any tournaments?  If you have, how did it go?  Do you have any problems due to your RA?
Please keep us updated.  I love the martial arts and have been hesitant (for quite some time) about doing it.
Yay, another martial artist! I do Kali and I have the best teachers, both elderly and suffering from osteoarthritis, so they are very understanding of my RA. On my good days, we practice with sticks, knives, and self-defense moves, on bad days I watch or work on forms (like katas). I've stopped going to class for the summer because I moved for a summer job and I miss it!