eye tests - on plaquenil | Arthritis Information


Hi I was wondering how often those on plaquenil have eye tests done. I had my pupils enlarged and checked the other day and the eye specialist said it has to be done every two years. This seems a long time between visits, so I was wondering if thats the normal.Seems like when I was put on Plaquenil, my eye dr & RD said every 6 months. I am so glad I did not last on that med, as seeing an eye dr every 6 months would have tortured me! OH and do not take what I said a truth, as that was 7 years ago when I was put on Plaquenil. And most times I cannot even remember what was said or happened the day before. LOL!

Hope you are doing well!Well, I had a baseline done, before I filled the script.  The rheumy said nothing about doing this, but then he didn't order baselines for xrays either, so I had my Chiropractor take them. 
I had a corneal eye ulcer about 6 weeks ago.  My vision was/is blurring, and I had troubles with the field vision tests, so yes, something is going on with my eyes. 
I just have turned away from the traditional medical RA model, and am trying a different medical route.  Hope you get better soon ~~ Cathy
Cathy;  If the drug is not agreeing with you--don't keep taking it.  I had a bad re-action to it and stopped it after about 1 month.  When I went for my checkup, he asked how I was doing on it and I told him what happened.  If it does not agree with you, it does not agree with you.  I also felt I could not take ANY risk with my eyes.  Just too high a price to pay.  Cat - I did stop it.  In fact I stopped three scripts.  Now, looking back, I didn't realize how sick I felt on them.  I was so sick when I started them and nothing really changed, I didn't really think too much about it.  But with them out of my system and on a different medication regime, I am doing much better.  I stopped the Plaquenil on my own, as I totally agree with you - my sight is too important.  Thanks ~~ Cathy
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